Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 145 It seems to have become a work of art

However, the work efficiency of the Walter Group was far from as slow as Billy imagined. In less than five minutes, the technicians brought the iPad to Xia Shang, and in front of several people, they called up a place ten minutes ago. Monitor screen.

"Mr. Jervis, please see, the ones circled in red are the wanted criminals we are looking for. They first left from entrance B, then got into a white Toyota Corolla, and then passed by the church, but they did not Stop, but continue driving forward.

Soon, they were driving the Corolla and left downtown Philadelphia.

Since there are not many traffic enforcement cameras in Philadelphia, we used some street cameras. However, what we need to worry about is that once they drive out of Philadelphia and escape to the suburbs, we may lose real-time monitoring of them. "

The United States is too large, and people protest against law enforcement cameras because they feel they have lost their freedom. This has led to the number of law enforcement cameras decreasing or being better hidden.

"Once they are out of the monitoring range, immediately apply to the US Department of Defense to call GBS in the name of the Vought Group to lock their location." Xia Shang said sharply.

Since Billy chooses to send a letter of challenge to Storm Girl now, it means that he has arranged everything. As for whether his actions will disrupt the plans arranged by Billy and others in advance, Xia Shang does not care about this, as long as Storm If a woman can be lured out by them, most of her goals will have been achieved.


Twenty minutes later, the technician sitting next to Xia Shang said excitedly: "Mr. Jervis, they stopped at a wooden house in the suburbs, and the vehicle did not move."

"Very good." Storm Girl took the iPad from his hand, looked down at it, and determined that this was where Billy and the others were hiding.

Sure enough, the so-called abandoned chemical plant was just a trap arranged by them. Do you really think she would take the bait?


Storm Girl patted the technician's shoulder with a smile. Then she raised her head, and a strong wind surged around her body. In an instant, her figure flew straight towards the sky. In the blink of an eye, Storm The woman completely disappeared from everyone's sight.


On the other side, Frankie, who was still in shock, the first thing he did after entering the house was to pour Kimiko a glass of pure water.

"Drink some water and calm down. We will avenge your brother soon." Frankie sat next to Kimiko, and until this moment, his raised heart finally fell back into his stomach.

From the beginning of this mission until the end of the mission.

Frankie's spirit was in an extremely tense state from beginning to end. Not only did he have to worry about Kimiko, who might lose control at any time, but he also had to prevent Storm Girl from suddenly attacking them. Fortunately, everything went well, and Storm Girl might have taken care of the scene. There were too many people, so I let them go and let them go.

"After drinking the water, we have to leave quickly. This place is not safe in case..."

At this moment, Frankie looked out the window unintentionally. Was it an illusion? Why did he feel a ray of blue light coming toward him?

"No! It's Storm Girl. How could she be so fast!" While Frankie was frightened, he didn't forget to hold Kimiko's hand.

"You go down first." Frankie took Kimiko to a corner of the house. He lifted up the wooden board used to cover the entrance of the tunnel and urged Kimiko to get down quickly.

Kimiko looked down and saw that the tunnel was extremely dark without a trace of light. She looked at Frankie timidly. The endless darkness seemed to evoke the shadow deep in her heart. Those who were locked in the dungeon were tortured and would be tortured forever. The picture of Wu Tianri instantly flooded into her mind.

"I'll be with you." Frankie looked anxious, but pretended to look calmly into Kimiko's eyes.

In an instant, the images in Kimiko's mind receded like a tide. She nodded obediently, then turned around and jumped in without any hesitation.

The next second the two entered the tunnel.

A bolt of lightning followed! The roof of the wooden house was instantly destroyed, and then a raging fire ignited on the wooden roof. For a moment, the flames spread like a poisonous snake. Soon, the sudden increase in temperature and billowing black smoke around them immediately woke up the two sleeping people. , the two looked around with horrified expressions.

It was as if they were in a sea of ​​fire.

You know, Storm Girl is not from the motherland.

If he were a native of the country, he might come in to check the situation and make sure that he was not looking in the wrong place before taking action.

But Storm Girl is different. She doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all, especially in the suburbs. Without witnesses, she will become more unscrupulous. I saw several lightning bolts rushing out from her palms, seeming to completely destroy the wooden house. Only after destroying it can we give up.

"Shet! Someone is attacking the cabin, we must leave quickly." Maimeti roared angrily.

At the same time, he controlled sand and stone to cover his whole body.

"Why don't you say anything?" Maimeti was about to lead Iva out of the sea of ​​fire.

As a result, he turned around and saw that Ivar was hit by a bolt of lightning. With a bang, Ivar, who was still alive and kicking, turned into an almost carbonized corpse.

A fear of death instantly occupied Mai Maiti's heart.

"Escape, I have to escape." Maimeti can no longer care about the mission assigned to him by his motherland. His only thought now is to escape!

It's a pity that Storm Girl won't let him go easily, and Maimeti is still a black man.

"Nigger who likes fried chicken, I smelled the stench from your body from a kilometer away." Storm Girl's expression was stern, and her body was surrounded by dense lightning, and the lightning flashed from her eyes. Her eyes wandered wildly, and as she aimed her palm at Mai Maiti, the next second! An extremely thick bolt of lightning shot through the air!

"Surrender! I surrender!"

Faced with the incoming lightning, Maimeti subconsciously knelt on the ground, held his head in his hands, and begged the storm to let him go.

However, when the lightning fell, Maimaiti's life and posture were frozen at this moment.

Wrapped in glass, he seemed to have become a work of art.

at the same time.

In the tunnel, Frankie quickly dialed Billy's phone, and saw him saying anxiously: "Damn it, Storm Girl is following. I feel like those two guys won't last long. I guess this tunnel will soon be closed." We will be discovered by Storm Girl, so Kimiko and I must get out quickly."

"They are already dead. I will detonate the bomb in sixty seconds and let Kimiko run away with you on her back!"

Billy was sitting in front of the computer, taking deep breaths. He looked anxiously at the dark surveillance screen on the screen.

60! 59! 58…

There will be another chapter later

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