Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 148 Xia Shang who tripped Tanjiro, the Breath of Water was lost

Chapter 148 Xia Shang who tripped Tanjiro, Water Breathing Style 11

In a forest covered by thick snow, a red-haired boy was carrying a girl on his back, running wildly on the snow, as if there was a ghost chasing them behind them.

Suddenly, he tripped over something under his feet, and Nezuko flew away from his back.

"Nezuko, Nezuko." Tanjiro stood up in a hurry, calling Nezuko's name while looking around. It was only then that he noticed that what tripped him was not a dead tree or stone, but a human corpse.

But at this time, he no longer cared about who the deceased was, he was more concerned about Nezuko's safety.

"I shouldn't have stayed at other people's homes. It's all my fault." Tanjiro believed that it was his laziness that led to the current tragedy. He thought of the despair of his younger brother and sister before they died, and his heart felt like a knife. pain.

At this moment, the poison remaining in Nezuko's body broke out, and she stood up unsteadily, with veins appearing around her face.

"Nezuko, are you okay?"

But Nezuko turned a deaf ear to Tanjiro's cry. She rushed towards Tanjiro like a wild beast. Fortunately, Tanjiro reacted in time and blocked Nezuko's bite with the wooden handle of the shovel in his hand.

Looking at the opponent's vampire-like teeth, Tanjiro remembered Grandpa Saburo's words, ghost! Could it be...

When he thought about the possibility of his sister turning into a so-called evil spirit, big tears burst out from Tanjiro's eyes.

Seeing Nezuko growing in size and strength, Tanjiro felt filled with self-blame.

This is... Suddenly, Tanjiro felt a ball of moist liquid dripping on his face. He looked up and saw that it was Nezuko's tears.

"It's really rude. I don't know how to say sorry when I bump into someone."

A strange voice sounded faintly. Tanjiro looked behind him in confusion and saw a corpse slowly crawling up from the snow. The chest of the corpse was penetrated by something unknown. Looking through it, he could even see The big tree behind.

"Are you... Tanjiro?" Xia Shang moved his limbs. In this cold environment, his limbs were frozen and stiff.

"You! You! You are a ghost too!"

Tanjiro was horrified to see that the wound on Xia Shang's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was impossible for humans to do.

"Don't compare that kind of low-level creature to me." Xia Shang's figure disappeared from the place in an instant. When he appeared again, he had pinched Nezuko's neck and let her feet off the ground, while Xia Shang's His eyes were like looking at a novel toy.

"Is this ghost transformation?"

Xia Shang allowed Nedouzi's sharp claws to tear at his right arm. Unfortunately, Nedouzi's strength and the sharpness of his nails were unable to scratch Xia Shang's skin.

"Let her go."

On the other side, Tomioka Giyu, who came after hearing the noise, witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

Wearing the Demon Slayer uniform, he wore a haori with different patterns on the left and right sides. One side was dark red, and the other side was yellow and green. The Nichirin sword in his hand glowed blue, and among the falling snowflakes, it seemed like Gives people a refreshing chill.

"Please save my sister." Tanjiro quickly asked for help from the man dressed as a samurai.

Tomioka Giyu said indifferently: "My duty is to kill evil spirits, which naturally includes your sister."

Then he looked at Xia Shang and reminded: "The evil ghost can only be killed by cutting off its head with the Sun Lun Sword."

"No, my sister is not an evil ghost, that man is."

Tanjiro looked excited because he saw with his own eyes Xia Shang's self-healing speed that ordinary people could not possess.

"No, he doesn't have the aura of an evil spirit on him." Tomioka Yiyu's expression was cold and his eyes remained indifferent.

"Impossible! I saw with my own eyes that the wound on his chest healed at an extraordinary speed. Although his aura is different from the one that appeared in my home, I can guarantee that he is also an evil ghost." Tanjiro shouted loudly.

"Is it a special evil spirit?" Seeing that Tanjiro's words were true, Tomioka Yoshiyuki was a little hesitant about his previous judgment.

His legs suddenly exerted force and his body bowed slightly as he approached Xia Shang.

“Not fast enough, but a nice burst.”

Xia Shang's figure kept switching positions in the eyes of the two people. Even when he squatted down to observe the Nichirin Sword, Tomioka Yoshiyuki barely reacted, but when he was about to swing the sword, Xia Shang disappeared again. At the same time, At the same time, Tomioka Giyu's right hand holding the knife felt a huge pulling force.

"How is it possible? There is clearly no word "upper string" or "lower string" in the other party's eyes. Could it be that the other party is Muhan?" Tomioka Giyuu, who almost had his Nichirin Sword taken away, although he was calm on the surface, was actually in a turmoil in his heart.

If it was Wu miserable, then today would be his death day.

Finally...have you finally waited for this day? It might be a good destination to die at the hands of Wu Ke.

He held his breath, and two lines of white mist seeped out from the corners of his mouth, "Don't underestimate me, you bastard."

"The breath of water, the shape of picking up, flowing from life to life!"

I saw the figure of Giyu Tomioka rushing out like a cannonball, and the Nichirin sword in his hand was filled with turbulent waves. The speed was so fast that Tanjiro was stunned.

Seeing a dragon's head condensed by water waves, biting towards him, Xia Shang let go of Nezuko, who had returned to his original form, and avoided the attack with a smile, but Tomioka Giyuu obviously couldn't end it here. The characteristic of Continuous is that it will continue to become stronger as the number of spins increases.

As he watched, the water dragon grew larger and larger, occupying almost all the gaps in the open space in the forest.


Xia Shang's figure kept retreating.

All the big trees in front of Tomioka Giyu were cut down.

"Let me end everything!" Giyu Tomioka flipped and jumped into the air. The long knife in his hand carried a huge dragon head and chopped it off in the air! His eyes were determined, this was almost his strongest blow!

boom! The faucet slammed into Xia Shang's chest, plowing up the ground with huge force. Xia Shang knocked down several trees before stopping.

"Even steel will be cut in half under this blow."

However, what made him despair was that in the grave made of snow in front of him, a man slowly rose up. Apart from some damage to his clothes, there was only an imperceptible scar on his chest.

"Go! Get your sister out of here!" Seeing this, Giyuu Tomioka turned to Tanjiro and roared.

At this time, there was no fear in his heart, only the determination to die.

"Death is my destination, the breath of water, the shape of Shiyi, Nagi!" Around Tomioka Giyu's body, a vast sea formed by sword energy emerged. When the word "Nagi" fell, the originally rough ocean became The moment was as still as water, as if any attack entering the realm would cause ripples.

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