Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 147 Blazing Wings! Walking ghosts are exterminated!

at the same time.

The thick smoke above the scorched earth is still rolling, and the temperature inside is rising rapidly!

The huge energy released by the explosion lifted up the land within hundreds of meters, and countless gravel, sand, dust and other materials were sent high into the sky by the hot air. Soon, the top of the thick smoke spread to all directions, as if it wanted to cover the entire moon.

However, at the moment when the mushroom cloud was just formed, a figure surrounded by electric light broke through the cloud in an instant,

"Xie Te! I must kill you!" Storm Girl, who had narrowly escaped death, stood high in the sky. She was in an extremely embarrassed state at this time. She was far from the calmness and calmness she had when she came. The pain coming from her legs was almost overwhelming. The woman's expression was distorted.

Her legs were blown to pieces, and some parts were even carbonized. Only her upper body was still intact.

"You just wait for me, the hatred between us will never end!"

If she had hesitated for just a second, maybe she would have turned into a burnt corpse by now.

Fortunately, Storm Girl had experienced a lot of strong winds and waves, and her anger did not defeat her reason. She knew very well that in her current state, she was not suitable to continue fighting, so she changed her direction and flew towards the center of Philadelphia.

"I want to leave now, but I'm afraid it's a little late." Xia Shang's voice sounded faintly from behind Storm Girl.

Xia Shang was still holding Yuji's face, but what was different from before was that there were two more arms behind him. The palms of the two arms were facing down, releasing telekinesis waves at extremely high frequencies, so Xia Shang could catch up. Storm Girl.

"You have three seconds to get out of my way!" Storm Girl turned to look at this superhuman who was obviously coming with bad intentions, and threatened in a deep voice.

"3...2..." With a smile on his face, Xia Shang slowly raised his right hand and stretched out his middle finger, ring finger, and index finger. Whenever the countdown decreased by one second, he dropped one finger.

"Billy Butcher agreed to your terms, I will give you three times, and I can recommend you to join the Super Seven."

There is no doubt that Storm Girl's words did not move Xia Shang.


When the last finger fell, Storm Girl realized something was wrong and suddenly waved her arms, trying to get rid of the man in front of her with her own speed.

"Don't even think about escaping, you little bird that is bound." As Xia Shang clenched his right hand, dozens of invisible tentacles spread out from his body, already silently covering Storm Girl.

"Your ability is interesting." Through the changes in the airflow around her, Storm Girl keenly sensed that there was an invisible invisible net around her, and the net was constantly tightening, as if it wanted to completely restrain her.

"Idiot, you want to catch me with just a net. It's simply outrageous."

Since the other party is ignorant, then kill the other party and leave.

I saw lightning flashing from Storm Girl's eyes, like spider web-like lightning, stretching out from her palms. Under the illumination of the lightning, Xia Shang's tentacles were faintly exposed. When the two came into contact, the lightning flashed with astonishing force. The speed spread, and in an instant, a power grid suddenly bloomed, lighting up the surrounding night sky.

Xia Shang's actions were also very decisive. The moment his tentacles came into contact with the lightning, he disconnected the connection between the tentacles and his body to prevent lightning from being transmitted to him through the tentacles.

"Just limiting you for one second is enough."

Xia Shang cut the clothes on his chest, and under the strong wind, a gap as wide as a thumb and extending to the abdomen was looming.

The eighteen eyes hidden on both sides of the crack burst out with dazzling blue light at the same time.

Looking at the alluring and dangerous blue light, the familiar sense of crisis surged into Storm Girl's heart again. Without hesitation, she disappeared from the place in an instant.

But how does her speed that exceeds the speed of sound compare to the speed of light? As a thick blue laser is shot out, half of the night sky is reflected in blue. Even Billy and others ten kilometers away can see it. A beam of blue light almost penetrated the sky.

Unfortunately, it was still a little slower. The blue laser was like a hot knife cutting into butter, instantly annihilating Storm Girl's left arm.

"Fake Squid!"

Storm Girl never thought that she would actually have a brush with death.

Where did that monster come from? Even the people of the motherland cannot resist such intense laser rays.

The blue laser disappeared in an instant, and the eighteen eyeballs in Xia Shang's body had turned into coke and automatically separated from the cracks. Even Xia Shang could not bear such a huge energy consumption. This is why Xia Shang only made ten. The reason for the eight eyes.

Seeing that most of his physical strength was drained, Xia Shang could only cheer up and release his telekinesis waves to follow Storm Girl.

Storm was severely injured and unable to maintain supersonic flight.

"Madman! Can you release that kind of attack without any consumption? You can still keep up!" Storm Girl turned her head and saw in horror that Xia Shang was following her closely, showing no sign of exhaustion.

In fact, Xia Shang is also trying to support it. If he gives up now, it will really be nothing.

"Come here." As the distance between the two continued to shorten, Xia Shang threw out his right hand and turned into a transparent tentacle, wrapping around Storm Girl's right foot and dragging her in front of him.

Under Storm Girl's horrified gaze, Xia Shang's left arm grew numerous bone spurs and spread out against the wind, like a bush of thorns growing wantonly.

Then, the blazing wings about three meters long swept Storm Girl into them. Then, magma-like fire lit up along the gaps between the wings, like criss-crossing rivers of lava. The high temperature in them made Storm Girl roared like a ghost, and her eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the skin on the entire body were burned.

Just as she was dying.

A red laser shot from a distance instantly penetrated Xia Shang's chest.

Xia Shang looked down at the scorched black wound on his chest, and then let go of the dying Storm Girl.

I saw that Storm Girl had completely lost consciousness, like a piece of dead wood, falling from the sky.

Xia Shang also died with her.

He had exhausted all his strength, and even suffered a blow from his motherland that destroyed his heart and most of the surrounding organs.

"Who are you?"

The people from the motherland who flew in from a distance, after catching the storm girl's body, flew in front of Xia Shang.

Seeing the body of the other party falling continuously, with the breath of life almost disappearing, the people of the motherland were a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the head of the corpse suddenly looked at him and whispered softly: "Guess?"

"Seeking death!" The angry motherland's eyes glowed red again.

However, when the laser was about to hit Xia Shang's head, his body turned into countless light spots and disappeared in front of the eyes of the motherland!

[Fantasy World: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba]

[World Level: Two Stars]

[Player stay time: two years]

[Friendly reminder, the time flow rate in the fantasy world is 150:1 that of the main world]

At the same time, the twin received a regular text message from Xia Shang and a transfer reminder of one hundred thousand dollars.

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