"I'm sorry to offend you, but is Mr. Xia Shang a human being or a ghost?"

Yihei Xiaobanei, who was lying on a thick branch, turned over and jumped, then landed lightly on the ground without making any sound.

"Is this important?" Xia Shang suddenly opened his eyes, and then, a series of extremely dull voices came from his body, bang! Bang bang! ! Its sound is like the sound of a war drum, shocking the soul.

"This is the heartbeat sound caused by the violent flow of blood. It is incredible that it can be transmitted outside the body..."

Mingyu Xingming clasped his hands together and sighed with emotion while crying.

"Interesting, really interesting." Immortal Sekawa Saneya on the side looked at Xia Shang with novel eyes, "Your breathing is gradually getting heavier, and it is pulling the surrounding air into your lungs, providing a source of energy for your heart to beat. Constant motivation, it’s hard to imagine that your breathing method is actually water breathing, which is much better than Tomioka.”

Tomioka Giyuu didn't speak, but there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. As the voice continued to amplify, the heart in his body actually jumped. You know, if a single move affects the whole body, the heart rhythm changes, which means, It will disrupt his breathing. Once his breathing is disrupted, it will be difficult to successfully perform the breathing method.

The opponent's ability is too good for the Demon Slayer Team.

Several other people also noticed the changes in their heartbeats. Immortal Chuan Sanya frowned and felt quite uncomfortable.

"Heart Resonance...Your ability is very special, but please keep it away."

Due to his blindness, Wailing Yu Xingming, whose hearing was particularly sensitive, was the most affected. He even heard seven heartbeats with extremely small differences in Xia Shang's body. At first, he thought he heard it wrong. But when he was about to identify it carefully, his heartbeat stopped suddenly.

Right now.

Two ethereal voices sounded.

"Your lord has arrived."

Soon, a figure wearing white feathers slowly walked out of the dim room. Only when he completely walked out of the room did Xia Shang finally see his face clearly.

The ferocious light purple scars covered the upper half of his face, and his lavender pupils were slightly white, as if they were exactly the same as Ming Ming Yu Xing Ming if they were lighter. His appearance made all the pillars present immediately bend down. Half-kneeling, even the slightly unruly Immortal Kawa Saneya looked quite respectful.

"Lovely swordsmen, I'm very happy to see you." Ubuyashiki Yōya had a slight smile on his lips, and his voice was calm and gentle, making people feel happy as soon as they heard it.

"The weather is really nice today, and there are not a few familiar faces missing."

He looked at the blue sky and said with a smile.

"It's such a joy to see my lord in a happy mood and in good health." Purgatory Anjuro's voice was loud and full of momentum.

"Thank you for your concern. You must be the Edogawa Natsu Shang mentioned in Mr. Nintaki's letter. Nice to meet you, Mr. Natsu Shang." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya turned his gaze to Natsu Shang, his general expression His purple eyes made people wonder if he could see clearly.

"I am the 79th leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya. You can just call me Yoshiya."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya smiled at Xia Shang and nodded.

"Good morning, Mr. Yaozai." Xia Shang responded.

"Allow me to introduce to you the two distinguished guests here today, Mr. Xia Shang and Miss Zhu Shi. Although they have not joined the Demon Slayer Squad, they have the same goal as us. Mr. Xia Shang's strength must be something you have. Heard..."

Suddenly, there were several rapid footsteps outside the court.

"Report! My lord, there is urgent news from Tokyo Prefecture."

"Report! My lord, there is urgent news from Osaka."


Seeing more and more Demon Slayer intelligence officers coming to report, an ominous premonition gradually spread throughout the courtyard.

"Tell them one by one, don't be in a hurry." Yaoya was not annoyed when his speech was interrupted, but let them speak slowly.

Ubuyashiki Yōya's gentle voice made the panic expressions on the faces of the intelligence officers slightly soothed.

"A letter from the personnel stationed in the Tokyo Prefecture Branch said that evil spirits are spreading blood. One hundred and seventy-six people have died and 23 people have turned into evil spirits."

"Muhan, are you crazy?" Immortal Kawa Saneya said with a ferocious expression on his face.

"It's not Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai. According to survivors, the evil spirit that spreads blood emerged from a colored pot with the words "Shangxing Wu" engraved in its eyes."

"Jade pot."

Iguro Kobanai said softly.

"The situation in Osaka is similar to Tokyo Prefecture, but the casualties are far more severe than Tokyo Prefecture. The local government organized official forces, declared it a plague, and sent troops to start killing the evil spirits, but with little effect. Moreover, this time An evil ghost holding two scythes, with the words "The Land of Wind" engraved in his eyes."


The twelve ghost moons appear one by one except for the fourth of the first string, the second of the second string, and the fourth of the last string.

But Xiexian did not spread blood or create evil spirits. Their appearance seemed to be just to create panic.

"By the way, my lord, an evil ghost with six eyes, carved the words "Blue Higanbana" on the wall of a house before disappearing. After learning about it, the shogunate sent someone to ask us, what is the meaning of "Blue Higanbana"? What is it and why does it cause the evil ghost to go crazy and ask us to return the blue Higan flower to the evil ghost in a short period of time."

The intelligence officer had just finished speaking.

The extremely angry Immortal Mikawa suddenly pulled out the light blue Nichirin sword. The veins in the hand holding the handle of the sword popped out, and the scars on his face became even more ferocious.

"Damn Muzan! Is he threatening our Demon Slayer Squad!"

"I must chop off his head to avenge those dead."

"Calm down, Saneya."

Mingyu Xingming moved the rosary beads in his hand, as if silently reciting the Purana for the deceased, bah...bah, at this moment, he had tears streaming down his face.

Tears were seen dripping down his chin and onto the ground.

"Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down! Muzan has gone completely crazy, who knows how many people he wants to bury with him!" Immortal Kawa Saneya's eyes were split, and his eyes were bloodshot. He couldn't wait to set off now. , and then kill all the evildoers.

"For now, let's discuss how to solve this matter." Ubuya Shiki Yaoya, who can predict the future, did not expect that the development of things would fall into an uncontrollable situation. The sudden appearance of Xia Shang seemed to be completely disrupted his abilities.

"How to solve it? Do you want us to hand over the blue Higan flower to him? My lord, once Wuhan gets the blue Higan flower, it will be more difficult for us to kill him."

"Besides, we don't even know where that thing is, how can we give it to him?"

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