Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 137 Who let me be the storm? I can do whatever I want

Chapter 137 Who let me be the storm? I can do whatever I want.

"Isn't this the son of the motherland, Ryan? He seems to be training, why don't we take a tour together." Storm Girl, who like the motherland has super hearing, happened to pass by the door of the training room and happened to hear the conversation between the two. dialogue.

I saw her holding a selfie stick and walking into the training room.

"Hi, fellow natives, Jervis, please say hello to the audience in the live broadcast room." Storm Girl smiled and pointed the phone screen at the two of them.

"I originally planned to take everyone to visit the Watt Building, but I didn't expect an unexpected surprise."

Storm Girl's live broadcast room was extremely lively. Xia Shang glanced at it and found that the number of people watching the live broadcast was as high as one million. You know, this figure is difficult for even professional anchors to achieve. It can be seen that Storm Girl is very good at taking advantage of it. She uses social software to promote herself, and her number of fans on Twitter has surpassed Starlight, Deep Sea, and Maeve.

And only behind the people of the motherland!

"People of the motherland, I love you so much!"

"Good morning, fellow countrymen."

"America's Superheroes."

The comments were all about criticizing the people of the motherland. Of course, there were also some weird comments mixed in, such as I want to be the dog of the storm goddess, I want to kiss the people of the motherland, black people get out of the live broadcast room... But these comments are very fast. It was covered by new barrages.

Not many people mentioned Xia Shang, and the only one or two words that appeared were not good.

After all, Storm Girl is an extremely racist person, and fans attracted to her naturally have such people.

"Nice to meet you all." The motherland man showed a sunny smile to the mobile phone screen, but when he saw the popularity in the live broadcast room, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes, but he covered it up well.

"Storm, I remember live broadcasts are not allowed in the Water Tower."

Xia Shang said calmly.

Storm shrugged, "Who let me be Storm? I can do whatever I want, not to mention Edgar has already given permission."

She retracted her selfie stick and smiled at the audience: "Let's take a look at Ryan's training process together. You must be very curious, and yes, I am too."

As she spoke, she walked up behind Ryan, put her arm around Ryan's shoulder, and pointed the phone at Ryan at a thirty-degree angle.

Ryan, who was at a loss, cast a look at Xia Shang asking for help.

This scene even made the people of the motherland laugh because he was right there! Ryan actually asked Jervis for help? What do you mean, do you look down on him as a father? Feeling ashamed, the motherland's eyes glowed red and he shot the storm girl's cell phone to pieces.

Then, he walked up to Storm Girl and stared at Storm Girl who was about to go crazy in front of her with blue eyes, "Listen, there is only one person in this world who can say, do whatever you want, and that person is me! People of the motherland!”

After a few seconds of silence, Storm Girl suddenly smiled and said: "Old Antique, you will eventually be eliminated. Guess who will be the new spokesperson of the Super Seven."

Seeing the face of the motherland turning from white to blue, with veins popping out at her temples, Storm Girl raised the corners of her mouth and left the training room without looking back.

Wait for Storm Girl to leave.

I saw the motherland man put his right hand on Xia Shang's shoulder. His expression was extremely terrifying, like a volcano about to erupt. He put his head close to Xia Shang and stared at Xia Shang with his scarlet eyes. , and then said in a hoarse voice: "Tell Edgar that I want to kill someone!"

Ryan on the side saw the angry natives for the first time, and was immediately frightened and dared not speak.

"He will not agree." Xia Shang's eyes did not dodge and he looked directly at the people of his motherland.

"Then I'll kill him! Let you become President Walt!"

The people of the motherland have been filled with anger at this moment. If there was not a trace of reason left, otherwise he would have taken action just now.

"Mr. Motherland, are you kidding me?" Xia Shang narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"What do you think? Don't think that I can't see your little thoughts. How do you feel when your plan is denied by Edgar? It doesn't feel good. In this case, I will help you get rid of Edgar..." The voice of the motherland is low. , the fierce light in his eyes was revealed.

"What's the price?"

"In the future, Walter, I will stick to my word!"

The meaning of the motherland is obvious. As long as Xia Shang agrees, he will help Xia Shang become the president of Walter, and the price will be to become the puppet of his motherland.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Xia Shang took a step back and broke free from the hands of his motherland.

"Really?" The motherland closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the red light had completely disappeared.

"I don't care what method you use, just contact Billy. As long as he can kill Storm Girl, I will give him Bega's address. At the same time, I will arrange a few superhumans for him. In short, I want Storm Girl Disappear in front of me.”

In the end, the motherland people passed by Xia Shang and disappeared into the training room.

The people of the motherland understand that if Storm Girl is allowed to develop like this, his status will be shaky.

Later, he met Xingguang in the elevator. Before Xingguang could react, he grabbed Xingguang's neck and pressed her against the wall: "I hate traitors the most, and they are disobedient traitors. You have failed me." My expectations!”

Starlight immediately understood that the people of the motherland were angry with her because of Huey.

"I just wanted to hand him over to the police."

"I know that you are in the same group. If you weren't in the way, I should be the one who killed the terrorists." The motherland pursed his lips, and the muscle lines on his mandible were clearly visible. As his arms gradually exerted force, the starlight I feel like it's getting harder to breathe.

It turned out to be because of Storm.

Fortunately, Starlight reacted in time and said immediately: "That day, Storm didn't seriously look for the criminals at all. Her attention was all on the superhumans. She deliberately...deliberately stole your credit. I'm standing on your side." Yes, always."

The motherland stared at the starlight and listened to her heartbeat. After finding nothing abnormal, she released her hands.

"I hope you didn't lie, otherwise the consequences... will be."

The motherland man pressed his right hand against the side wall, then waited for the elevator door to open and walked out.

Xingguang, who was breathing rapidly at this time, caught a glimpse of the palm prints on the wall. She slid down limply and finally collapsed on the ground.


at the same time.

Breast milk carried Huey on the train to North Carolina.

On the train, the two of them observed the surroundings vigilantly. They were able to get on the train thanks to the help of Frankie's gangster friends, who gave each of them a new identity certificate, but even so, they still put on a disguise.

"America is the America of white people. Keep those bastards away from America. This place does not belong to them."

A passenger sitting next to them was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

"Isn't this Walt's latest superhero Storm Girl? Is she a racist?" Huey couldn't hold back his curiosity and leaned over to take a look.

"I don't know, but what she said is very interesting. Are you...Arabs?" The passenger looked at Huey with a piece of cloth wrapped around his head and a mask, and reflexively moved his butt to the side.

In the United States, people dressed like this are usually either Arabs or terrorists, and he hoped it was the former.

"I'm from New York, and this is my hat." Huey's dress is very different from that of Arabs. He first covered himself with a black cloth, and then put on his hat, but the hat was also black, so he didn't wear it. Too obvious.

The white passenger was also a New Yorker, and the two quickly struck up a conversation.

"I understand, this is performance art. Young people nowadays like to play like this. Last time I went to the West Coast, I saw many young people like this." The white passenger looked about forty or fifty years old, and his skin was a little swollen. White, but strong.

Huey didn't want to discuss the subject any further.

"Is Storm very popular?" Huey asked.

"Of course, her speeches are always very powerful, and what she says is also very reasonable. Those immigrants are robbing us of our living space. If we don't drive them out, our jobs will one day be destroyed by those black people. The ghost snatched it away,” the white passenger said while looking at the breast milk with repulsion.

Breast milk doesn't feel like anything, to be honest, he's used to it.

However, the black guy sitting in front of a few people couldn't bear it anymore. He stood up fiercely, stared at the white passengers and said, "You white-skinned pig, you have the ability to say it again."

"Fuck Squid! Nigger!" The white passenger did not tolerate him at all and directly raised his middle finger at him.

For a time, the entire carriage became lively.

In the United States, the relationship between the two races was already tense, and the emergence of Storm Girl intensified the conflict between the two.

"Motherfucker!" God knows where the black guy took out a pistol. This thing is not allowed to be brought on the train. The black guy shot several times at the white passengers. In an instant, the white passengers' heads were The flesh and blood were blurred, and blood even splashed on Huey's face.


"Fake Squid! Robbery! Shut up!"

Amid the screams of the passengers, several more black men took out pistols from under their seats and threatened everyone: "Hand over your valuables, now!"

Only then did Huey and Breast Milk realize that they were experiencing a terrorist attack.

"Man, I'm not familiar with him, really." Huey looked at the open backpack in the black man's hand, then looked at the pistol on his forehead, and consciously took out his cell phone and dozens of dollars in change, and put it on the black In the backpack.

However, when breast milk does the same thing.

But the terrorist looked at his face and said, "Forget it, I guess there's nothing interesting about it."

Then, he viciously slapped Huey on the face with his pistol, "Be honest, don't tell me, you only have this little money on you."

Huey was on the verge of tears. He really only had this little money.

Originally he still had some savings, but after being beaten by Billy, he didn't have much left. Moreover, his bank account had been blocked by the government, and he couldn't withdraw the remaining US$1,221. come out.

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