Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 149 As expected, I was the cutest when I was little

"Is this all your strength?" Xia Shang raised his right leg and stepped into Tomioka Giyu's Nagi territory.

The next second, a scratch appeared on his neck, and the expressionless Tomioka Giyuu withdrew the knife.

Xia Shang smiled and stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his forehead. He saw that the scratches on his neck slowly faded until they disappeared completely.

"I didn't cut off his head! My attack only scratched his skin. How is this possible? Is my strength so different from Muzan's?" Tomioka Giyu's right hand holding the knife trembled slightly, as if he had just been beaten by him. What was struck was not a human body, but a piece of indestructible steel.

"Can you teach me the magical breathing method?" Xia Shang put down his right hand and looked at Tomioka Giyu with novel eyes.

"You want to learn how to breathe water?"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who was waiting for Muzan's counterattack, rarely showed a trace of surprise in his eyes. He frowned slightly and said, "You are not Muzan, who are you?"

With his arrogance, Wu Mei didn't even bother to learn the breathing method created by humans. In fact, Wu Mei's talent in this area was extremely poor, and he gave up after trying it a few times.

And the guy in front of him actually asked me to learn breathing techniques. It seemed that he had never been exposed to breathing techniques. Who is this guy? There is no evil spirit on his body, and there are no signs of upper and lower strings in his eyes.

Is it human? But how could a human being be able to block my slashing attack?

No matter how many questions he had in his mind, they were not expressed on Tomioka's face. After a few seconds, he said: "I won't teach you, just leave."

"Wuxian? I'm just looking for him. Do you know his location? And..."

Xia Shang's eyes became particularly cold in an instant. His figure disappeared again. The snowflakes falling from the sky were slowed down dozens of times in his eyes. The only thing Tanjiro and the others could see were the snowflakes slowly emerging on the snow. footprint.

"This is not a request, but a notice." Xia Shang grabbed Tomioka Yiyu's neck and lifted him up.

As Xia Shang's five fingers gradually exerted force, soon Tomioka Yiyu's breathing became extremely difficult, but he still did not compromise, "I will not teach the breathing method to a person with evil intentions, like this There is no difference between a human being and an evil spirit."

"You can talk. This is the first time I heard someone call me someone with evil intentions."

Seeing that Tomioka Giyuu was a tough guy and it would just be a waste of time if he continued like this, so Xia Shang let go of his right hand and walked towards Tanjiro.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who was freed from his restraints, half-knelt on the snow, breathing heavily, letting the cold air rush into his lungs, causing severe pain. He did not slow down his breathing. It was only now that he was sure that the man in front of him was not innocent. Miserable, if it were Muzan, he would never let go of the members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing that Xia Shang's target was Nezuko, Tanjiro immediately spread his arms and blocked Nezuko.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about her ability to grow bigger and smaller."

Since Xia Shang did not have the ability to fuse Storm Girl immediately, the analysis function could still be used. This time his target was Nezuko.

"Please, let Nezuko go. She is innocent. Please don't take her away from me. She is the only relative I have left." Faced with the unstoppable enemy, the painful and powerless Tanjiro knelt in the snow. He placed his palms on the ground, bowing his head to Xia Shang with almost 90% posture.

This is the highest salute among Japanese sitting salutes, and is generally used only for supplications.

"Please, I beg you." Tanjiro's voice sounded like he was crying, and hot tears dripped from the corners of his eyes.

Tanjiro's weak performance made Tomioka Giyu gnash his teeth in anger. He couldn't help but roar: "Don't let others have the power of your life and death. Don't be miserable and beg others. If this is useful, your family will not be killed." Already..."

Under Tomioka Giyu's angry roar, Tanjiro, who was kneeling on the ground, slowly straightened his back.

At the same time, Tomioka Giyuu prayed in his heart that Tanjiro would not despair and stop crying. He even wanted to see Tanjiro turn the unforgiving, powerful and pure anger in his heart into an indestructible fighting spirit, because he Understand that in this desperate world, only with strength can you protect the things you want to protect.

"Let my sister go!"

Tomioka Giyu's words are obviously very effective.

Tanjiro realizes that blind weakness cannot protect his family. He needs strength and the courage to resist!

He grabbed the ax at hand and roared towards Xia Shang.

Unfortunately, the strength gap between him and Xia Shang could not be filled by so-called anger alone. When the ax blade hit Xia Shang's shoulder, it was ejected and finally fell on the snow, motionless.

"I told you, don't get me wrong. I'm actually a good person. If that guy hadn't attacked me first, I wouldn't have fought back." Xia Shang squatted in front of the miniature version of Nezuko and reached out to pinch her chubby face.

[Unresolved ability]

This was not the first time Xia Shang had encountered a situation like this. Apparently Nezuko's demon transformation had not been completely completed, and he could not analyze her abilities.

"Okay, tell me your conditions. I just want the breathing method in your hands."

Xia Shang held Nezuko in his arms, lowered his head and murmured softly: "Sure enough, she was the cutest when she was little."

"Yeah." Faced with Xia Shang's finger reaching towards his mouth, Nezuko subconsciously wanted to bite it.

Seeing this, Tomioka Giyuu reminded him in a deep voice: "There may still be blood on her body, and if she bites a wound, it may become infected."

"It's okay. If she likes to bite, let her bite. She can't bite it anyway." The corners of Xia Shang's mouth raised inadvertently.

"Can you return Nezuko to me?"

Xia Shang ignored Tanjiro's pleas at all.

"Yeah, yeah." Nezuko sensed Tanjiro's approach and struggled in Xia Shang's arms. She stretched out her white and tender arms like lotus roots, as if she wanted to grab Tanjiro.

"Do you want to follow me? I can help you get revenge." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"For safety's sake, it's better to seal her mouth."

Tomioka Giyu took out a piece of bamboo tube and stuffed it into Nezuko's mouth.

"The effect of my fingers is the same, but it's a little unhygienic." Xia Shang reluctantly pulled out his fingers.

"Do you know Mukai Kibutsuji?" Xia Shang's performance made Tomioka realize that the other party might like children very much. Generally, such a person cannot be a pure bad person, but is more likely to have a character that is both good and evil.

In fact, his guess was not wrong. Xia Shang's mood at this time was very similar to that of the people of his motherland. He wanted to be free and unfettered.

"I know him, but he may not know me, and he probably doesn't want to know me."

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