Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 131 Walter is also a victim of this accident!

"First of all, let me explain the first question. Franco, you said that Walt can't afford so many superhumans, but have you ever thought that Walt doesn't need to be responsible for those superhumans at all, and we can even take them Sell ​​it as a product.

Everyone must be aware of the profits in the human resources industry, not to mention that what we provide is superhuman beings. "

Xia Shang knew very well that Edgar was a pure businessman. He only pursued the interests of the company. As long as it made him feel profitable, he could even connive at the motherland to secretly create super extremists.

Although the mortality rate of adults injected with compound No. 5 is not high, just like the Billy people in the original work.

But this is only limited to the first few injections. For ordinary people, the more injections of compound No. 5, the faster they die. If a person truly becomes a superpower, he knows how many injections are needed.

"There is no problem with the logic, so the college plan you proposed before is to create a complete supply chain." Edgar said.

"Yes, as for where the funds for the college project will come from, I think their daily lives can be filmed into reality shows or other variety shows or film and television dramas. I dare not say that it will be an instant hit, but at least the principal can be recovered. "Xia Shang talked eloquently about this, and everyone present was thinking about whether Xia Shang's plan was feasible.

"Let's put this topic aside for now. We are currently discussing how to solve the problem of public opinion."

Edgar tapped his fingertips on the table, ready to steer the conversation on the right track.

"Sorry." Xia Shang smiled apologetically.

"The third step to change public opinion requires an opportunity, an opportunity for super terrorists to attack the United States. We must make Americans realize that we, Vought, are indispensable. Only we can protect the safety of the people and wait for the people of the motherland. They take out the terrorists and we can make a big deal about it.

Screaming slogans at the same time, Walt and the superheroes are both victims of this accident! In the end, Starlight and others came forward and said that they did not regret becoming superhumans. They would rather sacrifice their identities as ordinary people to become superheroes to protect the United States.

This step is to win the sympathy of the people. Well, that’s all I have to say. "

As Xia Shang's words fell, Franco on the side couldn't help but said: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Mr. Jervis, I would have thought that this was a plan that you spent a month or more coming up with. It's simply It is too complete and very feasible. I agree with Mr. Jervis’s plan.”

Seeing this, Edgar turned his attention to the other people: "Who among you has a different opinion? If not, just do what Jervis said."

Several executives in the conference room shook their heads. They were not blind. The expression on the big boss's face clearly showed that he was very satisfied with Jervis's plan. Even if one or two people wanted to question it, they closed their eyes tightly. mouth.

"Since everyone has no objections, then this meeting..." Just when Edgar was about to announce the dissolution of the meeting, his mobile phone suddenly received a text message from the Ministry of Defense.

The content of the briefing was very simple. The New York police were attacked by super terrorists in a sea area, and the Vought Company was required to dispatch the Super Seven as soon as possible to deal with the super terrorists.

After reading the text message, Edgar raised his head and put down the phone.

"In an emergency, a super terrorist appeared on the east coast of the United States. The Department of Defense requires us to dispatch a Super Seven team as soon as possible to deal with the terrorist. Today's meeting will be extended by two hours. I will send someone to broadcast it live."

the other side.

On the yacht less than one kilometer away from the coastline, Billy was pointing at Frankie's nose and yelling curses. After inspection, he discovered the fragments of the can that Frankie had left in the cabin.

However, while Frankie was being trained, Huey suddenly pointed at the TV screen and said happily: "Look, the TV is reporting the news about Compound No. 5. The trading volume of Watt shares decreased by 68% in the morning. And it continues to fall. If the CIA's accusations are proven, the guys in the Vought Group will each face ten to fifteen years in prison."

"Oh, doesn't it mean that Walter is about to finish playing and I can be reunited with my family soon." A smile appeared on Mother's face.

"It's finally over, we made it."

Huey spread his hands toward everyone, showing an expression of surprise and surprise: "I don't know how to express my feelings at the moment. Walt is finished. We killed him."

Listening to the news anchor's voice on the TV, everyone was very excited except Billy. However, because Billy messed up the mouse incident, his mood dropped to freezing point. He no longer cares about the life and death of Walter and the people of the motherland. He just wants to find his wife Bega.

As time passed, the pale golden coastline appeared in front of Billy's eyes.

Suddenly, the yacht under his feet shook violently, as if it had hit something. Soon, the fins of a group of sharks cut through the sea and attacked the yacht.

Without saying a word, Billy picked up the rifle beside him and fired continuously at the sharks, but with little effect.

"Go on." Billy suddenly realized a very serious problem.

After throwing the rifle to the breast, he hurried towards the bilge of the cabin. The scene that appeared in front of him was exactly what he did not want to see. He saw that seawater had seeped into the hull and was about to flood half of the cabin.

He immediately shouted to everyone: "The bottom of the boat was cracked by those sharks, everyone move now."

After saying that, he jumped onto the kayak nearby. After everyone got on board, he untied the rope connecting the kayak and the yacht.

At the same time, several news trucks parked on the beach on the coast. Along with them, the man from the motherland slowly descended from the sky, and the storm girl with lightning lingering beside him.

The way the two of them appeared was eye-catching, especially the good-looking Storm Girl, who was particularly eye-catching.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Storm Girl. Nice to meet you all." As soon as Storm Girl appeared, she enthusiastically greeted the people playing on the beach.

Seeing that the limelight that originally belonged to them was snatched away by Storm Girl, the faces of the people of the motherland were a little ugly.

However, when he saw the camera lens extended from the news truck, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, revealing a kind smile.

Soon, several people from the locomotive arrived at the scene. At this time, the yacht on the sea was just a black spot the size of a sesame in their eyes. Currently, the deep sea was riding on the back of a humpback whale, directing a swarm of sharks to attack the kayak, as if The seemingly invisible sound of gunfire drifted into the ears of the motherland along the sea breeze.

In the eyes of the people of the motherland, one person in Shenhai is enough to deal with Billy and the others, and there is no need for him to do it himself.

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