"This is?"

Xia Shang picked up the jade stone among them curiously. Well, it was quite heavy, so it was probably not an ordinary stone.

“This is jadeite, a special mineral used to make the Nichirin sword, which can increase the toughness of the blade.

However, in order to create a Nichirin Sword that can kill ghosts, it is necessary to add orangutan crimson sand iron and orangutan crimson ore that can absorb sunlight. Only the swordsmiths in the Swordsmith Village can complete such complex processes. . "

Murata explained.

"It's a good idea to store the power of sunlight in a knife, but what makes me curious is why don't you use this special ore to make bullets? It should also be able to kill ghosts."

Xia Shang took out the Sun Blade and slashed it a few times. Listening to the whistling sound of the blade cutting through the air, he judged that the sharpness and hardness of this thing were far inferior to the sharp blade he had transformed. Without the bonus of those ores, , this is at best a good steel knife.

Murata shook his head, "Because the reserves of the ore are limited, and only the user can inspire the true power of the blade."

"I see."

I saw that the Sun Lun Knife in Xia Shang's hand had azure patterns spreading from the handle. These patterns were like vines growing wantonly, dyeing the blade azure in a very short period of time.

This is the characteristic of the Nichirin Sword. It will show different colors according to the attributes of the user.

Murata was not surprised to see the Nichirin sword in Xia Shang's hand turn blue.

"Wait...wait...wait! Why has your Nichirin sword turned dark?" Murata looked at the Nichirin sword in Xia Shang's hand and couldn't help but exclaimed.

After Xia Shang heard this, he looked down and saw that the Sun Blade in his hand was getting darker.

It didn't stop until it turned dark blue.

At this time, the color of the Nichirin Sword was close to black.

Is it because of the fire god Kagura Mai?

The night before yesterday, Natsu Shang asked for the God of Fire Kagura Dance from Tanjiro. Although it was an ancestral dance of the Kamado family, Tanjiro did not refuse Natsu Shang's request. In return, Natsu Shang promised to help him get revenge. , and told him that the God of Fire Kagura Mai is the breath of the sun, but Tanjiro didn't seem to believe what he said.

When he obtained Kagura, the God of Fire, he tried to understand the breath of the sun from it.

Unfortunately, it was not successful.

But it was not without gain. At least with the help of the breath of water, he had a vague glimpse of the secret hidden in the dance. It must not take long for him to completely decipher it.

It's really strange. Lord Giyuu's sword doesn't seem to be that dark.

This confusion only existed in Murata's mind for a moment.

After all, the color of the blade is determined by the user's attributes, and there is no unified standard.

"Let's go." Xia Shang put on the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps and inserted the Nichirin Sword into his belt. At first glance, it didn't seem to be out of place.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Lintaki, Tanjiro, and Nezuko in the house one by one.

Xia Shang, led by Yan Crow, walked toward the distant field ridge.

"Gah! With you here, I feel relieved." The black crow flapped its wings and circled above Murata's head.

"Wait for me."

Ling Yuzi under the shade of the tree quickly took out the huge bamboo hat he had prepared in advance and covered his head.

After putting on a bamboo hat, Ling Yuzi was like a green mushroom, following Xia Shang closely.

Apart from being a bit eye-catching, there are no other shortcomings.

Watching Xia Shang's figure walking further and further away, Tanjiro waved his hand and shouted:

"Brother Xia Shang, don't forget the dance I taught you."

Xia Shang did not turn around, but raised his right hand to show that he heard it.

"Remember, don't tell others about this, at least don't do it until you have no ability to protect yourself."

Xia Shang's voice replayed over and over again in Tanjiro's mind.

Could it be that what my father taught me was really the breath of the sun?


"Hey, can you hurry up? I'm still in a hurry to see Li. In order to wait for you, the flowers I picked have all withered."

I saw that Torataro was indeed holding a few wild flowers of different colors in his paws.

And the Rei in its mouth is the eagle crow of Mitsuri of Koibashiganroji Temple. Unlike Torataro, Rei has very long eyelashes and the hair on her head is shaped like three hearts.

"You'd better not provoke others. You just made Li cry not long ago. She will probably hide when she sees you."

Murano did not hesitate to lift Torataro's fig leaf.

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't been so picky when moving, you wouldn't have missed my date with Li."

Furious, Torataro let go of the wild flowers under his paws, then flew to Murata's head and scratched at them, turning Murata's middle-parted hairstyle into a weed-like bird's nest.

"Ahhhhh~! I must catch you!"

Under the "friendly" interaction between Murata and Torataro, the sky became darker and darker, and the looming bright moon emerged from the clouds.

Half an hour later.

The three finally saw a small town.

"Sir, our Demon Slayer Corps is not allowed to carry swords on the streets or take public transport, so we'd better put away the Nichirin sword."

Murata skillfully removed the Nichirin Sword and wrapped it in white cloth. "After all, our Demon Slayer Corps is an organization not recognized by the government, so we have some restrictions when traveling."

"However, as long as we don't carry knives and wander around in the streets, we won't attract their attention, because the government acquiesces to our existence."

"I think it's unnecessary." Xia Shang looked ahead indifferently.

not far away.

A young man with short hair was asking passers-by in a panic.

"Have you seen such a tall girl with a light golden hairpin on her head?" The young man raised his left hand and gestured to passers-by about something famous.

"I didn't see it, young man, why don't you look elsewhere."

The gray-haired old man shook his head slightly, indicating that he had not seen the girl the young man mentioned.

how come! How could it not be!

The short-haired young man looked around blankly, a feeling of fear gradually welling up in his heart.


Keiko was obviously by my side just now, why did she disappear in the blink of an eye?

"Keiko! Keiko! Stop playing and come out." The short-haired young man's voice was trembling. He ran desperately to the place where Keiko disappeared and shouted to the surroundings.

"Don't scare me... Keiko, Keiko!"

"Mom, what is this boy doing?" A little girl with her hair tied in a bun looked up at her mother and asked in confusion.

"Maybe a relative is lost. It's so pitiful. Our Satomi needs to stay close to me."

"Yeah." The little girl held the corner of the woman's clothes fearfully and looked back from time to time. "Then can we help that big brother?"

"My little Satomi is so kind, but the government has a dedicated person in charge of this matter."

no respond……

Why was there no response? Could it be that... Keiko was taken away?

How could such a terrible thing happen to Keizi? Immediately afterwards, the short-haired young man searched everywhere, in alleys, under corners... wherever he could hide people, he searched for them, even if he broke his head. , still did not give up looking for Keiko, "Keiko... Keiko, Keiko, where are you?"

The young man's voice gradually contained a hint of crying, and his lips were dry and cracked from shouting for a long time.


Suddenly, Keiko's cry for help came from a distance.

Keiko, it was Keiko's voice. Tanou's originally exhausted body suddenly burst out with a new force, and he ran towards the direction of the voice with firm eyes.

You must wait for me, Keiko!

"It's so noisy. It seems I need to enjoy you slowly in a quiet environment." Under the shadow of a certain wall.

A girl's mouth was covered by a pair of blue ghost hands. It buried its head in the girl's neck, greedily sniffing the fragrance emanating from the girl's body.

"It's so tempting. I can't wait to enjoy your wonderful body." Its ferocious face, scarlet eyes, and veins all over its forehead indicate that it is not a human being, but a prey. of evil spirits.

"It's already sixteen years old. If you don't eat it quickly, the quality of the meat will change every moment."

The swamp ghost dragged the girl into the deep black swamp.

Whenever this happens, all the cells in its body tremble with excitement.


Xia Shang, who was standing outside the town, suddenly said.

As his words fell.

Tamura was horrified to see a round black hole moving at high speed on the road in front of him.

"Be careful, the ghost is coming towards us." The crow in the sky warned.

"The aura it exudes is so weak, it must have just become a ghost." Ling Yuzi, under the bamboo hat, said casually.

After all, she has also seen big scenes, how could she take a guy who is not even a dick in her eyes.

"...Crack, click, click!"

With the sound of grinding teeth, an evil ghost wearing a ninja costume and long dark blue hair slowly rose up from the swamp with a girl in his arms.

It looked at Xia Shang and Murata with a ferocious expression. The veins on its forehead popped out, and a single horn emerged from the center of its eyebrow. "Ghost hunter? I heard those guys mention it before, and it didn't look like anything special. .”

"If you are wise, get out of my way. I have no interest in your disgusting bodies!"

"Lord Xia Shang, leave it to me this time."

Ling Yuzi suddenly thought that this weak guy in front of him could just be used to refresh his sense of existence.

Anyway, it doesn't pose a threat to yourself, so why not do it.

"Who are you……"

With that said, Ling Yuzi took off his bamboo hat.

When the Swamp Ghost saw her face clearly, its scarlet pupils were twitching rapidly, and it said in an unbelievable tone: "Xia Xian Zhi Si! How could you be with the Demon Slayers? Did you betray that person?" An adult."

Then, the expression on its face became crazy and excited, "Great, if that adult knows that you betrayed it, it will definitely give me the blood in your body!

And I will be the new one, which is simply wonderful. I didn’t expect that I would encounter additional surprises during this hunt! "

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