Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 143 All analysis! Storm Girl’s abilities are exposed!

Soon, Vaught's security personnel were squeezing into the crowd and dragging away the black bodies at the knees of their countrymen.

However, all eyes were focused on the people of the motherland, and they did not know that the black people were already dead.

"Mr. Jervis." Ashley on the stage cast a look for help to Xia Shang behind her. Xia Shang, whose expression was not moved at all, came to Ashley's side, took the microphone from her hand and said: “Everyone, please be quiet. The dangerous elements who caused the riot have been subdued by the people of the motherland. If anyone is injured in this incident, please go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

The medical expenses will be fully borne by our Walt. In addition, after the event, our Walt will give everyone a $50 shopping ticket. You can use this shopping ticket to buy any items you like to express your gratitude. Our apologies from Walt... Therefore, please take the initiative to maintain order to ensure that the Super Hero Meet and Greet can continue. "

While he was speaking, a prompt on the panel popped up.

[The fusion of telepathy is in progress, the current progress is 100%]

After seeing that the fans' emotions were calmed down and the order of the scene gradually returned to normal, Xia Shang returned the microphone in his hand to Ashley, then looked at Storm Girl and chose to analyze all her abilities.

As time went by, the on-site event was halfway through, and it was time for the fan-favorite autograph session.

At this time, Xia Shang's analysis had been successfully completed.

Since all analysis takes a long time, Xia Shang has only used it twice so far. The first time was Izumi Shinichi in the Parasite Beast, and the second time was the Storm Girl at this time.

[Innate ability: super sensitive perception]

[Analysis conditions: Completely destroy the senses that Storm Girl uses to perceive]

[After fusion, the player's sense of touch, smell, taste, hearing and vision will be enhanced, and the player can freely adjust the sensitivity. The ears representing hearing and the eyes representing vision will be greatly enhanced.

At the same time, the player's reaction ability will also be improved. 】

Xia Shang estimated that this superpower should overlap with the abilities of the people of the motherland. As for which one is stronger and weaker, from the current point of view, the degree of development of the people of the motherland is obviously better.

Moreover, if you want to become the top combat power in black robes, super-sensitive perception is a must-have skill. Not only Storm Girl and the people of the motherland, but Queen Maeve and the others must also basically have one person. As for whether there is one in the deep sea, Xia Shang feels that it is some.

Otherwise, he would not have had a relationship with the octopus and regard the octopus as his real wife. Obviously, the octopus brought him greater excitement.

Regarding this ability, Xia Shang is bound to gain it, which will greatly help his combat power.

Then, Xia Shang turned his attention to the next talent.

[Talent Skill: Super Physique]

Needless to say, this is almost exactly the same as Queen Maeve’s superpower. Even the fusion conditions are the same, which is two hours of contact.

As for the next talent skill "Quick Self-Healing", Xia Shang didn't even pay attention to it. This thing is a low-level skill with self-healing enhancement. It is hampered by self-healing enhancement in every aspect. It is a waste of time to integrate it. .

Fortunately, Storm Girl's third talent skill finally made Xia Shang's eyes shine.

[Talent Skill: Supersonic Flight]

[Fusion conditions: Defeat Storm Girl in the air, no time limit]

[After fusion, an extremely thin layer of biological force field will be generated on the surface of the player's body. The biological force field cannot change its shape or spread to other objects. It can only act on the player. Players can change themselves by manipulating the biological force field. The gravitational magnetic field around the body allows it to fly at supersonic speeds.

The energy to maintain the biological force field will be obtained from the player's body, and the player can only affect the earth's magnetic field and cannot affect magnetic forces such as solar magnetic waves. 】

Stunning! And a super power with huge development potential!

Unfortunately, the conditions for integration are too harsh.

It is not easy to defeat Storm Girl from the air, not to mention that the opponent can fly at supersonic speed. Even if she does not use this ability and just controls lightning, Xia Shang may not be able to stop her.

Unless he chooses to fuse the super power of starlight, regardless of whether he can absorb the lightning released by Storm Girl, at least it can improve his resistance to lightning, so that Xia Shang can be confident that he can defeat or even kill Storm Girl in a head-on confrontation.

But the premise is that Storm Girl doesn't use supersonic flight. It has to be said that Xia Shang has a very headache now.

You know, before this, Xia Shang only knew that Storm Girl could fly, but did not know that she could fly at supersonic speeds. These were two completely different concepts.

The current situation is quite embarrassing for Xia Shang.

He does have the conditions to kill Storm Girl. After all, the eighteen eyes in his body are not decorations. The eighteen super-frequency lasers are enough to cut Storm Girl into pieces. However, he cannot guarantee that he can hit. He flies at supersonic speed in the air. Flying target.

"It would be great if the fusion condition was to kill Storm Girl." Xia Shang sighed in his heart.

At this time, he was sitting behind the Super Seven, and Ashley handed him a cup of coffee.

Even though the sky is getting dark now, the popularity of the event has not diminished at all. On the contrary, it is getting more and more popular. Every superhero's table is lined up with fans waiting for autographs. The queue is so long that they can't even see the end.

At this moment, Xia Shang sensed a familiar radio wave from Storm Girl's team. The owner of this radio wave was Kimiko, who had self-healing enhancement.

Xia Shang looked in the direction of the radio wave and found that Frankie was also following Kimiko. Both of them had made some disguises. They were now at the front of the team. At the current speed, they would be there in about three minutes. To Storm Girl.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

This word suddenly popped up in Xia Shang's mind.

They dared to risk death and find Storm Girl directly. What did they want to do? Xia Shang did not send Billy the time and address of the operation. This was obviously Billy's own decision. Could it be that Billy was wary of him? Worrying about killing Storm Girl was just a trap set for him by Xia Shang, Walter and the Super Seven.

This possibility is very high.

Based on his knowledge of Billy, it was indeed impossible for Billy to trust the words of a vice president from Walter.

"Old fox." If Xia Shang guessed correctly.

At this time, Billy had already planted a bomb somewhere and was waiting for Storm Girl to come to her door.

Sure enough, the next second, he received a text message from Huey.

"The action begins. We will gather at an abandoned chemical plant outside Philadelphia at noon tomorrow. Don't be late."

Tomorrow afternoon? Xia Shang thought Billy and the others wanted to take action tonight.

He looked up, and sure enough he saw Frankie holding Kimiko's hand and squeezing out of the crowd unharmed.

At the same time, there was a letter of challenge on Storm Girl's desk!

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