Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 164 Obviously I am the one who is infinitely close to perfection

Chapter 164 It is obvious that I am the creature that is infinitely close to perfection!

Yao Yao shook his head, "Sir Xingshourou is on his way here. I need to know what happened here?"

"At the beginning..." Then, Murata told everything that had happened before, without missing a beat.

"Muzan actually appeared?! And he was chased by Edogawa Xia Shang?" 'Kaname' couldn't believe his ears. He opened his mouth slightly, as if he could stuff a whole cherry in his beak. "Did I hear you correctly? How dare he go after Muzan Kibutsuji?"

Seeing Murata nodding seriously, Kaname realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Then I have to quickly inform Mr. Anjuro to come to the rescue!"

There is no time to delay! 'Yao' immediately rushed out of the window, preparing to pick up Purgatory Anjuro.


At this time, Wu Mei was completely angered by Xia Shang.

With a wave of his crossed hands, he directly tore the black suit on his upper body to pieces. As the pieces of clothes fell, a perfect and strong body was fully exposed to the air.

"I will use your life to make up for my shortcomings!" Wuhan raised his arms, and the corners of his mouth were cleft behind his ears like Xia Shang.

"You want my life? Hey, you can come and try."

Xia Shang smiled ferociously, and the dense fangs in his mouth were even more shocking!

He wanted to see how a guy who couldn't even break his defense could kill him!

"Arrogant guy, I will make you pay the price." Wuhan's eyes were extremely cold, and his voice was followed by his right arm that was rapidly distorting and deforming, bang! His right arm expanded rapidly, and eventually transformed into an eyeless python made of blood clots. The python was filled with rich blood and opened its huge mouth as if it wanted to swallow Xia Shang in one gulp.

The giant python was extremely fast and rushed in front of Xia Shang in the blink of an eye.

But Xia Shang reacted faster. Before the python could swallow him, he waved his right hand that turned into a sharp blade and stabbed it into the python's head. There was only a stabbing sound before the blade cut open the python. of flesh and blood, cutting it in half from head to tail.

Sharp sword energy burst out from Xia Shang's hands.

Fortunately, Wu Mei dodged in time.

Otherwise, not only his right arm would be cut off, but also half of his body.

"You really pissed me off." Wu Kuan gritted his teeth. Twisted veins like earthworms protruded from his neck. As his words fell, the flesh and blood python that had been chopped off on the ground actually stretched out. The tiny tendrils of flesh are entangled with each other and merge into one.

boom! !

The giant python suddenly burst out, caught off guard, and swallowed Xia Shang's left hand into its belly. In an instant, the highly corrosive blood in the python's body gave Xia Shang a slight burning sensation. For ordinary people, or ghosts, the entire arm would have been corroded long ago.

"Hmph!" Xia Shang roared angrily, and countless bone spurs erupted from his left arm, instantly piercing the python's skin. Not only that, Xia Shang's left arm twisted and stretched out, and the bone spurs like thorns grew crazily, and soon... It exploded the giant python made of flesh and blood.

The next second, jet-black wings made of bone spurs, textured like rocks, and covered with scattered flesh and blood, suddenly appeared in front of Wuhan.

call! Xia Shang slowly rolled up his blazing wings, which were about three meters long.

As the surface of the wings gradually turns red, the surrounding temperature also rises.

"Like regeneration? Then I will turn every cell of yours into ashes." The smile on Xia Shang's face became even bigger because he saw the prompt that the analysis was successful.

[Innate ability: Five brains and seven hearts]

[Analysis conditions: Destroy one of the hearts and brains]

[After fusion, the player's body structure will change. Without affecting the operation of the body, he can have five brains and seven hearts. Five brains can greatly enhance the player's reaction speed, and even Even if one or several brains are destroyed, the player's actions and thinking will still not be affected.

The seven hearts will give players more physical strength, and at the same time, the player's explosive power will also be improved. 】

Perfect! What a perfect ability!

Xia Shang could not suppress the excitement in his heart. His eyes were full of ecstasy. This innate ability was of great help to him. Whether it was five brains or seven hearts, it was of extraordinary significance to him. Having five After losing his brain, he can still survive even if his head is cut off.

This means that he will no longer have a fatal flaw,

Unless someone can destroy all five of his brains at once, it will be difficult to kill him.

And the seven hearts helped him a lot. Xia Shang couldn't even imagine that if the seven heart engines were operating at the highest frequency together, would his body be able to withstand such a violent gain? Most likely not, Xia Shang guessed in his heart.

Because of one heart engine, he can barely bear it. Two hearts should be the limit of his body.

As for the three hearts, he would probably explode and die.

There is only one way to solve this problem, and that is to continuously improve one's physique. Xia Shang guesses that with the physique of the people of the motherland, he should be able to control three heart engines. As for more, Xia Shang estimates that it is enough.

At this time, Wuxian could feel that his divided cells were screaming in pain.

No matter how fast one's own cells regenerate, they can't match the speed of destruction. The temperature of the opponent's wings even exceeds that of magma. Not to mention flesh and blood, even steel cannot withstand that kind of high temperature.

How can it be? There is actually a second way to kill me in this world!

Wumei was stunned for a moment, and the fear that had been sealed in his heart for a long time was awakened again, but this time the person who awakened it was not Jiguo Yuanyi, nor the breath of the sun, nor the sun, but the person in front of him who was tending to perfection. "similar"!

Why? Why is Xia Shanghui more perfect than him?

It is obvious that he is the creature that is infinitely close to perfection.

It's a pity that no one can explain Wuhan's doubts.


Wu Mei was sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of fear and confusion. He saw countless tentacles with spikes growing out of his back, and there were sharp bone spurs at the tail of each tentacle. His only thought now was, then Just drag! He was dragged to the support of the top stringers, and with them as a cover, he could escape.

In fact, Mu Kai has another way, which is to choose to split himself and explode his body into countless parts just like when he faced Jiguoyuan Yi. As long as one fragment survives, he can rely on his incomparable Recover ability and resurrect again.

However, this is his trump card. He will never use this trick unless he has to or is forced into a desperate situation.

Because the sequelae of this move are so great, even if he can be resurrected, it will take a long time, and there will be irreparable hidden wounds left in his body.

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