Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 133 Do you know how to shoot lasers better than me? !

Fortunately, Storm Girl did not disappoint him. On the rooftop of the apartment building, she gradually tightened her grip on Kimiko's neck. In order to save Kimiko, the mouse who originally planned to use telekinesis to escape had to return the same way. Unfortunately, the two of them Even if she gets up, she can't beat Storm Girl.

As Kimiko was struck by a bolt of lightning, she was paralyzed and could only watch helplessly as the storm girl broke her brother's wrist.

This scene is extremely desperate.

"Now, you can't use that ridiculous magic." Storm Girl looked down at the mouse kneeling in front of her. She let go of her hands and grabbed Miyazaki Kenji's neck, "You know? I'm very I like the feeling of the light of life extinguishing."

Just when she was about to break Kenji Miyazaki's neck.

Miyazaki Kenji blushed and said: "You are strong, but there is someone stronger than you. He will kill you, he will kill you."

"Who is it?" Storm Girl's curiosity was aroused by Kenji Miyazaki's words.

"It's one..." Unexpectedly, in the next second, Kenji Miyazaki stretched out his arm and hooked Storm Girl's neck, then his legs suddenly exerted force, and he jumped off the rooftop with Storm Girl.

"Run away!" Miyazaki Kenji roared desperately in Japanese.

"You damn yellow-skinned monkey!"

In mid-air, Storm broke the mouse's neck, and boom! A corpse fell from the sky, and then Storm Girl appeared in front of the reporters like a savior.

"He is the threat member of this terrorist attack, and he is dead now." Storm Girl suppressed the anger in her heart, stepped on the mouse's head, and then smiled at the reporters.

There was a burst of applause at the scene, and reporters pressed the shutter one after another. Facing countless flashes, Storm Girl naturally assumed various victory poses. This made the people from the motherland who arrived later very unhappy. He leaned into Storm Girl's ear. , said softly: "You should leave him to me."

"You are moving too slowly, and the credit will not be waiting for you, old man." Storm Girl responded with a smile.

Soon, under the encouragement of the media, Storm Girl became a great hero who saved the people from the fire and water. For a time, Storm Girl was unparalleled in the limelight, and the people of the motherland were slightly bleak compared to her.

The people of the motherland realized at this time that Storm not only wanted to be a superhero, but she also had greater ambitions.

Afterwards, Xia Shang hosted Walter's first press conference for the public since the No. 5 compound scandal.

At the meeting, Xia Shang stated that Walt and the superheroes did not know anything about Compound No. 5, and that this was entirely the result of Madeline's control.

The place where Walt held the meeting was located in the lobby of a hospital in New York.

You can see that the hall is crowded with the injured in this incident and their families.

"To prove it, we specially invited Xingguang's mother, and then asked her to show everyone the contract in her hand."

"Not only her, but also many superhuman parents have signed Madeline's confidentiality agreement."

After Xingguang's mother finished showing the evidence, Xia Shang continued: "In addition, on behalf of all Walter employees, I would like to express my most sincere apology to everyone. At the same time, there is a serious question before us. That is a terrorist attack caused by super terrorists.

According to official statistics, the number of casualties this time was as high as 59. This shows that those terrorists have declared war on the United States. They have used all possible means to smuggle into the United States and are preparing to carry out unscrupulous attacks.

We have to admit that this incident would have been more terrifying. Fortunately, Storm Girl's timely action effectively prevented things from going into a worse direction. We hereby show that we, Watt, will be the last line to protect people's safety. Line of Defense, let’s invite Storm Girl to take the stage to speak. "

Amid applause, Storm came to the flashbulb.

At the same time, Billy and the others lived in a small room, watching the TV in silence.


A week has passed since the last attack.

The Water Building has returned to its former peace, and the publicity department is particularly busy. After all, Storm is popular, and they must strike while the iron is hot to arrange the next series of publicity activities for Storm.

Xia Shang's plan was also put on the agenda.

The selection event for the Little Seven has been widely spread among the people. Many superhuman parents have signed up with their children. At the same time, many parents have asked Walter how to obtain the qualifications to inject compound No. 5.

Although superhumans have lost the name "The Chosen One," you must know that Walter is currently most famous for being the Superhuman Agency, and the cultural influence of superheroes has spread all over the world.

As long as you can join Walter and become a member of the idol group, it means money, prestige, and everything that ordinary people pursue.

Some film and television stars even took the initiative to find Xia Shang and wanted to become superhuman. It can be said that during this period, Xia Shang experienced too many temptations.

In the training room on the 33rd floor of the Watt Building, Xia Shang and the Motherland were checking Ryan's training results.

There was a row of cans placed on the table in front of Ryan, and Ryan needed to use his laser eye to shoot them one by one.

"Concentrate, this should be easy for you." Seeing that Ryan couldn't hold back the laser for a long time, the people from the motherland on the side were anxious and wished they could demonstrate it to Ryan.

"No, I still can't do it."

Ryan blinked hard, but still no laser was fired.

"Don't worry, the more you urge him, the less able he will be to concentrate." Xia Shang adjusted his sitting posture and said.

"You know how to shoot a laser better than me?!"

The motherland man's face was livid, and he turned to look at Xia Shang, his eyes glowing red.

It has been a week since Xia Shang was robbed of his popularity by Storm Girl, and he has not seen him smile.

Coupled with Ryan's unsightly performance, the mood of the motherland is simply terrible.

"Do you want me to teach you personally?" The native stood up and came to Ryan's side. He pressed Ryan's shoulders and showed him the correct use of laser.

I saw two laser beams shot out from the eyes of the motherland, and accurately cut off the row of cans on the table.

"If you still can't do it, then go back to your mother and be a good baby."

"Is that okay?" Ryan was even looking forward to it.

"Fake!" The motherland was so angry at this rebellious son that he wanted to crush Ryan's shoulders. However, after all, he was his son. The motherland could only suppress his anger and said to Xia Shang in a deep voice: "In his Don’t inform me before you master how to use your superpowers. My patience is very limited, so don’t force me to teach him personally.”

After saying that, the motherland man left the training room angrily.

After he left, Ryan cautiously approached Xia Shang. He took out a crumpled note from his arms and handed it to Xia Shang: "This is what someone put in my room at noon yesterday. The contents on it are Really?"

Under Metzmer's guidance, the relationship between Ryan and Xia Shang has been improving day by day. Although Ryan is still unwilling to call him godfather, the relationship between the two is much more familiar than before.

"Some things need to be seen with one's own eyes. Come on, I'll take you to the selection event to have some fun and relax."

Xia Shang glanced at the content on the paper and said.

Unexpectedly, Billy and the others reacted very quickly, and actually planned to use this method to sow discord between Ryan and the people of the motherland.

He also read the charges against people from the motherland, and they were basically true, but the evidence was mixed between true and false, and the credibility was not high.


"Lane! Lane!!"

A selection event in Queens, New York.

Ryan's appearance immediately aroused cheers from the audience. After all, under Walt's marketing, he was dubbed "the son of the motherland", "the star of the future", "a rare super human in a century", "the one who is expected to inherit the motherland". "The perfect candidate for human beings" and other titles.

These titles brought Lane many fans.

"Don't be nervous, you have to get used to this slowly." Xia Shang saw that Ryan was at a loss, so he patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him.


Ryan became famous much earlier than the people of his motherland. Even the people of the motherland will be immersed in false honors, let alone Ryan. When he saw those fans waving to him, he subconsciously imitated the people of the motherland and showed a shy and sunny smile. .

"Mr. Jervis, this is your place."

The staff on the side brought two chairs to Xia Shang.

"I'm not supervising you. Don't be so formal and continue with the selection." Xia Shang sat in the middle of the long table. Seeing this, the selectors on both sides moved their chairs away.

Since it was the preliminary round, the layout of the selection site was relatively simple, with just a stage and a huge Super League poster. However, security personnel were also deployed at the site. The main focus was on the atmosphere and being friendly to the people.

Soon, the first contestant came on stage. He was a little boy. After a stumbling introduction, he introduced himself.

Xia Shang asked: "What is your super power?"

The boy was a little shy. He tugged on his shirt with a cartoon spider printed on it and whispered, "I can spray spider silk."

"Spider silk? It sounds like a good superpower. Please demonstrate it to us." Xia Shang did not expect the ability of the first contestant, and his eyes lit up.

He knows this superpower well, even a guy in a red and blue tights can do it.

"Are you here?" The little boy squirmed, looking a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, no one will laugh at you. This is a cool super power." Xia Shang encouraged the little boy.

"All right."

With that said, the little boy planned to take off his pants, but Xia Shang quickly stopped him.

"Kid, if you want to go to the toilet, I can ask someone to take you there. This is a public place."

Xia Shang thought the little boy wanted to go to the toilet in a hurry.

"How can I spit out spider silk if I don't take off my pants?" At this time, the little boy had half of his butt exposed, and he was a little unhappy with Xia Shang's stop.

Suddenly Xia Shang realized that he seemed to have overlooked a very serious problem.

at the same time.

There are two documents on President Watt's desk, one is the college plan that Xia Shang gave him, and the other is Watt's plan for the next five years.

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