Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 160 Where did Mr. Lintaki find this monster?

Then, the scene came to Xia Shang's side.

boom! ! I saw the sun blade entangled in flames and waves, carrying a terrifying air current, rolling up the gravel and weeds on the roadside.

Until the blade completely disappears from sight.

The dumbfounded Murata stared blankly at the endless ravine on the ground, and was suddenly shocked into silence.

"Gah! Gah! I recognize your strength."

As Torataro's words fell, a loud noise woke up Murata, who was still immersed in shock.

In an instant.

The long knife trailing red and blue tail flames instantly penetrated the moving black swamp.

The Swamp Ghost hiding in the swamp was stabbed through the neck by a sudden long knife before he could even react.

"How...possible?" The ferocious-looking Swamp Ghost subconsciously reached out to touch its own neck. Suddenly, its perspective changed. It actually saw its headless self, stretching out its blue-gray hands, as if above its neck. Mosuo is looking for something.

What is it looking for? Looking for heads?

Oh, I remembered, my head seemed to have been chopped off with a knife.

I saw that the swamp on the ground slowly dissipated, and the headless swamp ghost gradually turned into ashes under the moonlight.

"I'm not willing to give in. I obviously escaped...why? Why can you find me!"

The remaining ferocious head of the Swamp Ghost roared unwillingly. It stared at the two ghosts walking towards it with its blood-red eyes.

"How can there be so many reasons? Hey, if you want to die, die quickly!"

Torataro swooped down and kicked off the Swamp Ghost's head with his claws.

Just in time for the Swamp Ghost's head to roll in front of the unconscious girl on the side.

"Woo... I feel so sad when I think that I will never be able to eat such delicious flesh and blood again... I'm so sad..." Tears filled the eyes of the Swamp Ghost. As it shed tears, it stretched out its scarlet and covered The tongue with blue veins tried to lick the face of the girl in front of him, and the extremely fishy liquid dripped from the corner of its mouth.

Poof! The weeds dropped by the liquid instantly emitted a wisp of white smoke, and then quickly withered and died.

"Torataro, don't make trouble."

Fortunately, Murata reacted in time and kicked the Swamp Ghost's head away with a volley.

In mid-air, the Swamp Ghost's eyes showed strong unwillingness. Before it could fall, a gust of evening wind blew by, and it turned into ashes and dissipated in the wind.

However, at this moment, Ling Yuzi, who was standing next to Xia Shang, suddenly showed a panicked expression.

Wuhan, Mr. Wuhan, want to see me?

"What are you afraid of?" At this time, Xia Shang, who had pushed the fusion progress to 99%, had reached the highest level of perception of his surroundings. Even the sound of Ling Yuzi's heart beating violently could not escape his ears. .

"No, no." Ling Yuzi lowered his head subconsciously to avoid Xia Shang's gaze.

It's over. If Lord Wuhan finds out that I betrayed him, then I'm dead. What should I do? what to do?

When I think about myself, I will soon die.

Ling Yuzi cried out loud.

"Lead the way, Asakusa, Tokyo Prefecture."

Xia Shang pulled out the long knife stuck on the ground and inserted it back into his waist.

"Gah! Okay, sir."

Torataro immediately flapped his wings and led Xia Shang.

"I'll help you break away from Wuhan, and you will lead me to find Wuhan. How about this deal?" Xia Shang said calmly.

Ling Yuzi didn't dare to speak, because the curse in her body would explode immediately once she sensed that it had leaked Wu Mei's information.

Look at the crystal tears hanging on Ling Yuzi's face and her pitiful look.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent."

The next second, two arms rushed out from his back and instantly grabbed Murata and Lingyuzi beside him. Then, Xia Shang's figure disappeared from the place.

At Xia Shang's current speed, he can cross the entire Japan within an hour, and this is still from south to north. If he goes from east to west, the time taken will be shorter. After all, several times the speed of sound is no joke. Knowing that one can travel more than a thousand kilometers in one hour at twice the speed of sound.

What's more, Xia Shang's speed is more than three times the speed of sound.

And, this is far from his limit.

Bang bang bang! ! As time passed, the heart engine in Xia Shang's chest was stimulated to its extreme state, and the markings on his body also changed from blue to red.

"You are flying too slowly. Next, you will be responsible for showing me the direction."

An invisible tentacle rushed out from Xia Shang's shoulder. The tentacle easily wrapped around the body of the bird and pulled it to Xia Shang's shoulder.

"Gah! Turn left...go straight."

Seeing Xia Shang's speed getting faster and faster, Murata's face was deformed by the strong wind. "Big... man, can you please slow down a bit?"

Murata shouted with all his strength.

Upon seeing this, a dark red film instantly enveloped Murata, Ling Yuzi and Torataro.

At this time, the surface of Xia Shang's body gradually sounded like a sound similar to the opening of porcelain. The red color was like magma, filling all the cracks. If Murata had not been protected by the blood-colored film, not to mention the resonance produced by Xia Shang's heart, he would have been stunned. The headache was splitting, and if it was severe, it would even resonate with Murata's heart.

Once Murata's heart was driven by Xia Shang's heart engine.

Then he is not far from death.

Putting aside everything else, the rapid pumping of blood was enough to cause his blood vessels to burst.

In addition to the resonance of his heart, Xia Shang's body surface temperature has soared rapidly at this time. Every time he takes a breath, his body temperature can rise several degrees. It is no exaggeration to say that Xia Shang can even squeeze an egg with his bare hands, which is comparable to the opening of the column. When it comes to markings, the body temperature of 39 degrees is too high, not even on the same level.

At this moment, it was no longer the wind passing by him.

Instead, the wind was chasing Xia Shang's back.

"Okay, such terrifying speed, and this kind of physical strength is definitely not something ordinary people can possess." Murata swallowed nervously. Now he really couldn't tell whether Xia Shang was a human or an evil ghost, and he was an evil ghost. It's impossible to have such terrifying speed.

"Sir, there is a raging river ahead. Should we take a detour?"

To be honest, even the eyesight of crows cannot keep up with Xia Shang's speed.

If Xia Shang hadn't slowed down occasionally, Torataro wouldn't have been able to tell where they were.

Torataro's expression is extremely serious at this moment, and he is trying his best to serve as a living map for Xia Shang. If you observe carefully, you will see a trace of panic in Torataro's eyes. In addition, the thin feathers on his forehead are already wet with cold sweat.

"No need." Xia Shang said coldly.

He waved his hands, and two huge waves of telekinesis propelled him across the river.

I'm scared to death. Where did Mr. Lintaki find this monster? Not only was he ridiculously strong, but he was also not afraid of the sun. He was simply inhuman. Torataro raised his right wing and carefully wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"The Asakusa District of Tokyo is just ahead. According to the government's rules, the Demon Slayer Squad needs to take off their belts..."

Before Torataro finished speaking, Xia Shang rushed in.

Pedestrians on both sides of the road could only see a little red light passing by them, but when they concentrated on observing what it was, Xia Shang's figure had long since disappeared from their sight. trace.

After a few breaths,

Xia Shang turned around suddenly, his legs exploded with terrifying power, and he jumped into the mansion nearby.

The mansion looked ordinary, as if no one had lived in it for a long time. However, the next second, the steam overflowing from the corner of Xia Shang's mouth turned into a strong wind. With him as the center, an extremely high-temperature air flow was seen. It surged around, boom! ! Its momentum is terrifying, as if it wants to destroy everything around it.


A gentle voice sounded.

"Yushiro, remove the blinding techniques around you and let them in."

As a few talisman papers with eye patterns fell down, the surrounding environment instantly changed drastically. From the original mansion overgrown with weeds, it turned into a clean and tidy courtyard. On both sides of the courtyard, various kinds of plants were planted. of herbs.

"Wow!" X3.

When Murata and the others were put down by Xia Shang, they all lowered their heads and vomited. Even Torataro did the same.

By the way, Xia Shang now looks like an evil ghost, and he is of a very high level.

I saw cracks all over the surface of Xia Shang's body. These cracks were interspersed with hideous and terrifying markings, emitting a red light like magma. The muscle lines of his arms behind him were particularly obvious, as if they were woven from steel cables, and they seemed to contain orders. Unimaginable power.

call! With every breath Xia Shang took, extremely high-temperature steam spread to the surroundings.

Murata just touched it accidentally, and a blister appeared on the back of his hand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's so hot!" Murata hurriedly avoided the incoming steam while blowing cold air on the back of his hands.

"Are you a ghost?" Yushiro frowned as he stood in front of the wooden door.

"But it's strange that you don't have the aura of ghost on you. However, there is no doubt that you are a dangerous person."

Judging from Yu Shilang's expression, he did not welcome Xia Shang to approach Zhu Shi.

"Please let the guests in."

"Come in." After hearing Miss Tamashi's instructions, Yushiro reluctantly opened the wooden door behind him.

Huh... As Xia Shang expels the air from his lungs, the temperature of his body surface also begins to cool down rapidly.

Bring the arms behind you back into your body.

He raised his legs and walked towards the wooden door.

"The fourth step of the string!" It was only at this moment that Yushiro noticed the words in Ling Yuzi's eyes.

"Don't be nervous, they are not hostile." Zhu Shi's gentle voice sounded from inside the house again.

"Xia Shang."


When Xia Shang stepped into the wooden house, he saw Tamashi kneeling on the tatami. She was wearing a dark purple kimono and had a gentle and beautiful appearance.

"Please sit down." Zhu Shi's eyes seemed to contain lavender mist, making them look particularly mysterious.

"No need."

The furnishings in the room are very novel. On the surrounding counters, there are some medical instruments, such as scalpels, tweezers, and glass jars.

Xia Shang glanced at it and thought he had returned to modern times.

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