Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 162 Guess, can you escape from me?

inside the room.

Ling Yuzi, whose mouth and nose had been sealed by Xia Shang, suddenly showed a painful expression.

A crack was seen on the right side of her face, and bright red and sticky blood flowed down the wound and dripped onto the floor in threads.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from the gap.

"My name is Muzan Kibutsuji. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kashang."

" misfortune!"

Torataro, who was standing on Murata's shoulder, was so frightened that he subconsciously spread his wings and exclaimed Muzan's name.

The reactions of Murata and Yushiro were similar to Torataro's. Murata nervously pulled out the Nichirin sword and pointed the tip of the knife at Reiyuko, while Yuushiro stood in front of Tamasai to prevent Muyo from getting close to Tamayo. Miss.

"Me too."

Xia Shang was not surprised by Wu Mei's arrival. Ever since he noticed the changes in Ling Yuzi's heartbeat and breathing rhythm, he guessed that Wu Mei had taken over her body. After a random try, Wu Mei really He fished it out.

"You seem to have expected me to show up?"

Wu Kuai said a little curiously.

Xia Shang didn't answer, as if he accepted his guess.

"In that case, I won't hide it anymore. Tell me the location of the blue Higanbana flower. I can give you whatever you want, power, money, beauty...or some other things. How about it? You want it?" Don’t you want to consider cooperating with me?”

Wu Mei's tone was full of temptation, just like the tone he used when he deceived Zhu Shi.

"Sir, please don't believe his lies."

Murata on the side quickly dissuaded him.

"Shut up! You have no place to speak here!"

Stab! The cracks on Ling Yuzi's face were seen expanding again, the flesh and blood inside was squirming, and half of Wu Mei's face was slowly pushed out.

Wu Kai turned his scarlet eyes to look at Murata, as if to warn him to watch his mouth.

"Sir, you must think carefully."

At this moment, Murata couldn't care less about Muzan's warning. Once Muzan gets the blue Higanbana flower, it will be an extremely heavy blow to the Demon Slayer Corps, and it is not impossible for the Demon Slayer Corps to be destroyed as a result.

"I said, you have no place to speak here!" Wu Mei's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

In an instant, a ferocious tentacle made of flesh and blood rushed out of Ling Yuzi's body in a twisted state.

Can't escape!

As a Geng-level member, Murata could only watch as the tentacles were about to penetrate his neck.

Suddenly, a fear of death surged into his heart.

Just when he thought he was certain to die.

Xia Shang moved, and his speed was so fast that even Wu Kai couldn't see clearly. After all, Wu Kai was not his true body. The reason why he could appear was all thanks to the ghost blood contained in Ling Yuzi's body. But Ling Yuzi was just a lower string after all. The blood of misery is simply pitiful.

But then again, if the leftovers are not the bottom string.

It's not certain that Wumei can control her body so easily.

"Don't be so arrogant, I haven't spoken yet." Xia Shang squeezed the tentacles and exploded them. The toughness of this thing was far inferior to his tentacles.

"You want to reject me?!"

Wuhan's expression gradually turned ferocious.

"But." Xia Shang's voice changed.

"It's not impossible to tell you the location of the Blue Higanbana."

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Seeing that his wish for many years was about to be fulfilled, Wuhan, who was extremely excited, shouted ok three times in succession. Then, he couldn't wait to ask: "What do you want?"

"Sir!" If it weren't for his lack of strength, Murata would have wanted to rush over and cover Xia Shang's mouth.

Even Zhu Shi on the side frowned. It could be said that everyone present, including Ling Yuzi whose body was controlled by Wu Mei, did not want Xia Shang to reveal the whereabouts of the cyan Bianhua.

The corners of Xia Shang's mouth raised slightly, "What I want is very simple."

He came to Wuhan and said softly: "I want you."

"What?" Wu Mei suspected that he heard wrongly.

"You heard it right, I want you, hahaha." The corners of Xia Shang's mouth were cleft to the back of his ears. When he laughed wildly, he revealed his sharp and dense ferocious teeth. He reached out and dug out Ling Yuzi's face. With a smile on his face, he laughed crazily at his pupils that were like red Hibiscus flowers.

"Guess, can you escape from me?"

Wu Kai seemed to realize something at this moment, and he said in shock: "You are stalling for time!"

"Smart!" Xia Shang spread his radio wave induction to the limit, and finally found a safe position from the edge area.


Xia Shang pinched Wuxian's face until it exploded.

And his figure disappeared from the room in an instant.


"This..." Murata's hand holding the knife trembled slightly. For a moment, he couldn't tell who was the ancestor of the evil ghost.

at the same time.

Because Ling Yuzi said Wu Mei's name, the curse in his blood was triggered.

"Woo...!" Ling Yuzi suddenly raised his hands and strangled his neck.

" me." When Xia Shang left, he took back the flesh and blood left in Ling Yuzi's body.

The terrifying black veins spread from the corners of Ling Yuzi's eyes to the back of her hands, like exposed tree roots, gradually covering her entire face. At the same time, the muscles under her skin were squirming, as if some kind of monster was wandering around. , and is ready to move, as if it will come out of the skin and come to the outside world in the next second.

"This is Kibutsuji Muzan's blood curse."

Zhu Shi immediately cut his palm and used his own blood to help Ling Yuzi delay the collapse of his body.

"Quick! Yushiro, prepare for the operation."

Tamashii once got rid of the curse in Mukai's blood by transforming his body, and Yushiro did the same. Therefore, it is not difficult for Tamashi to get rid of Mukai's curse, but it just takes a certain amount of time.

Moreover, there is another benefit after getting rid of the curse.

That is, you can drink a small amount of human blood instead of eating human flesh and blood.

"Torataro, should we tell the news to the lord?" Murata originally wanted to chase him out, but gave up when he thought of Xia Shang's terrifying speed. That kind of speed, let alone him, would be impossible for any member of the Demon Slayer Team. No one could see Xia Shang's back.

"Gah! I think it's better to forget it."

Torataro scratched his head with his right wing, "Wuxian is not that easy to kill. We should wait here for a while. In case Lord Xia Shang doesn't catch up with him, he will probably come back later."

"It makes sense." Murata nodded seriously.

That's Kibutsuji Muzan.

The purpose of the existence of the Demon Slayer Squad is to hope that one day they can kill him.

Although Murata has witnessed Xia Shang's terrifying strength with his own eyes, he still does not believe that Xia Shang can do what the Demon Slayer Corps has been unable to do for thousands of years.

Thanks to Xiaoqian for the 200 starting coins for the food reward. Thank you for the food.

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