Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 167 Almost crazy Wu Ke! The gluttony of evil spirits

Chapter 167 Almost crazy Wu Ke! A gluttonous feast for evil spirits! !

It turns out that her worries were not unfounded.

"Bah..." Wu Kuan turned to look at the wound on his left arm and saw wisps of white smoke rising from between his fingers. The strong and lingering burning sensation made his face hideous.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash!"

Wu Kai roared lowly, his facial muscles spasming in pain.

Poof! Thick red blood slowly dripped down the fingertips of his right hand onto the wooden floor.

Bahbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Wu Mei's eyes were blood red, and the teeth on both sides made a crunching sound when he bit them. With the sharp blue fingertips, they sank into the flesh and blood above his left arm. Soon, with a sneer, a large piece of quilt was Burnt flesh and blood mixed with blood.

It fell in front of Naru Nu.

Narume was kneeling on the floor, not even daring to look at her. She was trembling all over, and her one eye covered by black hair was full of panic and fear.

"Get up!" After tearing off the damaged piece of flesh, Wu Mei's left arm began to get new flesh and blood. Although the pain subsided, the anger in his heart only intensified.

Naru Nu held her lute in her arms and stood up tremblingly. She lowered her head and did not dare to make any sound.


A left hand instantly pinched her neck and lifted her into the air. An air current formed by anger destroyed the surrounding wooden rooms wantonly.


Facing Wuhan’s questioning.

Blood oozed from the corners of Naru's mouth, and as Muzan's hand continued to tighten, black veins spread upward like a spider web from her lower jaw until they occupied half of her face.

Her huge pupils burst out with blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Gu..."

Because her mouth was filled with blood, Naru could not make a sound.

Seeing this, Wu Kai slightly let go of his hand.

Only then did she have the chance to speak.

"Infinite City... it's moving too slowly... Gu." Blood kept pouring out of Naru's mouth. She endured the pain and continued: "It's all my fault... Sir."

"It's not your fault. Could it be that my decision was wrong?!" Wu Mei's expression was cold.

Narume knew that Muzan could peek into the ghost's heart, how could she dare to think too much about it.

"There is nothing wrong with your decision. It's just that I failed to keep up with you and delayed the fight." Naru Nu knew Mu Mei's character very well. If she didn't take the responsibility on herself, she would be the next to die.

"You are somewhat self-aware."

Muzan used his other hand to push away the black hair blocking Naru Nu's eyes, just when Naru Nu thought she had escaped.

Suddenly, Wuxian's fingertips suddenly exerted force and stabbed directly into her neck.

The sudden severe pain almost made Naru suffocate.

But soon, she felt a cold liquid pouring into her body.

Gulu...Gulu, wriggling blood vessels protruded from the back of Wu Mei's hand. As the blood vessels continued to shrink, a large amount of blood flowed along the fingertips and entered Naruhito's body.

"Hantengu is dead, you take his place." As he said that, Muzan raised his right hand and used his sharp index finger to carve the words "Shangxianzhisi" in Narunu's eyes. The whole process was extremely painful, but due to fear It would cause Muzan unhappiness, but Narume never made a sound.

Wait until Wuhan finishes carving the words.

She fell to the ground, poof! A large amount of blood and some tongue fragments were spat out by her.

"Call all the winders over to me!"

Wu Kai didn't even glance at Naru with his peripheral vision, and sat alone on the chair, closing his eyes tightly to check the damage inside his body.

Narume picked up the lute on the ground with trembling hands.


The melodious and crisp sound of the pipa, like ripples in water, spread to all sides. In an instant, the building with her as the center began to flip and fold.

Uh-huh! !

Figures suddenly appeared everywhere in Infinite City.

To the northeast, in the Lotus District, a figure with white oak hair and a smiling face stepped from the air onto a short bridge. He swayed the iron fan in his hand. There were several blooming white lotuses engraved on the fan, "True What’s surprising is that the Hantengu guy was actually killed.”

Although he said he was surprised, the expression on his face did not change at all.

There was a soft smile on his lips.

But the next second, the space flashed, and he disappeared from the place.

To the southeast, in the martial arts gym, a man with short pink hair and dark blue tattoos on his upper body was punching the air. His red short shirt was open, revealing his strong body. Bang! Every time he punched, the air exploded.

"Chaos style, empty style, foot style, broken style, annihilation style, final style."

The man's attacks were precise and fast, and every move was based on his understanding of ancient martial arts. As the final move fell, the entire martial arts hall and the stone slabs on the ground were completely destroyed. After hearing the sound of pipa, , his feet with Buddhist beads on them stepped on the rafters and tiles, and walked towards the center of Infinite City.

On the way, a colorful pot covered with floral patterns rolled right in front of the man.

The colorful pot bounced up with a clang and stood on the wooden floor.

"Oh, what a coincidence. I'm so happy to see you still so energetic. By the way, we haven't seen each other for almost ninety years." A wisp of black smoke emerged from the mouth of the pot and quickly condensed. As a physical entity, he is completely white and looks quite strange.

I saw that his mouth was located between his eyes, and his green lips were opening and closing.

Yiwozuo ignored Yuhu and continued walking.

The corridor in front of him was like a Rubik's Cube twisting at will. Soon, he and Yu Hu came to the center of Infinite City.

"Master Tong Mo, I'm so glad to see you." Yu Hu has an erect yellow eyeball between his eyebrows, with the word "Shang Xian" engraved on it, and his other eye is on his tongue, with the font "Wu"!

"Jade pot, your new pot looks quite good. Didn't you give me a pot before? I used that pot to plant a woman's head. I have to say that it is very useful as a decoration. Great." Tong Mo said with a hearty smile.

Under the illumination of the light, his pupils turned out to be of seven colors, one on the left and one on the right, engraved with the characters "Shang Xian" and "二" respectively.

"A pot is not a tool for growing human heads...but it seems that it is not a bad idea." Although Yuhu was a little unhappy, in his opinion, his pot was the most beautiful work of art in the world, how could it be used for other things? Yes, but then he thought again, a beautiful woman's head was pressed against the spout of the pot.

It must be really good.

Thinking of this, he stretched out a few pairs of small arms from his neck, applauding Tong Mo's wonderful creativity.

"My lords, I'm not late." A guy with disheveled grass-green hair opened the wooden door on one side and walked out. The color of his skin was light gray and he was extremely thin, especially around his waist. It was only a punch away, as if it would break if blown by the wind.

He looks rather ugly, with black spots all over his face and body.

"It turns out to be Taro the prostitute. I remember it seemed like it was your first time coming to Infinite City." Tong Mo said with a smile.

"That's right, Lord Tongmo."

The prostitute Taro has special respect for Tong Mo, because it was Lord Tong Mo who rescued the brother and sister when they were desperate. He and his sister, Tong Mo, coexisted. Generally speaking, he was integrated into Tong Mo on weekdays. On Ji's back, he will only appear when Ji is in danger.

But it was different now. Faced with the call from that adult, Taro the prostitute took it very seriously.

"By the way, do any of you know how that guy Han Tian Gou died?" Tong Mo put his arm around Yi Wo Zuo's shoulders very familiarly.

"let go."

Yiwozuo said expressionlessly.


As a result, the next second, Yi Wo Zuo punched him on the chin. As a mouthful of blood spurted out, Tong Mo's chin was hit with several cracks, but Tong Mo didn't care, and the smile on his face never faded. Disappeared, "Hey, your strength seems to be a little stronger. You are not secretly eating women behind my back."

Because Tong Mo felt that the nutrients in women's bodies could even allow them to give birth to babies, he believed that women were much more nutritious than men.

Therefore, Tong Mo likes to eat women, if for no other reason than to make himself stronger quickly.

In addition, he also has a cabinet specially used to display beautiful heads.

But Yiwozuo is completely different from him. After becoming a ghost, he lost all his memory and only had the obsession to become stronger. In order to make himself stronger, he only likes to fight with the strong. .

He even hates the weak. At the same time, based on his admiration for the strong man's creed, he never kills or eats women, and only when he is extremely hungry will he choose to eat people to fill his stomach.

So he and Tong Mo can be regarded as two extremes.

Yi Wo Zuo felt deep contempt for the other party's behavior of only eating the weak.

Therefore, the relationship between him and Tong Mo is not good, it can even be said to be very bad.

"I don't know. It's possible that they were besieged by those pillars. One of them definitely won't work. I think all members of the Demon Slayer Team should be dispatched. Otherwise, Your Majesty wouldn't have summoned us urgently." Yuhu guessed.

While they were talking.

A wooden screen slowly opened, and Naruto holding a lute appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the injuries on her body had completely recovered, but some of the veins on the back of her light green and translucent hands were still twitching.

This is because she has not completely digested the ghost blood that was injected into her body. The blood contains huge energy.

If it were an ordinary person or a ruthless evil ghost, after continuously receiving a huge amount of blood, the body would simply not be able to withstand the speed of mutation, leading to cell collapse.

Fortunately, Naru's talent was pretty good, plus she had absorbed Muzan's blood before.

So I can barely bear it.

"Pipa girl, where is that guy?" Yiwozuo said coldly.

"Master Shangxian No. 1 is the fastest to reach the center. He is currently being received by Master Wuhan."

Naru's voice just finished.

The house above everyone's heads instantly hung upside down.


The prostitute Taro and several others looked up together. Unexpectedly, what he saw made his pupils tremble wildly!

I saw a figure kneeling on the ground, with a blood vessel piercing his chest, and a scarlet, squirming blood vessel emerged from Wuhan's palm.

The figure is wearing a kimono with purple snake patterns and black spots, and long dark red temples covering the back of his neck. A long knife made of his own flesh, blood and bones is tied around his waist. The blade is covered with strange patterns and arranged in an orderly manner. eyeball.

Lord Wuhan is actually transporting his own blood!

Even Yi Wo Zuo's eyes flashed with a hint of astonishment. Shang Xian's strength, especially above the level of Shang Xian, was already difficult to become stronger by absorbing blood.

Unless the amount is particularly huge, how could Wuzan instill a large amount of blood into them on a normal day? This is simply too abnormal. What happened to Mr. Wuzan not long ago? ! !

"Hmph!" Suddenly, the black eyes were tightly closed, and a large number of veins appeared on his face. His superficial muscles slowly expanded, and the dark red markings on his neck and face, driven by his skin, looked particularly ferocious and ferocious. distortion.

"Sir, we've reached our limit." On both sides of Hei Shimo's face, six eyes with blood-red scleras and golden irises in the middle opened at the same time. These three pairs of eyes almost filled his entire face, and the one in the middle The left and right eyes are engraved with upper string and one respectively.

call out! The blood vessels in the air were instantly retracted by Wu Mei.

Although he contains a large amount of blood in his body, he cannot resist such consumption. However, if his plan can succeed, then this amount of blood will be nothing at all.

The blow and frustration that Xia Shang brought to Wu Mei this time was really too great.

In order to obtain the blue Biangan flower and kill Xia Shang, Wuhan was almost crazy. When he turned his eyes to everyone, his first words shocked everyone.

"Three days later, I will ask Naru to move the Infinite City underground in Tokyo Prefecture. The millions of people living there will fall into the Infinite City and become my blood food. During this period, my blood will Turn it into a rain of blood, I want to see how many evil ghosts I can create!" Wuhan understood that even with mass, he might not be able to kill the opponent.

Since the opponent's recovery ability is not strong, it is better to use endless evil ghosts to wear down the opponent's strength bit by bit.

Moreover, by then, he would have millions of blood meals to restore his physical strength.

In the Infinite City, sunlight cannot shine in, and it is almost impossible for him to die inside! !

" plan to kill the entire Tokyo Prefecture?" Although Yuhu is a psychopath, he has never thought of such a crazy move. There are millions of people, and it will take a long time to arrest them one by one. time.

"Can Infinite City be expanded to such a large area?"

Yiwo Zuo also didn't approve of Wu Ke's action, but he didn't say it clearly.


Wuxian replied.

"But don't forget, Infinite City can move. In one day, the area it passes through is enough to cover the entire Tokyo Prefecture." Muzan's purpose of doing this is simple. He wants to use the lives of the entire city to threaten the Demon Slayer Team and Neon Zhengfu, help him find the blue Bianhua flower and give it to him.

If you can get the blue Higan flower.

Then he will stop acting. It can be said that his purpose has never changed since he became a ghost.

That is to overcome the last flaw in oneself and become an immortal and perfect creature.

If he can't get it, his plan will be carried out normally.

In Wu Ke's view, as long as he swallows Xia Shang, he can still gain the ability to resist the sun.

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