Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 135 I want to be the real super in everyone’s mind

Chapter 135 I want to become a real superhero in everyone’s mind

"Ryan, why is he here?" Huey tried to reduce his presence as much as possible, while considering whether to send the news of Ryan's appearance to Billy.

After some thought, he decided not to notify Billy yet. After all, there were too many spectators at the scene. Even if all the pickets were dispatched, they would not be able to take Ryan away in full view of the public.

"Is this a selection of superhumans?" Huey planned to wait and see if he could get any useful information.

"Moore, right? What is your super power?"

In order to prevent the previous accident from happening again, Xia Shang specially asked for a list of players.

Although the contestant who played this time was only eight years old, he was 1.8 meters tall. At first, Xia Shang thought he had made a mistake. After repeated confirmations, he reluctantly accepted the fact.

Although Moore is young, his dressing style is very similar to that of the motorcycle gangs on the streets of New York. Not only that, at such a young age, he actually has a thick beard, and his voice is extremely rough. .

"Yes, I am Moore, and I am also a loyal fan of my motherland."

Moore feels like a standard American redneck.

"What is your superpower?" Xia Shang gradually lost patience with the continuous disappointments.

"Transform, I can become a werewolf." Moore said, and let out a roar, and then black wolf hair emerged from the surface of his body. His whole body expanded in a circle, and his spine was bent. , four sharp bone claws stretched out from the joints between the fingers of his hands.

As the clothes on his body were torn apart by the swelling muscles, he swung downwards and stared at Xia Shang with his green eyes.

"I want to challenge you...Ryan beside you, the people of the motherland are the strongest superheroes. His son must be strong enough to be worthy of being the son of the motherland."

Moore's voice was as hoarse as a beast. He bared his sharp teeth, opened his mouth, and stuck out his blood-red tongue.

"Forget the challenge, you can be directly selected for the finals."

Although Moore's superpowers are not outstanding, compared with the previous contestants, they are simply regular!

"Ryan, don't let me look down on you, you must know that your father is from the motherland!" Moore is not a loyal fan, he is completely a fan of the motherland.

"Would you like to go up and try?"

Xia Shang looked at Ryan beside him, but Ryan lowered his head and whispered: "No, I feel like he will kill me."

Ryan's performance obviously disappointed the audience, who immediately booed.

"Is he really the son of the motherland? Why doesn't it feel like it? The people of the motherland are not that cowardly!"

"Coward! Damn!"

"Stand down, you coward!"

"Stand down, you coward!" The fans of the Motherland waved their arms angrily. As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

The audience in the audience was like this. They even wondered whether Ryan was a super human? In other words, Ryan is just what Walt introduced.

"It's such a wonderful scene, but Billy isn't here." Huey, who was among the crowd, naturally watched the excitement and didn't take it too seriously.

Facing the accusations coming from all directions, the fire in Ryan's heart suddenly burst out and grew stronger.

Xia Shang on the side noticed the change in Ryan's mood, but he did not stop him. Instead, he smiled expectantly.

Finally, when the atmosphere reached a climax.

Unbearable, Ryan stood up suddenly and shouted angrily at everyone: "Shut up!"

In an instant, his eyes bloomed with an extremely rich red light, and as the veins on his forehead popped out, two red laser beams shot out instantly.

At this moment, the figure of the werewolf Moore seemed to be affected by an invisible force. His entire upper body tilted to the right, just in time to avoid the laser shot towards the heart. Moore looked at the burnt side of his body in shock. Hair, I am extremely scared.

Just a little bit, if he hadn't avoided the attack like a ghost just now.

Maybe he's turned into a corpse now.

"I won't play anymore." Moore returned to his original form, sat on the ground and cried.

The scene was filled with deathly silence at first, and then burst into thunderous cheers! Countless spectators showed enthusiastic expressions, raised their arms and shouted: "Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!!"

The whole street was engulfed in cheers, even causing passers-by to turn around in confusion.

Huey, who was smiling just now, couldn't smile anymore, like! so similar! In his eyes, Ryan at this time was simply a replica of a native of the motherland.

Ryan, who was originally worried that he would hurt others, saw the enthusiastic shouts around him, and the worry on his face quietly disappeared, replaced by an unbelievable smile.

They are not afraid, they are worshiping themselves?

"How do you feel?" Xia Shang said with a smile.

"I don't know how to describe it,'s pretty good."

Ryan clenched his fists, excited.

Until it was getting dark and the selection activities were temporarily over. After Xia Shang took him back to the Water Building, he still couldn't bear to recall the extremely exciting feeling just now.

"I decided that I want to be a superhero, I want to fight criminals, I want to be a real superhero in everyone's mind."

Ryan said excitedly to Xia Shang.

"Yes, I believe you." Xia Shang looked up at the signboard of his motherland in the hall and smiled.


at the same time.

In the basement, Huey is telling Billy and the others what happened during the day.

"You can't even imagine how shocking that scene was. Just when everyone thought Ryan was a fake, he suddenly stood up and shot a red laser. The laser was exactly the same as the people from the motherland. Oh my god. , it seems that our opponents may be more than just seven people."

"If you just wanted to lower our morale, congratulations, you did it." Mother's milk lowered her head and feebly fiddled with the model house on the table. This was a gift he prepared for his daughter. Unfortunately, he doesn't know if he can do it in this life. Deliver it to her.

I saw that the atmosphere in the team was depressed.

Billy pretended to cough twice: "I'll tell you some good news. Mallory found me this afternoon. She said that the CIA found information about Free Woman in Susan's private server, although she didn't know she was alive. Why pay attention to a superhuman who was active in the 1970s?

But there must be a reason. We need to investigate the Free Girl with the CIA. In exchange, she gave me a secret address about Walter, which is most likely where Bega was imprisoned. "

"Take action, guys, justice will only be late, not absent. Don't worry, one day, Walter will collapse in front of us." Billy can't wait to go to the new address to check the situation.

However, very few people responded to him.

The death of the mouse brought a heavy blow to everyone, and it was heading towards the end of the road.

There was no way, the unreliable Huey was obviously not qualified for such an important task, so Billy had no choice but to ask Breast Milk to go to North Carolina to collect information on the free women.

as they plan their next move.

In a shop dozens of kilometers away from Xia Shang's villa.

Izkiel, the organizer of the charity organization "Samaria's Embrace", was holding a black suitcase and standing next to the shelf, anxiously waiting for someone to arrive.

Soon, he saw a man in a trench coat walking into the store.

"If you come later, maybe I will leave." At this time, Izqil was much more depressed than before. Since the lie that superhuman beings are the sons of God was exposed, he, the messenger of God, suddenly fell into the mortal world. , to the point where everyone was shouting to be beaten.

As much as his former believers once believed in him, they now hate him.

"You also know about my current situation. The channels at the hospital have been taken back by Walter. This is the last batch of drugs in my hand. There are twenty pills in total. I only need half a million dollars." Izqil He said bitterly.

"Walter doesn't care about you?"

Xia Shang asked as he took the suitcase in his hand.

Izkiel couldn't help but smile bitterly, "For Walter, I have lost my use value, and it is normal for me to be abandoned by him, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"But that's not a big deal. Compared to others, my end was pretty good."

"Send me your bank card number." Xia Shang took out his mobile phone and operated it casually.

Soon, Izqil's mobile phone received a text message notification from the bank.

"One million? Sir, did you send it by mistake?" Izqil looked in disbelief. He even counted it three times to confirm that it was not one hundred thousand dollars, but one million.

Xia Shang put away his phone and patted his right shoulder: "I hope this money will allow you to live a new life. Our cooperation is officially over. I wish you a happy life."

Looking at Xia Shang's leaving figure, Izqil had mixed emotions on his face. In fact, he originally thought that after completing the transaction with Xia Shang, he would find Walter and sell Xia Shang's information. , although the risk is very high, and he may be held accountable by Walter, but he is really short of money and has no savings, so he can only take risks.

Seeing Xia Shang's figure gradually disappear from sight, Izqil's lips trembled slightly, and he whispered guiltily: "Thank you, sir."

"May God wish you a happy life." Izqil made a cross on his chest with his fingertips, then clasped his hands together, lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Xia Shang returned to the villa.

After opening the suitcase and checking it, he took out ten bottles of No. 5 Compound and placed them on the coffee table.

Then, bring up the panel.

[The fusion of telepathy is in progress, the current progress is 31%]

"View current fantasy value."

[Fantasy value: 2920 (These fantasy values ​​come from: Starlight... provides a total of 210 points, the deep sea provides a total of 910 points, the invisible man...)]

Since the fantasy value always pops up due to some small things, such as today's selection event, Ryan contributed 120 fantasy points to him. Therefore, except for some larger fantasy values, other smaller fantasy values ​​are all Blocked by Xia Shang.

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