Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 130 Public opinion reverses! Dead people can't speak

Chapter 130 Public opinion reverses! Dead people can't speak!

As heads of public relations and other departments arrived one after another, the emergency meeting officially began.

At the same time, Billy really messed up things. Before he could wait for the CIA's rescue, the rats in the cabin used cans to cut the ropes and bandages.

Under the control of the mouse's telekinesis, the anchor flew out of the sea. Although it did not hit Billy, it knocked down the helicopter in the air. Watching the helicopter crash into the sea, all Huey could do was to throw down the few lifebuoys on the ship. .

Compared to Huey, Billy didn't care about the life and death of those policemen. When he saw the mouse jumping into the sea and disappearing, he immediately started the engine and fled.

He had no choice but to contact Mallory again, but Mallory complained that Billy's super power was to mess up everything.

Under the current situation, she could not send anyone to support Billy. She could only let Billy find a way to catch the mouse again and send him to the CIA stronghold in New York City.

The scene comes to Edgar's side.

He lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist, then raised his eyelids and looked at everyone: "You also know the current situation of Walter. Let's talk about your thoughts on how to reverse public opinion."

After Edgar finished speaking, everyone around the conference table looked at him and then fell silent.

In the end, it was the Minister of Justice, Keith Kirk, who really couldn't stand Edgar's death stare, and took the initiative to break the weird atmosphere.

"Nowadays, the public opinion that is unfavorable to Vought is getting more and more intense, and the CIA has filed criminal charges against us. I am afraid that public opinion cannot be changed. We can only minimize Vought's losses. However, this requires Vought to pay a lot of money." and some political donations.”

Keith Coker's intention was very euphemistic. He wanted to pay a hush fee to silence the media, and then sought the help of government officials to help suppress public opinion.

In fact, normally speaking, his idea is completely fine. This is the preferred solution for most companies when negative public opinion arises.

Unfortunately, this was not the answer Edgar wanted to hear.

"Franco, I want to hear your thoughts." So Edgar turned his attention to Rush Franco, who was the Minister of Propaganda Department.

Rush Franco said with a look of embarrassment: "Keith's plan will definitely not work. The reason why public opinion fermented so quickly is impossible without the help of the government. The directors and deputy directors of the news media and I Although they did not say the specific reason, it can be inferred that the US government is behind it."

"If you want to solve public opinion through propaganda, you can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Now this public opinion has been so hyped that no one cares even if Leonardo DiCaprio dies on a plane. We are now It’s hard to divert the masses’ attention elsewhere when the nation is focused on it.”

"How about I bring out some negative news about celebrities? Tax evasion and so on, and see the effect?" Keith Kirk coughed twice nervously.

"Don't waste time. The longer the time drags on, the greater our loss will be at Walt."

Edgar took off his glasses tiredly, and took a sip of the espresso at hand. As the president of Walter, it was impossible for him to show his tired look at this critical moment, because he knew very well that if even he himself If he feels that this matter cannot be solved, then the people under him will definitely lose their support.

What's more, he has already thought of a countermeasure.

"Jervis, it's your turn to speak."

In his opinion, Jervis's problem was that he didn't like to take the initiative to speak. However, this may be related to the fact that he is Asian. Asians seem to be a bit "shy" and not very pushy. They are simply too stable.

Seeing Edgar's calm eyes, Xia Shang knew that he had noticed in his heart, and he just wanted to test himself.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at him, Xia Shang spread his hands and said with an innocent expression: "What does this matter have to do with us, Walter? Wasn't it all Madeline's doing? We, Walter, didn't know about it. , we Walter are also victims."

hiss! ! In the conference room, there were gasps of air-conditioning. Their eyes were particularly shocked, and at the same time full of admiration. They had finally seen what it means to be thick and black, and what it means to reverse facts.

It's really like bullying someone who is dead and can't speak.

But I have to say that this solution is perfect. Everyone is dead anyway, so they can take the blame however they want.

Madeleine could not lift the lid of the coffin and come out to refute them.

"Jervis, from what I know about you, there should be more than that." A sincere smile appeared on Edgar's face, and he encouraged Xia Shang to continue speaking with his eyes.

Xia Shang followed his gaze and nodded, and continued: "Placing all the responsibility on Madeline is only the first step. If I remember correctly, Walter should have signed confidentiality agreements with the parents of those superhumans. Now they They are all eager to cut off from Walter, and we can threaten them with prosecution.

Let them say in front of the media that it was Madeleine who found them with the confidentiality agreement, and Madeleine told them that if the secret was leaked, they would have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. Therefore, they could only express their gratitude to the five Compound No. is unknown. "

"Second, package us as victims and let the Super Seven stand up and accuse Madeleine. At the same time, we assure the public that we, Walt, will use compound No. 5 reasonably and legally, and we, Walt, are willing to give it to children from poor families. An opportunity that could change fate if the United States defines No. 5 compound as an illegal drug.

We can produce evidence that compound No. 5 is also used in the military. "

"In addition, we at Walt will establish charitable kindergartens, as well as primary schools, middle schools, high schools and even universities. We will only accept superhuman beings, and will provide a large scholarship fund to poor families... "

"Wait, I have a question."

Rush Franco raised his hand to interrupt Xia Shang's speech.

Xia Shang smiled and asked him to speak.

"But we, Walt, can't afford so many superhumans. Besides, is it really necessary to invest such a large sum of money? This will reduce Walt's profits. I'm afraid those shareholders will not agree. Moreover, how can we ensure that Compound No. 5 does not Leak, as far as I know, compound No. 5 is extremely harmful to adults."

Rush Franco's words were recognized by others, who wanted to know how Xia Shang could solve these problems.

Even Edgar on the side felt that Xia Shang had taken too big a step all of a sudden, and the top priority now was to reverse public opinion rather than popularize Compound No. 5 for the common people.

The risk is too high and it is completely unnecessary.

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