"Sir, please follow me." Three members of the Demon Slayer Corps with their faces covered appeared next to Yushiro. They were wearing uniforms unique to the Demon Slayer Corps, and there was a big hidden word on the back of the uniform. Obviously, they are the support staff of the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"Lord Jushi."

Yushiro looked at Tamashi a little at a loss.

Zhu Shi nodded and said softly: "You can go with them first, don't worry about me."

"Okay, Lord Jushi."

Yushiro followed them, dragging a heavy suitcase. Two of them wanted to help, but he refused.

"I can do it on my own, I don't need your help."

Soon, under the leadership of two girls.

Xia Shang and others came to a courtyard. As soon as they crossed the threshold, several eyes were shot towards Xia Shang.

"Fire Pillar Purgatory Anjuro, Geng-level member Murata, and Mr. Edogawa Kasho are here."

The white-haired girl just finished speaking.

An inappropriate sound suddenly sounded.

"Just you, kill Xia Xian Zhi Er? You look very ordinary."

The person who spoke had a head of exploding white hair, with strands like spikes. He had three diagonal scars on his face, and he opened his team uniform, revealing the scars crisscrossing his abdomen. He was wearing a White feather fabric with a black word 'kill' written on the back.

【Wind Pillar·Shimiya Immortal】

"Not only did he kill Xia Xian Zhi Er, the half-tengu of Xia Xian Zhi not long ago also died in his hands." Purgatory Anjuro said slowly.

"What? The dog died after a while?"

Immortal Sekawa Saneya's eyes changed dramatically when he looked at Xia Shang.

"Okay, let me take back what I just said, Xingjuro, are you sure he killed a Shangxian?" As for Fengzhu's strength, he knew very well about Shangxian's strength. Not to mention killing the opponent, even hurting the opponent was enough for him. Surprised.

"It's absolutely true." Purgatory Xingjulang nodded to everyone, indicating that he was not lying.

"What great news."

An extremely tall man with a horizontal scar on his forehead put his hands together and spoke slowly.

His eyes were white and he looked like a blind man. "Can you tell us about the situation at that time?"

The strong man wore a brown cassock with the words "Namo Amitabha" written on both sides over the Demon Slayer uniform.

And there is a circle of prayer beads wrapped around his hand.

[Rock Pillar·Ming Ming Island Traveling to the Underworld]

"Other than being so weak that it makes people feel pathetic, there is nothing to say." Xia Shangjiang devoted part of his energy to observing the changes inside his body. He saw that six hearts the size of grapes were gestating inside his body.

The position of flesh, blood and organs in the body gradually changes, apparently to make room for the brain and heart.

So that's it.

Xia Shang's body and mind were immersed in it. Under his special stimulation, the integration of abilities was jumping at an astonishing speed.

[Five brains and seven hearts are being fused, the current progress is 12…18…21…]

"Mr. Kintaki said that you have Hashira's strength. Now it seems that what he said is true. You are much better than us." On the side, wearing a snow-white haori, an open-breasted team uniform, a purple skirt, and green stripes The girl in stockings put her hand on her chin and said with a smile.

Her big eyes are light green, with tear stains under them, and she has three cherry-pink long braids with grass green hair ends.

[Love Pillar·Ganlu Temple Honey Glass]

"Have you decided on your title? I am Renzhu, Kanroji Mitsuri, nice to meet you." For some reason, Kanroji Mitsuri's face suddenly turned red.

"Titles don't matter."

"By the way, I just want to remind you that Wu Mei will take revenge on the Demon Slayer Squad recently. You'd better be prepared." Xia Shang closed his eyes and concentrated on constructing the heart in his body. It just so happened that the pocket heart he had created before It came in handy and saved a lot of time.

"The purpose of our Demon Slayer Squad is to kill him. How can we be afraid of his revenge?" A cold voice sounded from a tree. We saw that he was wearing a black and white striped haori, with gold on the right and green on the left. The man with lustrous eyes was looking at the white snake wrapped around his arm.

The lower half of his face was covered by a bandage, and his mid-length black hair hung down like silk.

[Snake Pillar·Ihei Xiaobanei]

"Are you afraid? A coward with great power cannot gain my respect."

"Gah! I don't allow you to say that to Master Xia Shang."

Torataro was a little scared when he looked at the white snake on Iguro Kobanai's arm, but it still stood on Murata's shoulders, crossed its wings, and said: "You haven't seen the scene when Lord Xia Shang chased Mu Ke. , Wu Kuai was so frightened that he couldn't choose his way out. He probably had to use all his strength, if the dog hadn't suddenly appeared.

Otherwise, you should have received the news of a tragic death by now. "

"Hunting without mercy? Xingjulang, what is going on?" A man with a strong build and a turban on his head, with many gorgeous diamond beads inlaid on it, showed a curious expression.

There is also a red pattern painted around his left eye that resembles a petal pattern, and two Nichirin swords are stuck behind his back, giving him the impression of a ninja.

[Music Pillar·Yuxuan Tianyuan]

"I arrived after the battle. I don't know the specific situation, but what it said should be true. This lady knows more than me." Xingjulang turned sideways and introduced to everyone: "Ms. Zhushi is a distinguished guest specially invited by the lord. She is proficient in medicine and has a lot of research on ghosts. She has also stayed with Wuhan for a period of time."

"Miss Zhushi, can you tell me this gorgeous thing?" Yu Zhuan Tianyuan said with a smile.

Zhu Shi looked at Xia Shang aside, and after seeing Xia Shang nodding slightly, she briefly explained the matter in her gentle voice.

"It's incredible that you were able to remove the curse from Wu Mei's blood. But how did you solve the problem of cannibalism?"

Halfway through, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan couldn't help but ask.

"After treatment, Yushiro and I still have some leftovers. We only need some blood to survive."

"Yeah." Along the way, when she learned that she would only be able to satisfy her hunger with blood in the future, she seemed very lethargic. She lowered her head and agreed.

"What an incredible achievement. Butterfly Ninja should be a great topic for you."

"Yes, I can't wait to discuss it with you." Butterfly Nin said with a smile.

Her long black hair was tied behind her head with a light cyan butterfly hairpin, and the edge of the hairpin was the same dark purple as the tips of her hair. In addition, the feathers she wore outside were Embroidered with butterfly wing pattern.

Since the haori is a relic from her sister Butterfly Kanae, it looks a little loose when she wears it.

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