Soon, it came to the third day after Laoshi's death.

During this period, nothing happened.

He was far calmer than Xia Shang imagined. As expected, Wuhan was still the same Wuhan. Apart from being more concerned about individual xiaoxian, other xiaoxian seemed to him to be tools that could be replaced at will, inferior products that could be made with a little blood, so He didn't care about Xia Xian's death. In fact, what made him angry was the uselessness shown by Xia Xian.

"Is Mr. Lintaki at home? Oh, is Mr. Lintaki at home?"

The black crow flew from a distance, flapping its wings and tapping the window of the wooden house with its beak.

"Damn it! Slow down, wait for me." A figure in black clothing ran closely behind the bird, his short black hair parted in the middle was blown by the breeze, and the uniform that belonged to the Demon Slayer Corps was worn. Wet with sweat.

While holding on to the white belt holding the knife around his waist, he waved his hand to tell Crow Flight to slow down.

Phew... finally arrived.

Mount Sawu is really far away.

"Isn't Mr. Lintaki here?" Seeing that there was no response when he knocked on the door, he scratched his head, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of Ling Yuzi squatting under the shade of a tree to avoid the sun.


Murata's face instantly turned pale. He pointed at Ling Yuzi and said with a trembling voice.

Isn't this the place where my predecessor Shuizhu lived in seclusion? Why is there a bottom string? Could it be...

Mr. Lintaki, you died so miserably! I will definitely inform the lord to avenge you, provided that I can escape.

Extremely nervous, Murata pulled out his Nichirin sword and pointed the tip of the sword at Ling Yuzi.

"I, I am a swordsman in the Demon Slayer Squad. I can't just think about escaping."

"Are you here to find someone?"

However, the attack he imagined did not happen. The evil ghost under the shade of the tree shrank his head, looking harmless.

Suddenly, Murata seemed to understand something.

"I understand. You must be hiding under the tree because you are afraid of the sun and don't dare to attack me. Stop pretending, you evil ghost. Do you think you can trick me by pretending to be harmless? ?! I, Murata, will never be fooled!"

Suddenly, Murata felt for the first time that the sunlight shining on him was so warm and safe.

"I'm not hungry now, why should I attack you?"

Ling Yuzi had no concept of the word ghost at all, and she didn't think she had become a ghost. She was just her, Ling Yuzi who had to eat when she was hungry.

"As expected! You were still exposed. You must have eaten Mr. Kintaki and the others, so you weren't hungry."

"Idiot, idiot." The black crow flew over Murata's head and pecked his head with its beak.

"Ahhh!! Damn Torataro, if you are rude to me, the master, again, I will roast you!"

Murata was so angry that he danced. He stretched out his hand to catch the bird, but he couldn't catch Torataro.

"Idiot, gah, idiot."

Torataro avoided Murata's palm and took the time to retaliate, "Gah, gah, gah..."

Its voice was full of ridicule.

Suddenly, it stopped, its dark eyes looking toward a dirt road in the woods.

"Mr. Lintaki is here, gah! What are you doing! Let me go quickly."

"I finally caught you, I must teach you a lesson this time... What, you said Mr. Nintaki is here?" Murata, who had just caught Torataro, subconsciously turned his head to look.

I actually saw Mr. Lintaki with a red-haired boy and a tall man wearing a brown suit and slim trousers. The brown suit on the man was naturally open, revealing the white lining inside.

This guy's figure is too good, even clothes can't cover his muscle lines.

Also, what are the patterns on his neck?

Murata didn't know Zeibori. Not only him, but many of the Demon Slayer Squad and the ghosts didn't know Zeibori. The reason why Ling Yuzi and Lingji knew each other was entirely because of an accident. They were summoned to Infinite City and unexpectedly met Kuro. The lines on Shimou's body were noticed by Wuhan due to his inner thoughts, so Wuhan mentioned it casually.

It was at this time that they realized that Wu Ke could read their thoughts.

Of course, as a newcomer, Bu Nui has never experienced this, so he naturally does not know that Wuzan can see through his inner thoughts, so in the original work, he was directly eliminated by Wuzan because of his inner thoughts.

"Mr. Lintaki, are you not dead?"

"Have you been in contact with that kid Yiyong again recently?"

"How do you know, sir? I just completed a ghost-slaying mission with Lord Giyu. I originally thought I could take a break, but I didn't expect that the master would send me to Samagiri Mountain again."

Murata felt a lot more relaxed when he saw that Mr. Lintaki was safe and sound.

"By the way, why are you so unreasonable here? Aren't you afraid of exposing the location of Mount Samagiri?" Murata expressed the doubts in his heart.

"As long as he is far enough away from Muzan, he can only sense the general direction and location of the ghost. Unless he comes here specially to find some spare parts, the probability of Saagiri Mountain being exposed is not high."

"Besides, we won't stay in Samagiri Mountain for too long."

Xia Shang answered his question.

"What if he really comes?" Tamura always felt that the man in front of him exuded a strong sense of oppression for no reason.

"Do you think that with Wuxian's character, it is possible for him to come to Xiaxian personally? At most, he would only send Shangxian to investigate the cause of Laushi's death. He doesn't even care about Xiaxian's death."

Since Xia Shang always kept his pattern open, the breath he exhaled was hot, so it was strange that the feeling of oppression was not strong.

"Are you the mysterious person my lord mentioned?"

Murata set his sights on Xia Shang.

Xia Shang was silent for a few seconds. He didn't expect Uyashiki Yōya to be able to detect his own existence. Was it because of his future intuition that was like a super power?

"What else did he say?" Xia Shang suddenly realized that Wu Mei's regeneration ability was not the greatest treasure in ghost slayer.

This is the superpower that can predict the future.

"My lord also said that he can't see clearly your future direction. He can only see scattered fragments of the events you participated in. Moreover, my lord asked me to take you to his mansion. He really wants to see you." ." Murata repeated what Ubuya Shiki Yaoya told him.

Only scattered fragments can be seen.

Xia Shang frowned. If Ubuyashiki Yaoya's super power is only useful in demon slaying, then there is no need to fuse it.

However, what the ability is, we still have to analyze it to know.

"This is the uniform and Nichirin sword prepared for you, sir."

Murata untied the strange-looking package on his back and handed it to Xia Shang.

After taking it apart, there was a set of Demon Slayer uniforms inside. Behind the black uniform, there was a white word for annihilation. In addition, there was a jade stone and a black nichirin sword.

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