Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 129 The ambitions of the motherland are clearly visible!

"Delay with them and hope the CIA can arrive in time."

Just as Billy and the others were entangled with the New York police.

A news report about Compound No. 5 instantly spread to all major news media and occupied the hot list of all social software. The speed of public opinion fermentation was like pouring gasoline into a straw pile, and a spark started a firestorm. The fire spread across the United States like a prairie fire!

"Next, NBC will give you the latest news about Vought. According to the CIA, they have obtained key evidence of Vought's crimes. They will file criminal charges against the Vought Group for multiple crimes including injecting illegal drugs into children. Civil lawsuit.

It's hard to imagine that those superheroes are actually products produced by the Vought Group. It's simply shocking and angry.

If the Vought Group is found guilty, it means that "Superheroes are God's People" is a shocking scam that has been going on for more than half a century! I can't imagine how many babies died in this experiment. Did their parents know about it?

NBC will continue to follow up on this gruesome scandal. "

In the living room of the villa, Xia Shang was enjoying breakfast in front of the TV, which included a sandwich, a thick-cut steak and a glass of pure milk.

After listening to NBC's report, he picked up the remote control and switched to several other channels, such as ABC, CNN, etc. These news media seemed to have agreed in advance to face Walt at the same time. Chase and fight fiercely! Trying to spread this matter to the entire United States as quickly as possible.

Xia Shang did not believe that there was no effort from the US government behind these news media.

At this time, interviews with Maeve's father and other superhuman relatives were playing on the TV screen.

"Queen Maeve's father and Starlight's mother have publicly stated that they are unaware of the existence of Compound No. 5. As for whether Walter has injected Compound No. 5 into their children, they have no knowledge of this.

At present, Watt Group has not issued any announcement. We hope that Watt can stand up and formally respond to this matter! "

When Starlight's mother and Queen Maeve's father saw something was wrong, they immediately cut themselves off from the Vought Company and packaged themselves as unwitting victims.

At this time, public opinion on the Internet was in an uproar. People were worried about whether their children had been injected with compound No. 5 by Walter. For a moment, Walter's stock price plummeted, and a nearly vertical red line was shocking!

At this moment, Xia Shang's cell phone placed on the coffee table suddenly vibrated violently.

Xia Shang picked it up and saw that the caller was Edgar, the president of Walter.

"Mr. Edgar, it's me, Jervis."

"In twenty minutes, I will hold an emergency meeting and call all the executives of the public relations department to come to the conference room for the meeting. By the way, when you come to Watt, remember to buy a copy of the New York Daily News, which will contain the reasons for my meeting." After that, Edgar hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

Later, on his way to the Watt Building, Xia Shang bought a New York Daily News from a roadside newsstand.

When he returned to the car, he unfolded the daily newspaper in his hand and saw that one-third of the sections above were related to Walter. The headlines in it were as exaggerated as they were. No wonder it caught people's attention immediately.

The first scandal in history! Count Walt’s sins in detail!

The CIA speaks out, is Vought really doomed?

Children's Hospital and Walter colluded to secretly create superhuman beings!

Many parents of superheroes said that they did not know and they were the victims of this incident!

The end of the superhero industry is coming! Will Walter disappear into the dust of history?

...These titles and the content inside them all say one thing without exception, that is, Walt is finished! Completely finished!

As the saying goes, when a whale dies, everything survives. Seeing that Walter is about to be doomed, some companies that compete with Walter immediately fell into a carnival.

When Xia Shang's pickup truck parked downstairs in the Watt Building, an eagle-eyed reporter immediately recognized it as Vice President Watt's car.

"That's the car of Walter Vice President Jervis, let's stop him quickly and don't let him run away."

Seeing the reporters swarming towards him like zombies, Xia Shang couldn't help but spit out a curse word: "Xie Te!"

Fortunately, he reacted in time and drove the car into Walter's underground parking garage, and then used the elevator in the parking garage to reach the lobby on Walter's first floor.

I saw that all the staff in the hall were in a mess. Most of them were whispering nervously, like headless flies.

Until Xia Shang appeared in a suit.

The situation was slightly stabilized.

"Walter hired you not to chat with each other. You are required to get back to your work stations within three minutes, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel." Xia Shang's indifferent eyes made the staff present lower their heads. .

at the same time.

In the Hero Conference Hall on the 99th floor of the Watt Building, Edgar has summoned the Super Seven to start a meeting.

"I know I rarely come to the Ninety-ninth Floor, and I'm sorry for that, but critical periods like now can often make us sober, don't they? Please don't forget that we are related to a great, harmonious and huge... Live and work together for Walter's company.

This is also the key to our solution, we have to unite, this must be our first priority, and this can change the current public opinion,"

The locomotive was a little puzzled by Edgar's words.

"Do you want us to arrest people? Catch all those who spread public opinion? Then you have to notify the Public Relations Department and the Legal Department in advance. I don't want to become a street rat." Locomotive spread his hands to express that he did not want to help.

"There's no time." Before Edgar could finish his words, he was interrupted by Queen Maeve on the side.

"Sorry, I don't think we need to wipe your butts."

Obviously, they were not as united as Edgar imagined. In the end, the motherland said: "Okay, we really have to unite at the critical moment."

Edgar was about to praise the people of his motherland, but unexpectedly his words changed.

"You know, after all, it was Walter who trained us, not him." The motherland man stood up and pointed at Edgar, and continued: "He never cared about us, he only regarded us as Walter's products. In this case, who Will you care about Walter’s life and death again?”

The motherland's speech made Edgar's face turn pale. There was a hint of threat in his eyes as he said, "I advise you to think carefully before speaking."

However, the people of the motherland ignored his threats.

"It's not Walt who made us, it's us who made Walt. We superheroes are a family." At this time, the ambitions of the motherland are clearly visible. In the eyes of the motherland, it doesn't matter whether Walt has Edgar or not. But the only thing that cannot be missing is him.

Storm Girl, who was sitting in the original position of the invisible person, showed an expression that was not too big a deal. She looked at the scene in front of her with a smile on her lips.

Bang bang bang! ! There was a knock on the door. Seeing someone knocking on the door, Ashley in the conference room quickly opened the door, then turned to Edgar and said, "It's Mr. Jervis."

"Let him in." Edgar said solemnly.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time."

As soon as Xia Shang walked into the conference room, he could feel the extremely dull atmosphere.

"Listen, I will take my family and deal with those guys." After saying that, the motherland man left the conference room with a cold face.

Afterwards, Xingguang and others also left one by one.

Edgar felt very unhappy about the Super Seven's blatant attempt to force him to have a baby, but he knew that now was not the time to pursue the case. How to resolve the issue of public opinion was the top priority.

"Notify the Public Relations Department, Propaganda Department and Legal Department to come here for a meeting."

Edgar brought Xia Shang to his usual conference hall.

"As you can see, since Madeleine died, he has become uncontrollable. I really should have stuffed a remote-controlled bomb into his butt when he was young." Edgar, sitting in the first place, said He put on his rimless glasses and said expressionlessly.

"Mr. President, do you remember Ryan?"

Xia Shang opened the chair next to Edgar's right hand and sat down. "It is precisely because the people of the motherland are in desperate need of love that he regards Madeleine as his sustenance. Now that Madeleine is dead, it is equivalent to losing the shackles of love." His rope, so he becomes uncontrollable and we just have to put a new rope on him.

He will become as obedient as before. "

"Keep talking, I'm more interested in this topic." Deep in Edgar's eyes, a trace of surprise flashed, but he covered it up well. He remained expressionless, looking forward to Xia Shang's answer.

"Ryan, that's the new rope."

"What we have to do is to continuously instill the concept of Walter in Ryan's mind. As long as he is loyal enough to Walter, he can contain the people of the motherland." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Do you still remember my previous plan? For this, I want to establish a new department, the Superhero Education Department, and I already have a candidate for the minister, that is the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Morand."

Metzmer's superpower is overkill for spying on intelligence.

Being able to peer into other people's hearts, know what the other person wants and desires, and then use human nature to subtly transform the other person. This is the correct way to unlock mind reading, brainwashing! An ability that once almost overturned the world!

"It's a good idea. We did this to the people of the motherland before, but as you can see, it was an extremely failed plan." Edgar's idea was to train the people of the motherland to be loyal to Walter. Super hero.

But it failed. This kind of thing may be effective for ordinary people.

But for powerful superhumans like the people of the motherland, the effect is very poor and even causes backlash.

However, Edgar did not completely reject Xia Shang's plan.

"To be honest, when I see you, I seem to see myself in the past. Your idea is very good. Binding Ryan to Walter Company can indeed effectively contain the people of the motherland, but if you want to completely control him, you need to show up. An equally formidable competitor.”

The equally powerful competitor Edgar mentioned was naturally referring to Storm Girl.

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