Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 161 Wu Ke, don’t get excited when you hear the blue flower of the other side

Chapter 161 Wu Ke, don’t get excited when you hear the blue flower of the other side.

"Miss Zhushi, I heard that you need the blood of the Twelve Ghost Moons for research?"

"You are spying on us!" Yushiro on the side immediately realized that they were being watched. No wonder the other party could see through the trap he had set up. "Who are you? What do you want to do? We don't welcome you here!"

"Yoshiro, please don't speak to your guests in this tone."

Zhu Shi smiled apologetically at Xia Shang, "Yushiro's character is a bit impatient. Please forgive him."

"It's okay, I don't care." Xia Shang picked up a piece of white paper on the counter, and then used the pen on the side to draw the pattern of a pair of flower card earrings on it.


"We really need the blood of the Twelve Ghost Moons, because only by studying the ghost blood in their bodies can we find a way to turn ghosts into humans." Zhu Shi's voice always maintained the same tone, unhurried and unusual. soft.

"Help me remove the curse from Ling Yuzi's body. You can study her blood at will. Besides, have you ever heard of the blue Higan flower?"

"I know, that's the plant that Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan has always wanted to find. At first, he created the ghost to find the blue Higan flower."

Zhu Shi paused slightly.

Now that we are talking about the blue Higanbana, we have to talk about how Muzan turned into a ghost in the first place.

Zhu Shi knows a thing or two about this.

"Kibutsuji Mumei once told me personally that he was born in the distant Heian period. At that time, he was so weak that he almost died in his mother's womb. He was even born as a dead baby when he was born. , but with his strong will and obsession with living, he crawled out of the gate of hell.

But weakness and illness had not left him. In his youth, a doctor found him and developed a drug that could extend his life. However, the side effects of the drug made his condition worse. , so he killed the kind doctor in a rage.

However, sometimes fate is so wonderful. When the doctor died, Muzan Kibutsuji was surprised to find that not only his disease was cured, but he also gained a more powerful body, immortality, and eternal health. . "

Several people in the room listened quietly to Zhu Shi's story about Wu Mei. After all, Zhu Shi, as Wu Mei's former doctor, knew him very well, otherwise it would not have been possible to develop a potion that could restrain Wu Mei's cell regeneration and vampire skills. .

"All gifts given by fate have already been marked with a secret price."

Xia Shang suddenly spoke.

"Yes, later on, Oniwu Tsuji Muzan discovered that he longed to eat human flesh and blood. Of course, these are not worth mentioning in the face of powerful power. What really made Muzan angry and humiliated was that once he was exposed to the sun , the cells in the body will die irreversibly.

In order to overcome his only flaw, he opened the book left by the doctor and found a complete prescription in it. He found that in the complete prescription, there was a vital plant called cyan Hibiscus. However, this The growing environment, appearance and location of the plants are known only to the dead physician.

Therefore, in order to obtain the blue Higan flower and become the strongest creature in the true sense, he created a large number of ghosts to find this plant for him.

Unfortunately, for hundreds of years, he found nothing. "

After Tomoyo finished speaking, Murata subconsciously asked: "Ms. Tomoyo, how do you know so much?"

Zhu Shi glanced at Murata with his lavender eyes, and then continued to say in a gentle tone: "Because he found nothing, he thought about finding some smart doctors to develop a medicine for him that could help him resist the sun. medicine, and I was the one chosen by him.”

At that time, Zhu Shi was already suffering from a terminal illness. However, at this time, Wu Mei found her and promised to help her extend her life. In order to witness the smooth growth of her child, under Wu Mei's temptation, Zhu Shi finally chose to believe No misery.

But this guy Wu Ke didn't follow martial ethics and turned Zhu Shi into a ghost. In the end, Zhu Shi couldn't control his body and killed his husband and children with his own hands.

"What if I said, I know where the cyan Hibiscus flower is?"

The corners of Xia Shang's mouth raised slightly. He glanced at Ling Yuzi, whose heart was beating rapidly, and waved his hand to seal off all her sensory organs!

No misfortune, don't get excited when you hear the blue flower of the other side.

the other side.

Outside Tokyo, Muzan's eyes were closed, and he suddenly opened them!

"You fucking bastard!!!"

After cutting off Ling Yuzi's vision, Wuxian roared angrily. He crushed the wooden handrail and his chest heaved violently. At the same time, Xia Shang's amazing strength was replayed in his mind over and over again. It started with Xia Shang throwing out the sun blade entangled in flames and waves.

Until the other party showed terrifying speed and physical changes.

These fully demonstrate that the other party is not weak.

"How could he know about the cyan Higanbana?! This guy doesn't have my blood in his body at all. Could it be..." A hint of surprise flashed in Wuhan's eyes, and then thinking of the other party's fear of the sun, at this moment, a bold idea appeared in his mind guess.

Could it be that I’m not the only human being treated by that doctor’s prescription?

The other party was using the full version of the potion.

That's why he has the same ability as me, the same ability to change the body, and the same ability to control ghosts through flesh and blood.

Moreover, he is more perfect than me.

Wu Mei's expression was extremely ferocious, and an emotion called jealousy was burning in his heart.

"Asshole! Why do you deserve all this? I don't accept it! I must eat you. Maybe if I eat you, I will gain far greater power than I have now. I will be immortal and immortal, and even the sun cannot erase me. "Wuxian lowered his head, his eyes occupied by greed and excitement. He believed that his guess was correct.


What a tempting kindred spirit!

"It seems that we have to summon all the top stringers as soon as possible. Although the opponent may be stronger than me, I have the Twelve Ghost Moons. I don't believe that if six top stringers work together to strangle him, he can still hold on."

That's right, Wuxian, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, is going to go back and summon a wave of Twelve Ghost Moons.

Even though Xia Shang was less than three kilometers away from him, he still didn't dare to take action.

However, even if Xia Shang did not show amazing strength, he would not do it himself.

"I really didn't expect that there is a second special existence in the world. However, why did the other party only appear recently? Has it been sleeping for thousands of years before?" Wu Mei was not dazzled by the surprise. His doubtful mood was in his mind. Eyes gradually emerged.

But to him, even if it was an error in judgment, it didn't matter.

The other party actually knows the location of the cyan Higanbana. This alone is enough!

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