Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 144 [Talent Skill: Thunderstorm Weather] (Supplement)

"It's so courageous." Storm Girl opened the letter of challenge, looked at the content on it, and showed a sarcastic smile.

She recalled Kimiko's angry eyes before leaving. She crumpled the letter of challenge into a ball of paper happily and threw it into the trash can under the table. "Do you want to avenge that terrorist? Unfortunately, the method is a bit childish, but , I like the look in her eyes very much, that feeling of wanting to kill me but not daring to do it, it’s simply wonderful.”


Storm Girl turned to look at Xia Shang.

“I remember Walt having a lot of cameras at the event.”

"That's right." Xia Shang took a sip of coffee and nodded.

"If I read it correctly, just now, two criminals wanted by Walter also came to the event. I need the assistance of the technical department to help me locate the two wanted criminals. It is best to find them The den." Storm Girl doesn't like to abide by the rules. Now that the other party has declared war on her, she certainly can't wait until tomorrow.

You know, during the second station, what Germany was best at was blitzkrieg. Under the influence of the demon Adolf in the second station, Storm naturally had a soft spot for this tactic.

"I need to contact the local law enforcement department to request roadside surveillance. I will know the results in about half an hour." After Storm Girl finished describing the two people's outfits and appearances, Xia Shang looked at the watch on his wrist. He continued: "However, due to the large flow of people at the event, the technicians may not be able to find them in the huge crowd."

"Five minutes ago, they pretended to be my fans and took my autograph from me."

"Then they are really brave. In this case, it shouldn't be difficult to find them." Xia Shang waved to Ashley and asked her to deal with the matter.

"Do we need to call the people from the motherland to act together?" Ashley asked nervously.

I saw Storm Girl snorting with disdain: "It's just a matter of dealing with some miscellaneous fish who want to kill gods. I can easily handle it by myself."

"Mr. Jervis." Ashley wanted to seek Xia Shang's opinion.

After all, Xia Shang is her direct superior, not Storm Girl.

"Do as she says, and don't inform the people of the motherland yet."

Afterwards, Xia Shang returned his attention to the panel.

[Talent Skill: Thunderstorm Weather]

[Fusion conditions: Resist Storm Girl’s attack for more than sixty seconds]

[After fusion, players will have part of the ability to control thunderstorms. Players can release lightning and violent winds generated by thunderstorms. At the same time, the power of lightning and violent winds will be limited by the player's physical strength and physical strength. If the player's physical strength, With access to massive buffs, players may be able to create a miniature thunderstorm. 】

It is indeed the core talent of Storm Girl.

And there are no flaws. Even if you look at the entire black robe, this ability is like a leader.

So tempting, Xia Shang felt like he was drooling.

In addition to Storm Girl's super physical fitness and rapid self-healing, several other talents and skills are extremely excellent, especially thunderstorm weather and supersonic flight, which are simply T0-level superpowers in the black robe world.

It's no wonder that Storm doesn't take other superheroes seriously. The only ones she's a little afraid of are the people of her motherland.


[Talent Skill: Extend Lifespan]

[Fusion condition: Kill Storm Girl]

[After fusion, the player’s lifespan will be extended to three hundred years]

As Storm Girl's unbeatable superpower, it is also an important reason for her survival to this day, and she did not disappoint Xia Shang.

What if all of Storm Girl's talents were sold, and the one with the highest price would get it.

Xia Shang can guarantee that the highest price is not thunderstorm weather or supersonic flight, but extended lifespan.

After fusion, the life span will be extended to three hundred years. This extremely simple effect will definitely cause those old guys to go crazy!

However, for Xia Shang, he does not need this ability for the time being. After all, he is still young. What's more, he can still walk in the world of heaven. Although the ability to extend life is rare, it is not uncommon, so the temptation for Xia Shang Not very strong.

At this time, Xia Shang had a bit of difficulty in choosing.

"From the perspective of the difficulty of fusion conditions, super-sensitivity is obviously the easiest, and extending life span is not difficult. The only difficulties are thunderstorm weather and supersonic flight.

The difficulty of both is not small, and it is possible to complete it at the same time. Forget it, I will see when the time comes. "

Xia Shang's strength is not enough for him to be picky, so it is better to be pragmatic.

All in all, in one sentence, act according to circumstances.


At the same time, in an abandoned wood processing factory outside Philadelphia, Billy was finishing his dinner and wiping his mouth with a tissue on the table.

"Do you think Storm Girl will be fooled?" Breastmilk on the side asked curiously.

"No." Billy shook his head decisively.

"Storm Girl is not a fool. She will definitely not jump into a trap like a rabbit." Billy opened his laptop and called up the surveillance footage of a certain wooden house.

Before that, he had placed cameras in every corner of the wooden house, and he could see that in the room on the right side of the wooden house, two strong black men were sleeping soundly.

"The chemical plant is just a cover-up. There are also my cameras there." As soon as Billy typed on the keyboard, two surveillance images appeared on his computer screen. "To be on the safe side, I buried a lot of them in both places. Dynamite, if Storm dares to go to the chemical plant, she will meet the mysterious gentleman.

When two people started fighting over a disagreement, I pressed the detonation button. "

Billy made an explosion gesture and smiled sinisterly: "With a bang, they will be completely blown to pieces."

"Hold Defa, you want to blow up Mr. Mystery and Storm together?!" Huey, who had been kept in the dark, exclaimed.

"All superhumans deserve to die, right?"

Billy said nonchalantly.

"Of course, this is a relatively perfect result, but the facts often exceed our expectations. Mr. Mystery may not come, and Storm Girl may not go to the chemical plant.

So I made two preparations. I specially arranged for Kimiko and the others to send a letter of challenge to Storm Girl, and told them to pay attention to the cameras on the street.

Don't go where there are no cameras, in case Walter loses track of their movements.

Finally, they will walk into the wooden house where the terrorists live. In the corner of the wooden house, there is a tunnel covered by wooden boards. The end of the tunnel leads to a dense jungle. They only need to follow the route I planned for them in advance. .

We can avoid all surveillance on the roadside and return to our current location. "

"In any case, our real secret base will not be exposed. Even if the mission fails, we will not suffer any losses." Billy leaned back on the chair proudly, as if he had seen Storm Girl being blown to pieces.

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