Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 171 That guy is not as courageous as a rat

Immortal Kawa Saneya's mood was extremely unstable at this time.

"Anger can't solve any problems, Saneya, please calm down a little. We need to discuss how to solve this evil demon outbreak together." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya's words made Immortal Kawakawa Saneya grit his teeth and stand aside and closed his eyes. opened his mouth,

"My lord, Wu Kai has been hiding in unknown places for hundreds of years, and the twelve ghost moons under him rarely attack humans. Only ordinary evil ghosts with low levels will continue to rely on food. People become stronger, but these are all within our control. It seems that Wuhan doesn't want his existence to become known to everyone."

Butterfly couldn't help but continued: "Something must have happened that stimulated Tsuji Muzan and made him eager to get the blue Higan flower, so he did not care about anything and created many terrorist incidents. This is intimidating us. and the shogunate help him find the blue Higan flower.”

"Excitement? Could it be that Bantian Gou's death stimulated him? Impossible." Yu Zhuan Tianyuan fell into deep thought.


Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Shang.

Obviously, only Xia Shang has been in contact with Wu Mei recently. As for what happened, he must be the only one who knows best.

And Xia Shang didn't hide it, he said in a calm tone: "If I guessed correctly, he should have thought that I was a ghost who had eaten the blue Bianhua flower. My appearance made him convinced that there must be someone in the world. The existence of Cyan Bianhua, so he is not only threatening you with his life, he is also threatening me."

"Mr. Xia Shang, you said before that you knew where the blue flowers on the other side were. Is that true?" Zhu Shi didn't want to see more people die miserably.

"I do know, but do you want to give the flowers to him?" The corners of Xia Shang's mouth raised slightly.

I have to say that after being beaten so hard by him, Wu Mei actually grew a brain, which was really strange.

He actually knows how to use the general trend to oppress him. Unless he is like Wu Mei, who has no humanity in his body and doesn't care about anyone's life or life, it will be difficult not to be affected. Just like now, several people have wavered in order to stop Wu Mei from continuing to go crazy. The thought of handing over the flowers.

During the period of Zhu Shi's hesitation.

More than a dozen crows flew in in groups, and before they even landed, they kept bringing bad news.

Fortunately, ghosts cannot move during the day, otherwise the number of casualties would be unimaginable.

"My lord, this is a letter from Lord Tokugawa." One of the black crows lowered his head and untied the bamboo rope tied to his leg, and handed the rolled up letter to Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya.

After Ubuyashiki Yōya received the letter, he did not open it. In fact, you don't need to read it to know that the shogunate must have ordered the Demon Slayer Squad to find and hand over the blue Higanbana as soon as possible to ensure that the situation can be restored to calm. Regarding this approach of the shogunate, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya is not surprised, although the Ubuyashiki family has a good relationship with the Tokugawa family.

But now that the situation is urgent, in order to maintain their rule, how could the Tokugawa family take into account their past feelings.

Besides, the Demon Slayer Corps has never been officially recognized by the shogunate.

In the view of the shogunate, the existence of the Demon Slayer Corps is no different from ghosts. They are a group of unstable forces. It can even be said that if one day ghosts disappear from this world, then the Demon Slayer Corps will gradually be suppressed. Until death.

"Mr. Xia Shang, please tell me the location of the blue flower of the other side. I know Wu Mei. In order to become a perfect creature in the true sense, he can do anything, even let him kill all the ghosts with his own hands. He also I won’t hesitate.”

Zhu Shi frowned.

"So, you want to use the blue Bibi flower to blackmail Wu Mei, stop all actions, and let him kill the ghost he created with his own hands?" Xia Shang had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"It's the best thing I can think of."

At this time, Ihei Xiaobanai spoke, "It sounds a little ridiculous. I don't believe that Wuhan would be so stupid. Since he knows that we have the blue Higanbana in our hands, why doesn't he use the lives of ordinary people to threaten us like he does now? Where are we handing over the flower of the other side?"

"You don't understand Wuhan."

Xia Shang looked at Zhu Shi, "That guy Wu Ke is not as courageous as a rat. To describe him as a rat-throwing weapon is not an exaggeration at all. If we really have the green Biangan flower in our hands, he will never dare to move lightly.

Once we destroy the flowers, he will get nothing. However, it is impossible for him to agree to your conditions all at once. The most likely possibility is that the massacre will continue until he sees that you are unmoved, and then he will panic. , although, he is sure in his heart that you will never sit idly by and will definitely hand over the cyan Higanhua.

But he didn't dare to bet, not even if there was a slight surprise. "

Zhu Shi looked deeply at Xia Shang. After a moment, she paused and said, "You know him better than I do."

"Do you mean that we have to let him slaughter innocent humans? Sorry, at least I can't do it." Although Purgatory Xingjuro's voice is still as loud as ever, his hearty smile has long since disappeared, and he can't accommodate that. A terrible thing happened, and he would rather sacrifice himself than let others die.

"Can I say something?"

Kanroji Mitsuri mustered up her courage and said.

As she spoke, a light pink blush returned to her cheeks.

"Don't be nervous, just say what you have to say." Although Iguro Kobanai's tone was cold, there was a lot of encouragement for Kanroji Mitsuri.

Seeing everyone's eyes, they all looked towards me for a moment.

The blush on Kanroji Mitsuri's face became even worse. She put her hand on her chin and said shyly: "I want to paint a flower blue, and then tell him that this is the blue Higan flower. In this way, he will stop moving and also Can draw him out."

"Good attention, why don't I see you with such a smart head on weekdays?" Butterfly Ninja patted Kanroji Mitsuri's head curiously.

"No way, I've always been very smart, okay?"

"Will Muzan be fooled? Besides, he may not take action personally. Maybe he will send the string to see us." Immortal Kawakawa Saneya on the side questioned.

"He will."

Jushi spoke.

"He doesn't trust anyone, including the Twelve Ghost Moons under him, so he will definitely meet us, but he may disguise himself as something else."

"In this case, just do what Mi Li said. As long as this disaster can be ended, I will pay any price."

Firm belief appeared on Purgatory Anjuro's face, and his golden hair was particularly dazzling under the sunlight.

"Well, the risk of this matter is very high. Before that, it is best to improve your strength... Mr. Xia Shang, is the pattern on your lower jaw a mark?" Ubuya Shiki Yoya said softly.

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