Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 166 The End, Demon Slayer Headquarters (2-in-1)

The Hate Ghost is like an enlarged version of the Half-Tengu, and he also has a huge red tumor on his head.

"Hoo!!" The hater opened his mouth, revealing the sharp fangs on both sides of his gums. The scarlet tongue with the word "hate" engraved on it was twisted with pain. He wrapped his other arm around his neck, trying to block it. Xia Shang's attack!

This is actually not the strongest form of Hantengu.

If Ji Wrath, Ai Jue, Kong Xi, and Ke La are not killed by Xia Shang one by one, then these four split bodies will merge with each other, and eventually the Hate Potian will be born, which integrates joy, anger, sorrow, and joy! Hate Potian's strength is not weak. Not only can he possess all the abilities of the four ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but he can also release the blood ghost technique related to wood.

It is precisely because of his existence that Half-Tian Dog can rise to the rank of Shangxian.

Otherwise, Half-Tengu will be a mess at best.

"You can't stop it."

As the He Dao in Xia Shang's hand slashed out! In an instant, a handful of bright red blood spilled down the tip of the knife into the night sky.

At the same time, Hate Gui, who was stunned on the spot, his expression gradually stiffened, and his lower jaw twitched slightly, as if he was about to say something. At this moment, a gust of night wind blew, poof! A shocking knife mark appeared on the surface of the hate ghost's arm, and then, countless blood poured out from it like a burst water pipe!

Then, the hater's head and half of his arm slowly slid down at an angle, and finally fell into a pool of thick blood.

"Dead...dead? Is the Shangxian four dead like this?" Torataro, who was flying in the sky, was stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes. You know, there have been no casualties in hundreds of years since the establishment of Shangxian. , their strength could not even compete with the pillars. Unexpectedly, at this moment, it actually witnessed the death of a top stringer.

He was so shocked that Torataro even forgot to flap his wings and almost fell from the sky.

"Huh... finally arrived."

Purgatory Anjuro, whose forehead was covered with fine sweat, panted slightly. Under the leadership of 'Kaname', he finally arrived at the battlefield.

However, it seems that he arrived a step too late.

"Is it over?" Purgatory Xingjulang frowned slightly. His thick and fluffy long yellow hair was actually red like fire at the edges. In the night, it was like a ball of beating flames, which was particularly eye-catching.

He wears a haori with flame patterns at the end, and wears a brown Demon Slayer uniform underneath.


Xia Shang suddenly raised the blade, pointed the red tip at the heart of the corpse of the hateful ghost on the ground, and stabbed it down! With a scream, an evil ghost no bigger than a fist was picked out by Xia Shang.

Seeing that he had failed in pretending to be dead, as the true form of the Half-Tian Dog, the Cowardly Ghost quickly got up from the ground, knelt in front of Xia Shang, and kowtowed quickly.

"Please spare my life, sir. I really don't want to die."

When the timid ghost looked up, he saw an old man with a wrinkled face, tears in his eyes, and he looked particularly pitiful for a moment.

Even Purgatory Anjuro who came over felt a little bit unbearable.

"Let's go." Xia Shang put away the blade and said calmly.

After hearing this, the timid ghost's eyes suddenly burst into ecstasy! What a stupid guy. Are you going to let me go just because of sympathy?

Although he was secretly happy in his heart, the timid ghost still had a miserable expression on his face. He cried bitterly and kowtowed to Xia Shang several times: "Your kindness will be unforgettable for a long time. If I have a chance, I will definitely repay you." Your kindness to me.”

After saying that, he stood up, wiped away his tears, and walked unsteadily away.

"We can't just let him go like this..." Anjuro just pulled out the Nichirin sword from his waist.

Who would have thought that Xia Shang on the side was much faster than him, and a sword flash fell on Bantian Gou's neck instantly. Bantian Gou didn't even react, and his head was cut off by Xia Shang. With a snap, he The head with a secretive expression on its face flew out and landed among a pile of rubble.

"Did I let you go?" Xia Shang just wanted to send him away, but didn't say let him go.

[At the fourth moment of winding, the dog for half a day... dies! 】

"What is this..." Xingshou Lang quickly figured out the trap in Xia Shang's language. He shook his head silently and did not agree with Xia Shang's approach. In his opinion, since he wanted to kill the other party, he should just do it. There is no need to give the other party a hope and then destroy it. This approach is a bit cruel and does not resemble the style of a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

The atmosphere looked a little solemn.

Torataro quickly spoke to calm down: "Mr. Xia Shang, it's good that you're fine. Mr. Anjuro was sent by the headquarters to support you."

"Go back." Xia Shang was about to put away the long knife, but found that there were a few more cracks on the blade. With a bang, he crushed the Sun Lun knife directly. "Notify your headquarters and remember to prepare it for me again." A handful."

Once something like a knife was damaged, it would affect its feel. He didn't want to see the embarrassing scene of his knife breaking off when he cut off Wuxian's head with one strike next time.

On the way back, Anjuro seemed to have forgotten what had just happened. After all, he was not the kind of person with a gloomy personality. Besides, how many normal people could become Hashira? For example, after losing his memory, Kasumi Hashira dissipated along with his emotions. Muichiro Tokitoru, or Giyuu Tomioka, a man who is not good at words and often misunderstood.

Purgatory Xingjulang can tolerate their shortcomings, so naturally he doesn't care too much about Xia Shang's behavior.

"I'm really sorry, I was a little late." Xingshou Lang apologized to Xia Shang with a serious expression.


Xia Shang didn't care about this, since his goal had been achieved anyway.

It is estimated that after this incident, Wu Kai will not dare to show his face for a while. However, his bait will always be there. As long as Wu Kai wants to get the blue Higan flower, they will eventually meet one day.

By that time, Wu Kai would not take action if he was not sure of victory. Presumably Wu Kai would summon all the people to act together.

Infinite City... Xia Shang thought of the maid next to Wuhan, Mingnu.

If he remembered correctly, the opponent's ability should be to control Infinite City. Xia Shang was still a little tempted by this space system ability. However, from his battle with Wu Mei just now, it can be seen that Infinite City His movement speed shouldn't be too fast, otherwise, during the battle, he could just escape directly into the infinite city.

There's no need to throw a half-day dog ​​here to die.

Moreover, the Infinite City is a bit special. It seems to have been created by Muzan, and Narume is just the manager. If this is the case, he will have to analyze the blood ghost technique related to Muzan, and he is afraid of Muzan. The city is an accidental result, unique and special.

Because from the original work, it can be known from the battle of Infinite City that the control power of Infinite City is unique. When Muzan handed over the authority to Naruko, he himself no longer had authority, so when Yushiro controlled it through his ability After living with Naruko, Muzan would rather destroy Mugen City than let it be used by the Demon Slayer Squad.

Could it be that Wu Kai was unable to control Infinite City from the beginning to the end? He only has the ability to create, but not the ability to control?


Seeing Xia Shang frowning, Purgatory Xingshoulang on the side couldn't help but asked with concern: "What? Are you feeling unwell? If you are injured, please tell me and I will carry you to a nearby medical center."

Come to think of it, after chasing down Mukai Onibatsuji alone, and then killing a top stringer, how could he be fine?

Xia Shang, whose thoughts were interrupted, was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Mr. Purgatory, I'm fine, I was just thinking about something."


"Master Xia Shang, it's great to see that you are fine!" Murata breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Xia Shang who was safe and sound.

"What about Wuhan?"

Yushiro walked out of the inner room, followed by the slightly tired Miss Tamashi.

"He escaped." Xia Shang bent down and took out a clean towel from the wooden barrel on the side, and wiped his face. At this time, his whole body was covered with the ghost's blood. The dog's blood has long been dried by his body temperature and has completely lost its activity.

"Master Zhushi, the place we live in now is no longer safe. We have to move in a short time." Yushiro said anxiously, with a hint of complaint at the same time. If Xia Shang hadn't suddenly appeared, disturbing him and Miss Zhushi’s original ordinary life.

Otherwise their residence would not be exposed.

You know, they have lived in Asakusa for hundreds of years and have never been discovered by ghosts. This is good, they have to move to other places.

"Yoshiro, after all, we can't stay in one place for too long. As long as Muzan continues to exist, we can't live a truly peaceful life." Zhuyo heard the complaint in Yushiro's tone, so he spoke, Her tone was always calm, as if she didn't care about moving away from Asakusa.

Miss Zhu Shi is still so gentle!

Yushirou glanced at Miss Tamashi and sighed in his heart.

"How's Ling Yuzi's situation?" Xia Shang used a hot towel to wipe away the solidified blood scab on his hair, and his whole person suddenly felt refreshed.

"She is in a coma due to excessive blood loss, but the curse in her blood has been removed by me. It is estimated that she will wake up on her own after a while."

"Can you remove the curse from the ghost's body? Are you Ms. Tamashi?" Infernal Anjuro on the side said in surprise.

Tamashi, who was wearing a dark purple kimono, was a little surprised: "You know me?"

For hundreds of years, she has been pretending to be a human doctor to help some poor patients who cannot afford treatment. Although she occasionally asks some seriously ill patients if they are willing to give up their identity as a human and choose to continue living, but those who agree Only Yushiro, logically speaking, has never revealed her identity.

Why, not only Xia Shang knows about her, but it seems that more people also know about her.

"Ms. Zhuyo, my name is Purgatory Anjojuro, and I am currently serving as the Flame Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps. My lord told me your news. My lord specifically asked me to invite you to the Demon Slayer Headquarters because we have the same goal. "Xingshou Lang said with a serious expression.

After Zhushi hesitated for a moment, he shook his head and declined Anjuro's invitation with a clear and gentle voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm just an evil ghost who committed an unforgivable crime. I'm trying to atone for my sins in my own way."

Anjuro seemed to have expected that Zhu Shi would reject him. He was not discouraged, but continued: "My lord said that he knows that you and Jiguo Enichi are old acquaintances, and he also knows a little bit about what happened to you. , that was not your fault, you were also deceived by Wuhan at that time."

At this time Zhu Shi was a little moved.

"In order to prevent tragedies from happening again, we need to unite to fight against our common enemy. Moreover, there is also a swordsman in the Demon Slayer Team who is proficient in medicine and poison. The poison she creates is enough to kill ghosts. The Lord hopes You can discuss medicine with each other, and maybe you can develop a medicine to turn ghosts into humans again."

"Who is it?" Zhu Shi asked.

"Insect Hashira, Butterfly Ninja, she has the same thoughts as you. She believes that humans and ghosts can live in peace, but she also hates those ghosts that hurt people." Xingjuro recalled what his master told him before he left. , while speaking out the words intact.

Zhu Shi nodded gently, "In that case, I also want to see Miss Butterfly."

"Yoshiro, please pack your things. We will set off in half an hour."

"No problem! Lord Tamashi!" Yushiro obeyed Tamashi's orders almost unconditionally, and he never tired of it. He hurried into each room and started packing the necessary luggage. As for some insignificant things, he abandoned them all. .

"It's not necessary, it can be later. Wuhan probably won't dare to come here in a short time." Xia Shang asked Zhu Shi where the bathroom was. After getting an accurate reply, he walked into the long and narrow white corridor.

Soon, Yushiro pushed out several suitcases from the room.

"Go and prepare some things of your own." Zhu Shi knew without even looking that Yushiro must have only brought her things.

"Ms. Tamayo, I don't have anything." Facing Tamayo's gaze, Yushiro lowered his head shyly. In fact, he brought one thing with him, which was his diary, which recorded every detail of Ms. Tamayo's daily life. , not even a single sentence was left behind, and the update frequency is in minutes.

To him, there is nothing more important than Lord Zhushi's diary.

"Then let me clean it up for you." Zhu Shi's mouth raised slightly.

"Don't bother me, Lord Jushi, I'll go right away."

Yushiro rushed into the room instantly. How could he let Miss Tamashi pack his things?


On the other side, inside the brightly lit Infinite City.

A space flashed, and suddenly, a figure rushed out of it. The figure covered his left shoulder, stumbled and crushed the floor under his feet, and the sound of rapid breathing could be heard! !

call! ! call! ! !

"Hantengou is dead! He actually killed Bantengou so quickly!!" Wu Mei's pupils were bloodshot, his hair was disheveled, and he was in a miserable state.

Naru Nu on the side lowered her head and stopped playing the pipa in her hand. She was shocked by Wuxian's injury and worried that Wuxian would be angry with her.

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