Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 165 As expected of you, Wuxian (two-in-one)

In order to drag Xia Shang out, Wuhan waved his right hand.

In an instant, countless rope-like tentacles left afterimages in the air, and with the sound of breaking through the air, they attacked Xia Shang!

Seeing this, Xia Shang did not dodge.

Instead, he rolled up his wings and blocked them in front of him.

Almost in the next second, Wumei's attacks followed, and the continuous bombardment caused the dust around Xia Shang to fly. Countless tentacles were like a violent storm, venting Wumei's rage.

"I don't believe you can block my attack!" Wu Mei's expression became more ferocious. In his roar, the tentacle attacks became faster and faster, and the frequency became higher and higher.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Under Wu Kuan's almost crazy attack, even Xia Shang's blazing wings were somewhat unable to withstand it.

Soon, the dark red bone spurs were covered with cracks, one, two, three... The cracks spread rapidly like a plague.

The crackling sound became louder and louder.

Wu Mei immediately realized that the opponent's strange wings had reached the edge of collapse.

So he concentrated all his strength on the last tentacle, and with a bang, the sharp bone spurs at the tail of the tentacle, carrying all Wu Mei's strength, crashed onto Xia Shang's wings.

Blazing Wings, which was already on the verge of collapse, could not withstand this blow.


The next second, the shattered dark red wings sputtered out in all directions, and countless high-temperature bone spur fragments were sprayed out.

Also shot out with the fragments was Xia Shang, who had been preparing for a long time. His leg muscles contracted rapidly, and then suddenly exploded, almost in a breath, he came to Wuhan.

At this time, Wu Kai still wanted to control the tentacles to block the flying debris.

He didn't expect Xia Shanghui to suddenly appear.

"You..." Before he could finish speaking, Xia Shang waved his right hand. Under the moonlight, the blade with a cold glow in the center of Wuhan's plum-red pupils continued to enlarge and approach. This blade... He hid. not open!

Pfft...tsk! I saw that the extremely sharp blade instantly cut open Wuhan's head, then his neck, chest, and even his abdomen!

After Xia Shang took back the blade.

Wuhan was like a watermelon cut in half. Both sides of his body fell in different directions. The thick blood mixed with the broken and scattered internal organs, and with a splash, the soil under Xia Shang's feet was dyed red.

"Gugu..." Wu Mei wanted to say something on half of his face, but he could only spit out dense blood bubbles.

"I'm really reluctant to kill you now." Xia Shang's severed arm sprouted flesh, but his healing speed was obviously not as fast as that of Wu Mei on the ground.

Wu Kai, who was cut in half, didn't seem to be weakened at all. Countless tiny tentacles of flesh and blood rushed out from his body, like squirming evil blood vessels, slowly lifting the split Wu Kai from the ground. Pull up.

"Cough! Cough! It seems that your regeneration ability is not very good." After being re-glued, Wuhan coughed up a few bruises, and the red marks that pierced his body appeared at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. Dissipated, when he saw that Xia Shang's broken arm had only sprouted, he couldn't help but sneered.

It seems that the other party is not perfect either.

Thinking of this, Wuhan couldn't help but feel happy.

"You talk a lot." After Xia Shang's right hand returned to normal, he slowly pulled out the Sun Sword from his waist.

Damn it!

I actually forgot that the other party can still breathe!

Wuhan was still a little proud just now, but his face instantly turned gloomy. Fortunately, he sensed the position of the half-tengu, which was approaching towards him. However, one winding was not safe enough. If there were more than two, he might be able to Fight with the opponent, after all, the opponent has exposed his weaknesses.

"Breath of Water..." Bang! The ground collapsed instantly because it could not withstand the force Xia Shang exploded at this moment.

The sun blade in his hand gradually turned red due to the high temperature. As the muscles in Xia Shang's arms tightened, each muscle fiber in them was like a bowstring ready to go. When two streams of white steam rose from the corners of Xia Shang's mouth, And rise.

He moved!

"The patterns of picking up are constantly changing!"

Bang! In an instant, a ferocious and huge water dragon roared out. Its momentum was extremely powerful, as if it was going to engulf Wuhan completely!

Water breathing? What the hell?

A trace of doubt flashed across Wu Kuan's face. He thought Xia Shang would use the Breath of the Sun to deal with him.

You know, no matter how strong the water breath is, it cannot kill him.

Wu Mei's figure kept moving around, but Xia Shang followed closely, and saw that the water dragon wrapped around his sword became larger and larger. This is the characteristic of being endless, and it can increase the speed and power of the sword through continuous rotation.

As long as the body can bear it, it can theoretically be superimposed infinitely.

However, in Xia Shang's view, the superposition speed is still a bit slow, and there is no need to use it except in some special circumstances.

"Why? Why would he do this?"

Wuxian is puzzled.

However, he could also feel that the dangerous aura emanating from Xia Shang was increasing.

No, he couldn't let the opponent's sword energy be superimposed any longer. Wu Kuan jumped back, and then, using the tentacles behind him, he rushed towards Xia Shang.

"Have you noticed it? Then I won't pretend anymore, Kagura, the God of Fire! Dragon of the Sun, Head Dance!" Xia Shang's eyes glowed with a trace of fire.

boom! The originally ferocious roaring water dragon transformed from its head into a fire dragon. For a time, the temperature in the area centered on Xia Shang soared! Even a gust of wind ignited the weeds on the ground. In an instant, a heat wave was like a raging tsunami, rolling up the gravel and gravel on the ground and hitting Wuhan!

I saw that Wu Kuan's extended tentacles were cut off one by one by Xia Shang.

The sections of those tentacles have been completely scorched, and they have truly lost their ability to regenerate.

This feeling! Wu Ke suddenly felt horrified. He seemed to see the man's figure again. The cells in his body were trembling, and a strong fear of death surged into his heart again.

At this moment, he just wants to escape!

However, Xia Shang was faster than him, and even if Wu Kai unleashed all his strength, he still could not get rid of Xia Shang.

In the wilderness shrouded in darkness, a dazzling flame dragon was swimming and roaring wantonly!

The next second! Poof! The He Dao in Xia Shang's hand cut into Wu Mei's right shoulder and cut off his entire arm.

As the familiar burning sensation came from the wound, Wu Mei's expression turned ferocious uncontrollably, and veins popped out from his neck. The pain made him burst out faster. It was just an arm. To him, It's nothing, as long as you can escape, your arm can regenerate at any time.

The arm cut off by Xia Shang exploded like a cannonball.

Countless thorns of flesh and blood spurted out from it, but the vitality of these thorns was very poor and could only delay Xia Shang for less than a second.

Fortunately, at this moment, Wu Mei suddenly discovered that Bantian Dog was not far in front of him.

"Trash! Why did you only arrive now?"

Hanten Gou, who had just walked out of the woods, saw the embarrassed Master Wumei in front of him. He didn't know what had happened. Just as he was about to speak, he was picked up by Wumei and then thrown back. His tone was only seen Bing Bing said: "Help me hold him down, and I will ask other Shangxian to support you."


The thrown Hantengu looked confused at this moment. He really couldn't think of anyone who could force Lord Wuhan to this point.

However, he soon found out.

Because a terrifying giant dragon made of flames is opening its bloody mouth toward him!

"This!!" The dog was so frightened that he took off his head for a long time, and then subconsciously threw it out. His head grew blood, flesh, and cervical vertebrae in mid-air. Almost in the air, a new body grew, a new body. His body is that of a young man, and in his hand he holds a feather fan with a red center, a green outer ring, and a purple tip.

"Hahaha, it feels so good to be away from you." Coke, who had white flowers tied in her hair, faced the incoming fire dragon and fanned the feather fan in her hand.

With a bang, a strong wind surged out from the fan.

"You actually threw your own men to their death. As expected of you, Wuxian." Xia Shang's legs suddenly exerted force, and he instantly avoided the oncoming strong wind, and continued to approach Cola with the strong wind.

"Interesting, really interesting." The half-tengu's split body 'Cola' laughed and waved the feather fan in his hand continuously.

It must be said that the violent wind produced by the feather fan is extremely powerful.

Even Xia Shang, who was traveling at several times the speed of sound, found it a bit difficult. Seeing that there was no way to escape, he had no choice but to brave the strong wind and leave extremely deep footprints on the ground.

Not only that, the strong wind is also mixed with debris, branches and other debris. With the blessing of the strong wind, these things become sharp weapons that can kill people. It's hard to break through his defense, let alone these debris.

Seeing that Xia Shang was not blown away by the strong wind.

Coke laughed even louder, "As expected of a guy who can force adults to retreat, it's really interesting."

"But I don't find it interesting at all. I'm very angry now. I just want to kill him." On the side, Bantian Dog's body turned into the split body 'Jiu Wrath'. He was holding a golden Zen staff, his pupils were blood red, and Engraved with the words "Shang Xian - Zhi Si", his expression was angry, as if anything could cause him displeasure.

I saw him rushing towards Xia Shang and swinging the gilded Zen staff towards Xia Shang. In an instant, countless lightning bolts shot out from the top of the Zen staff.

Hit Xia Shang in the strong wind.

"It's a really good ability, but it's a pity that you need a weapon to use it. It doesn't seem like the upper limit is very high." Xia Shang, who was hit by lightning, showed his sharp teeth, and some lightning burst out from between his teeth. This level of lightning It's still far less than one-tenth of Storm Girl, and I'm afraid even Tanjiro can't be killed.

"That guy from Bantengu told us to stop playing and find an opportunity to retreat." Coke didn't take the order from Bantengu seriously.

"Whatever, I just want to vent the anger in my heart!"

Ji Nu raised the Zen staff in his hand and smashed it down on Xia Shang's head.

However, before he could put down his Zen staff, a red He Dao penetrated his head. Stab! The part penetrated by the blade was instantly carbonized and countless cracks spread downward.

[Gathering anger—death! 】

Before the crack could spread to the neck, Jiu Nu's lower body automatically detached and grew a new head.

"It's so weak that it makes people feel sad." Before the new head could speak, Xia Shang slashed his entire body with one slash.

【Sadness——Death! 】

"They were killed so easily, but this is obviously a sad thing, why am I so happy?" I saw the word "乐" printed on the tongue in Cola's mouth, and his body gradually split, Soon, it split into 'Kong Xi'.

Kong Xi had a pair of brown-yellow wings on his back, and his feet had sharp claws like an eagle. He also didn't want to escape, "Hahaha, let me kill him in the sky."

Soon, he soared into the air, showing the word "happy" on his tongue as he laughed wildly.

As he laughed wildly, sound waves blasted towards Xia Shang.

"You guys are really tenacious." Xia Shang's other arm had long grown out. At this moment, he raised his left hand and waved it violently!

The invisible wave of thought force instantly smashed Kong Xi flying in the sky into a pile of minced meat!

Blood rain mixed with broken bones was sprinkled down one after another, symbolizing Kong Xi's death.

【Kong Xi——Death! 】

"Is it finally my turn?" Cola turned around and ran away without hesitation. Even though he was in a happy mood, there was still a trace of panic in his eyes.

"You guys' bodies are really fragile." Xia Shang's tone was flat. He felt that these split bodies of Bantian Dog could be killed with a gun. Compared to the physiques of the superheroes in black robes, they were simply pitifully fragile.

However, this thing is great if it is used to save lives.

It's a pity that split bodies like Bantiangu have their own consciousness, which Xia Shang doesn't like.

"Isn't it too late to leave now?"

Behind Coke who was running desperately, Xia Shang's voice suddenly sounded like a ghost. Coke, who always had a smile on his lips, couldn't help but twitching at the corners of his eyes. He and the other party, who was the ghost? He couldn't tell. I really can’t tell the difference!

laugh! The blade in Xia Shang's hand cut off Cola's head very smoothly, but his body still did not stop and continued to run wildly.

[Coke-die! 】

"Why! Why are you chasing me so hard? I hate it! I hate you! I hate why no one came to support me! I hate everything!!" The fleeing figure suddenly stopped, and only saw his His body expanded violently, and the expression on his newly born head was extremely ferocious. He turned his head suddenly and slapped Xia Shang with a palm.

"Here we go again..." With Wu Ke's speed, it was almost impossible for Xia Shang to catch up. Within the range of his radio wave induction, Wu Ke's position could no longer be detected, which meant that he had escaped from the airwaves. scope.

"Ga! Ga! Here, here, Lord Xia Shang, I finally found you." A black raven flew from a distance, and behind it was an identical black raven.

"This is the fourth quarter of the Twelve Ghost Months. Half-Tian Dog, why does he appear here?" 'Yao' asked in confusion.

"Has Murata also come here?" Xia Shang was chatting while waving the Nichirin sword in his hand. He saw the blade wrapped in flames passing through the palm of the hateful ghost, instantly cutting his flesh and blood, and moving towards the hateful ghost. neck and go away.

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