Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 136 People of the Motherland: Son, I knew you would

Chapter 136 People of the Motherland: Son, I knew you could do it!

Walking through the heavens in the two-star world requires one thousand fantasy points. In other words, his current fantasy points can only support him to walk through the heavens twice. As for walking in the one-star world one hundred times, for today's Xia Shang I mean, it's just a waste of time.

He turned off the panel and looked at Compound No. 5 on the coffee table.

As Xia Shang raised his hands, the glass tubes filled with blue liquid floated in the air one by one.

"Broken!" Xia Shang suddenly clenched his right hand, and saw ten test tubes collided instantly under the pull of his mind. There was a bang, and a pool of liquid mixed with broken glass floated in front of Xia Shang.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Shang leaned on the sofa and sifted out the glass shards in the No. 5 compound bit by bit. His expression was extremely focused, and the whole process was very slow. This was a delicate job, which quite tested Xia Shang's telekinesis. degree of control.

However, in order to reduce the difficulty, Xia Shang deliberately extended several extremely thin tentacles to absorb the No. 5 compound.

[The fusion of telepathy is in progress, the current progress is 31…32…39%…]

Since his physique has been strengthened more than twice as compared to before, he can absorb more No. 5 Compound. Therefore, even if the efficacy of No. 5 Compound is declining for him, he can still absorb it from quantity to make up for this shortcoming.

Soon, Xia Shang's forehead secreted a thin layer of sweat. Controlling his mind power not only consumed his physical strength, but also consumed his spirit.

Fortunately, when Xia Shang's telepathy was about to run out, all the No. 5 compound floating in the air had been absorbed by the tentacles.

"It seems that if you want to obtain compound No. 5 in the future, you can only use other means." Xia Shang waved his hand, and the scattered glass shards immediately floated to the floor, and then got into the trash can.

Through the ultimate control of this ability, Xia Shang understood that his body had not reached its limit.

So he went to the suitcase and absorbed all the remaining No. 5 compound.

At this moment, the fusion degree on the panel has reached 72%.

Xia Shang estimated that he would be able to completely integrate his telekinesis until next week. Only then would he be able to use the ability to walk in the heavens again.


Late at night, in a wooden house.

The motherland man saw Madeleine again, and he looked at the woman in front of him affectionately.

"What a good boy. We haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?" Madeleine said.

The people of the motherland did not bother to respond. In this ambiguous atmosphere, the two quickly started kissing, just like dry wood and a raging fire...

Two minutes later, the war ended, and the people of the motherland showed a relieved look.

"Do you know? That bitch has actually become the target of mutual pursuit by the media. Now everyone thinks that she is the spokesperson of the Seven, not me. If those idiots hadn't held me back, this time the credit would be lost anyway. It’s not her turn.” The people of the motherland complained.

"How can she be the spokesperson of the Seven? Please, only you are." Madeline stood up and sat next to the motherland, echoed him, and comforted him: "Don't take this to heart."

"It's hard not to take things like this seriously." The motherland rested her head on Madeleine's lap.

Those who keep complaining about Starlight are just a bunch of morons.

Madeleine comforted him gently, but the next second, she made a sound in fear, and his voice changed from the original female voice to a rough male voice: "Oh, my time is up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned back into a fat twin.

The people of the motherland were so frightened that he shouted in horror: "Change back quickly!"

The twin did not dare to disobey the orders of the motherland, so he quickly activated his super power and transformed back into Madeleine.

"Huh..." Seeing the double transforming into Madeleine again, the people of the motherland breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the double in front of him and warned: "I'm warning you, next time you don't get my consent. , just change back, and I will twist off your head and use it as a ball!"

The next day.

The people from the motherland walked into the Watt Building with smiles on their faces, which made the staff in the hall feel very surprised. You know, the faces of the people from the motherland have been quite ugly in recent times. Facing the people from the motherland who are about to go crazy, they can be said to be He was afraid of accidentally making the people of the motherland unhappy.

"Where's Ryan?" the native asked the staff on the side.

"It should be in the training room. I just saw Mr. Jervis taking him up."

The staff member said timidly.

The motherland man didn't bother with him too much and walked straight towards the training room.

At the same time, in the training room, Ryan was staring at the can in front of him in a daze, "Mr. Jervis, I can't seem to do it. I forgot how I felt yesterday."

Ryan was a little anxious. This was the first time he was so focused on training, but the result made him a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, think about what it was like back then? Or you can simulate the scene in your mind." Xia Shang patiently taught.

"How did you feel at the beginning? Angry?" Ryan tried to make himself angry. Unfortunately, his experience destined that his emotions would not fluctuate very sensitively.

After all, he has been protected by Bejia since he was a child. He can almost reach out for clothes and open his mouth for food. Although some wishes cannot be fulfilled, because he is almost isolated from the world, he does not have very strong desires. He is different from the people of his motherland. Ryan grew up under Bega's careful care.

This resulted in Ryan not experiencing anything that made him very angry.

At this moment, the motherland opened the door and walked in. He showed a bright smile like the sun and opened his arms to Ryan: "I saw the video yesterday. You performed great. Son, I knew you could do it. .”

Although Ryan didn't throw himself into his arms as he thought, the native didn't care. He walked up to Ryan and hugged him.

"Do you know what the media calls you now? Little native of the motherland! I saw someone leaving a message under my Twitter very early in the morning, saying that I taught a superhero who is as powerful as me." The native of the motherland said excitedly.

Even because of Ryan, he gained another 200,000 followers, which made him feel extremely happy.

"Come on, show me again, baby."

The motherland man put down Ryan and looked at him expectantly.

There was no other way, Ryan could only return to his original position, staring at the can.

Time passed bit by bit, and the smile on the face of the motherland disappeared. He turned to look at Xia Shang: "Did he also accumulate strength for so long yesterday?"

Xia Shang shook his head, shattering the illusions of his motherland.

"In other words, yesterday was just a coincidence? He still can't take the initiative to shoot laser?" The people of the motherland still don't give up.

"Judging from the current training results, that's right."

"Fake Squid!" The expression on the motherland's face was as if it had just swallowed a fly, and it became extremely ugly.

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