Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 168 The feast begins! The lord's mansion!

"To be honest, I'm very disappointed in you." Wu Kuai said calmly.

"Please forgive me." Hei Shimou bent down and prostrated, letting Wu Kuan put his hands on his head.

"It's not that I didn't give you time. Hundreds of years have not only failed to bring me the Blue Higanbana, but also caused me a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"Sir, you said such sad things again. We have been working hard for your goal and have never slacked off." In these hundreds of years, Wuhan has complained to them more than once. It is commonplace not to mention that it is normal. Therefore, he thought that Wu Kai's plan just now was just an angry word out of anger.

After all, with Master Wuhan's character, how could he expose his final hiding place, Mugen City, to the world.


In an instant.

A red shadow flashed, and then Tong Mo's head was cut off.

Then, the tentacles with bone blades at the tips rolled up the head in the air and brought it to Wuhan's plum-red eyes at a slow speed.

"Am I being too lenient with you? To make you feel slack, tell me, in the past hundreds of years, apart from killing some insignificant pillars, what else have you done for me? Suppress the Demon Slayer Squad ? Or did you find the hiding place of the Ubuyashiki clan for me? It seems like you haven’t done this."


Tong Mo wanted to defend himself, but when he saw the expression on Wuxian's face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"Shut up!"

"My patience has been completely exhausted by you. If that man hadn't appeared, maybe I could still tolerate you and slowly look for the blue flower of the other side in the endless years to come. But now I can't wait any longer. Every second now. Bell, it’s all torture for me!”

The appearance of Xia Shang was like a dawn breaking through the darkness. It was not only dazzling, but also touched the deepest desire in his heart.

Wumei, who has never seen the light of day, could have endured the darkness.

But now he sees it! He must get it at all costs!

That man?

All the ghosts were confused after hearing this. One of them, Taro the prostitute, seemed to have thought of something. He looked horrified and said: "Did a ghost eat the blue Higan flower and become no longer afraid of the sun? How is this possible! The blue Higan flower It actually exists!”

To be honest, everyone present, including the dead half-tengu.

They all have doubts about the existence of the blue Higanbana flower, and even think that the cyan Higanbana flower does not exist at all. Otherwise, they would not have found any clues after searching for hundreds of years.

In this case, there are only two possibilities. One, the cyan Bibi flower does not exist. Second, the cyan Bigan flower exists, but the name may have changed, and the number is scarce. The growth environment and conditions are extremely harsh, otherwise they would not be able to find it. .

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became solemn...

"What the prostitute Taro said is right, the blue Higan flower does exist, at least it once existed. I am not the only one in the world who has received treatment from that doctor, and he... took the complete prescription." Wuhan's eyes Full of murderous intent, at the same time, strong jealousy and unwillingness surged into his heart.

"It's unbelievable..." Yiwozuo said softly.

"Moreover, his strength is second only to mine, and the half-tenuous dog died in his hands." Wuhan exhaled a mouthful of turbid air.

"When I met him, he was staying with the Demon Slayers. If I guessed correctly, he should have joined the Demon Slayers."

"Sir, what do you mean...?" Tong Mo seemed to know why Wu Mei was so crazy.

"I don't know how much humanity is left in his body, but for now, the more humanity he has left, the better it will be for my subsequent actions."

Wu Kuan threw Tong Mo's head out of his hand.

"Human emotions are such ridiculous things." Based on Wu Kai's many years of experience in making ghosts, he came to this conclusion. Looking at the twelve ghost months, the less emotional the guy, the higher the talent, and the more he can bear The more blood there is, the prostitute Taro with the Fallen Princess on his back seems to have more humanity in Muzan's eyes.

"No matter what, he will die in my hands eventually... However, before the decisive battle between me and him, you can't be disturbed by some ants. In these three days, I want you to spread me everywhere in neon. Blood, create as many ghosts as possible, and at the same time, massacre the pillars in the Demon Slayer Squad."

"Don't let me down again..."

Wu Kuai turned around and turned his back to them.

"Sir, do you want me to test his strength?" Hei Shimo's voice was low and powerful.

"That's not necessary."


the other side.

After a long journey through mountains and rivers, the footsteps of several people finally stopped in front of a mountain.

Compared to the surrounding mountains, the peaks here appear inconspicuous.

Xia Shang encountered many peaks like this along the way. They looked ordinary, and there were no traces of pedestrians even at the foot of the mountain.

"Please follow me." 'Yao' flapped its wings and flew to the right. Several people followed it, stepping on the dead branches and leaves on the ground, and slowly walked deep into the woods.

After walking a few hundred steps, the view suddenly opens up.

It turns out that behind the dense woods, there is a large grassland, and at the same time, a stream is like a jade belt, lingering around a mansion. The mansion covers a huge area. If you don't look down from a high altitude, it is really difficult to discover the secrets.

"This is a wisteria tree." Zhu Shi looked at the hanging branches of the big tree beside the road. As a doctor, she recognized the leaves of wisteria at a glance. "Unfortunately, now is not the season when wisteria is in full bloom, otherwise there would be Quite beautiful.”

When wisteria flowers are in full bloom, they release a unique floral fragrance that is nothing to ordinary people, but is what ghosts hate the most.

"Please follow me." Walking along the white wall, several people soon arrived in front of the mansion.

Purgatory Xingjulang stretched out his right hand, lifted the copper ring on the door and knocked several times.

Boom, boom, boom.

After a while, there was a slight sound of footsteps, creaking, and the door of the mansion was slowly opened from the inside.

"Welcome back, Mr. Anjuro." Behind the door were two girls with very similar looks, one white and one black. They wore dark purple kimonos embroidered with floral patterns, and had short hair, one on the left and one on the left. On the right are lavender flower spike hangings.

"Everyone please come in."

Their eyes were particularly ethereal, and their looks were as exquisite as porcelain.

"This is the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad. It's slightly larger than Lord Tamashi's residence." Yushiro on the side, dragging a series of black suitcases, followed behind the two of them, looking around constantly, if possible. , he still wanted to be alone with Miss Zhushi and didn't want to be disturbed by others.

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