Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 146 Painful and Annoyed Motherland

10, 9... As the countdown approached ten seconds, Billy's right hand couldn't help but tremble, because he knew very well how many C4 explosives he had buried under the cabin. If Frankie failed to escape from the center of the explosion in time... then he There is a possibility that he will never see Frankie again in this life. He is hesitant and hesitant.

In order to kill a super human and thus sacrifice his comrades, can he bear the consequences?

"Forget it." Huey shook his head solemnly.

"Billy Butcher, I'm warning you, if you press the detonation button, then we are done. Frankie cannot die. His life is worth much more than Storm."

Seeing that Billy still refused to give up, Breast Milk was so angry that he even took out a pistol and pointed it at his head.

"Frankie and I have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and we will die together!"

"Put down the gun! I believe the boss will make the right choice."

Huey hurriedly went up and tried to snatch the pistol from Mother's hand, but he was just an ordinary salesman. How could he snatch the pistol from Mother's hand, a veteran? The veins on Mother's forehead popped out, and her bloodshot eyes were wide open. Like a copper bell, he stared at Billy, the anger in his eyes seemed to burst out.

3, 2, 1! The countdown is over!

Billy closed his eyes tightly and leaned limply on the sofa, with a chic smile on his lips: "Don't worry, I'm just joking with you, you're right, Frankie's life is worth much more than that bitch. "

His words instantly eased the tense atmosphere.

"Fake Squid, you bastard scared me so much that I pulled the trigger." Breastmilk couldn't help laughing and scolding.

However, at this moment, Billy's phone rang again on the table. As soon as it was connected, Frankie's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Kimiko and I have come out, hurry up and detonate the bomb, don't let the storm The woman escaped."

Frankie just finished speaking.

Billy jumped up from his chair as if he had been given a shot of blood. While asking Franky, he looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Are you sure your current location is safe?"

"Kimiko's speed is very fast, so there is no chance of an accident."

"Shet, this is what I've been waiting for." Billy suppressed his inner ecstasy and pressed the detonation button without hesitation!

at the same time.

The wooden house had been completely destroyed by the flames. Seeing this, Storm Girl called in strong winds and blew away all the ruins left on the ground. Soon, a dark tunnel entrance was exposed to the air.

"What a bunch of rats."

Storm Girl couldn't help snorting, and then swooped down. For some reason, as she got closer and closer to the tunnel, a strong sense of crisis quietly appeared in her heart. This sense of crisis had been felt for many times during the second station. After saving her life for the first time, she once asked someone about it and found that many veterans had this strange ability.

And the more times you experience near death, the more obvious it becomes.

Although Storm didn't believe that Billy and the others had the means to kill her, she believed in her intuition. However, it turned out that her intuition was not wrong!

Just when she was about to turn around.

The high explosives buried underground exploded like a gushing volcano!

The high temperature, high pressure and high-speed airflow generated by the explosion formed shock waves that were almost visible to the naked eye. The blasted land instantly turned into scorched earth, and red flames shot into the sky, followed by a deafening roar. For a moment, the dazzling fire light shot straight into the sky, completely shattering the originally silent night sky.

Even Frankie and Kimiko, who were thousands of meters away, could feel a wave of heat coming from behind. When they subconsciously turned to look around, the dazzling firelight bombarded their eyes. In an instant, their tears could not be suppressed. Controlled flow down.

"Come on, I think this explosion can be seen even by people in downtown Philadelphia. Billy is simply crazy. He actually buried so many explosives." Frankie realized that the Philadelphia police would arrive at the scene soon. They must evacuate immediately before the police arrive.

The abandoned lumber factory on the outskirts was only a few kilometers away from the wooden house where the explosion occurred.

Billy came to the window and looked at the mushroom-like smoke in the distance. He clenched his fists excitedly. The smoke was still rolling inside. The scope of the explosion was even more shocking than Billy expected. .

"Is Storm dead?"

Huey stuck his head out the window and said excitedly.

"No one can survive such an explosion." Billy turned around and took out a few cans of beer prepared in advance from under the table, and threw them to Huey and Breastmilk respectively.

"I think we can celebrate early."



"Storm..." In a private room on the top floor of a high-end hotel, the Chinese were standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, expressionless with their hands behind their backs, looking at the thick smoke and flames burning in the distance.

On the table behind him, there are some photos, and these photos are the gifts prepared for him by Storm Girl.

The first photo was a photo of Storm Girl and an old man. Through the annotation on the back of the photo, the people of the motherland learned that the old man was none other than Federico, the founder of the Walter Group.

It was precisely because Federico injected him with the first No. 5 compound that the future Vought Group existed. In other words, Storm Girl was the first superhuman.

The second photo is a photo of Storm Girl and an old woman. The white-haired old woman was Storm Girl’s youngest daughter. Unfortunately, she eventually died of Alzheimer’s disease. The photo shocked the people of the motherland.

Above are some photos with senior German officials, and they are all a group of extremists.

From the letters included in the photos, the people of the motherland learned that Storm was born in Berlin in 1919. Her husband was the founder of the Vought Group. Federico was also an extremist. His dying wish was: Create millions of superhuman soldiers to conquer the world for Naqi.

And Storm Girl inherited Federico's last wish before his death.

However, she does not intend to conquer the world through war. Storm Girl's real purpose is to use Walt's influence to influence the current or next generation of people. She wants to deeply imprint Walt's cultural imprint on everyone. Personally, what she wants to conquer is not the land, but everyone's spirit.

This is the so-called cultural hegemony. In her opinion, the best candidates to guide those "soldiers" are the people of the motherland!

When people of the motherland reach out and touch the glass in front of them, they are stroking the cheeks of their loved ones.

It is undeniable that he regrets a little now, regrets that he cooperated with Billy and the others and chose to kill Storm Girl...

The motherland man closed his eyes in pain. Under his touch, the glass in front of him gradually extended with countless shocking cracks!

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