Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 134 My super power is time standing still

Chapter 134 My super power is time standing still!

Edgar picked up the college project and stuffed it into the shredder with an expressionless expression. If it were Madeleine, she might agree to Xia Shang's plan. Unfortunately, Edgar is currently in charge of Walter. He has no interest in Xia Shang's plan.

It can be seen from his previous interruption of Xia Shang's speech at the meeting that Edgar does not want to focus on cultivating super humans.

To him, superhuman beings are just experimental products for Compound No. 5. The reason why Walter wants to spread a large amount of Compound No. 5 to the outside world is just to test the effect of the drug and obtain corresponding data.

Walt is not an entertainment company, but a pharmaceutical company, and the superhero industry is just an accessory.

Since Edgar took over Watt from the founder of Watt Group, Federico, he has understood what Watt's ultimate goal is, which is to develop a truly stable No. 5 compound.

Therefore, the laboratory that develops Compound No. 5 has the highest level of confidentiality. Even if Xia Shang wants to enter, he must inform Edgar.


He was already extremely disgusted with those superheroes. These guys with no bottom line knew how to cause trouble to the company, and every time they made a big fuss, he had to wipe their butts.

What's more, the profits they can create in a year are only tens of billions of dollars, far less than the huge profits from pharmaceuticals and arms.

"If we can tap out all the potential of Compound No. 5, I won't have to endure those idiots anymore." Edgar picked up Walt's plan for the next five years, stood up, opened the safe on the side, and put it in.

If the time comes, Edgar will abandon the superhero industry without hesitation and let Walt cut it off.

Therefore, Xia Shang's plan was a waste of time in his opinion.

He didn't want Watt's future successor to devote too much energy to the superhero industry, so he repeatedly emphasized in front of Xia Shang that compound No. 5 was the foundation of Watt. No. 1 compound, whoever Walt wants to become a superhuman can become a superhuman.


the other side.

Xia Shang asked with difficulty: "Isn't your spider silk shot from that place?"

It has to be said that at this moment, the image of a little boy swinging on a swing among high-rise buildings with his bare buttocks even appeared in his mind. The image was simply too beautiful to look directly at.

"How do you know?" The little boy sniffed.

"I'd better demonstrate it to you."

As soon as the little boy finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Shang.

"Forget it, I already have the pictures. Which of these figures do you like? I'll give it to you as a reward for participating in the event." Xia Shang said, pointing to the figures of Xingguang and others on the table.

"Can I have them all!"

The little boy couldn't wait to run to Xia Shang, looking at the figures on the table with longing in his eyes.

"Here you are, a native of the motherland, go down quickly, don't keep your mother waiting." Only children want them all, and adults know it's impossible. Seeing the little boy holding his pants in one hand and holding the figure in the other, he was squirming. Xia Shang secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he ran down the stage.

"Next one." Xia Shang said to Peter beside him, who was one of the selectors for this event.

Soon, another boy came to the stage under the escort of the staff.

"Tell me about your superpower."

This is the second one. Xia Shang still has great hopes for the next players.

"My super power is to stop time!" The boy showed a confident expression.

The audience was in an uproar. They had never heard of this super power.

When Xia Shang heard the word "time stands still", his heart skipped a beat. Is he so lucky? Although some superhuman superpowers are not included in Walter's database, it's not like Wang Zha is the second one.

However, he asked cautiously: "Are your super powers defective?"

The boy nodded.

"It's normal to have flaws. Please describe your superpower." Xia Shang intertwined his fingers and said with great anticipation.

"My super power is to make everything around me stand still for ten minutes."

At this time, the people in the audience were not calm anymore. Being able to pause time is simply a superpower that most male compatriots dream of. They looked at the person on the stage who had this perfect superpower, but he turned out to be a little kid who didn't understand anything. Almost broke his back molar.

"Where are the flaws?" Xia Shang asked, suppressing the surprise in his heart.

To be honest, he can tolerate it even if the flaws are a bit big. After all, this is a time-based superpower.

But what the boy said next almost made Xia Shang go berserk.

"If I stop time for ten minutes, I will be stopped for ten minutes."

"Give him a gift and take him down, now, immediately, immediately!" Xia Shang said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, the backstage staff hurriedly ran to Xia Shang to apologize.

"Mr. Jervis, I'm really sorry. This kid is not on the list. He came here on his own."

"I understand, take him down." Xia Shang waved his hand dejectedly.

The next few contestants have weird superpowers, including Cruise, who can make hair grow rapidly, but only for himself, and Tino, an invisible boy who can make his arms invisible. The only bright spot is that he can control Emotional boy Owen.

As soon as he comes on the scene, he uses his powers on Pete.

The result was that the two of them laughed wildly on the stage for ten minutes with their stomachs full. In the end, Xia Shang couldn't stand it anymore and asked someone to call an ambulance and take them to the hospital.

"Next one." Xia Shang said weakly.

He didn't understand until now how rare it was to be lucky enough to be like Starlight.

However, this is also related to the base number of superhumans. After all, Compound No. 5 has not been fully released, and the number of superhumans is still too rare. Even though Walter has been operating for more than half a century, the number of superhumans is still small.

"Isn't that Walter's Vice President Jervis?" Since the death of the mouse, Billy has temporarily put aside his thoughts on finding his wife, while Kimiko is crying every day, and Frankie is responsible for comforting her. Breast milk is a homebody and doesn't like to move around.

Only Huey wears a fake beard all day long and wanders around with nothing to do.

The purpose of his coming out this time was to see Starlight. After all, in the flood drain a week ago, it was she who persuaded the people of the motherland not to take action and let the law punish Huey, which saved Huey's life.

So Huey wanted to buy a gift for her, but because he was short of money, the things in the stores in Manhattan were too expensive, so he had no choice but to take a bus and come to Queens.

Unexpectedly, he actually met Walter's vice president here.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Huey pulled down the brim of his hat and squeezed into the crowd.

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