Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 173 The same crazy Zhu! Compare who can kill faster

Chapter 173 The same crazy Zhu! Compare who can kill faster! (2-in-1)

" guys, you actually plan to bully the minority with the greater number!" At this moment, Yuhu's brain was running rapidly.

He definitely wouldn't be able to defeat him at all. Although he had killed several pillars as a ghost on the string, this was the first time he was besieged by so many pillars.

"Vampire Art·Thousand Needles·Fish Killing!"

At Yuhu's call, the goldfish not far away rushed towards the pillars one after another. They sprayed sharp needles with neurotoxins from their mouths, trying to buy time for Yuhu to escape.

"If I let you run away today, my name, Immortal Kawa Saneya, will be written backwards from now on!"

In a rage, Immortal Kawa Saneya directly used Breath of Wind, Eight Forms, and First Fierce Wind Slash. His body turned into a swirling wind. For a moment, countless wind blades shot out in all directions. Mi's speed was extremely fast. Every time he changed his body shape, a goldfish and a water plant pot were chopped to pieces by the wind blade.

At this time, the other pillars did not stand idly by.

They all took out the sun blades from their waists or backs and ran quickly, blocking all Yuhu's escape routes.

"How dare you chop my pot into pieces? It's a work of art that I worked so hard to create. You guys whose brains are all filled with muscles can't understand the charm of my work at all. In this case, then give it all to me. Let's bury him with Hu." Seeing that escaping was not easy, Yuhu planned to simply kill one of them before leaving!

"Blood Ghost Technique: Hell of the Octopus Pot! Blood Ghost Technique: Ten Thousand Sliding and Sticky Fishes!" The jade pot burrowed into the pot, and eleven pots were sprayed out from the spout, ten of which had fish stains. One has octopus markings.

I saw a total of ten thousand sharp-toothed fish pouring out of the pot with fish patterns. They were like sharp arrows, attacking towards the pillars.

If the visitor had only one pillar, it would be difficult to deal with so many sharp-toothed fish. Once one of the fish sticks to it, it would be extremely difficult to get rid of it. The fish will bite through the enemy's skin and burrow into it. Inside the body, it gnaws at the flesh and bones, and will not stop until the enemy is completely devoured.

"The abilities of you guys are really troublesome." Xia Shang crushed the fish flying in front of his eyes with a dull expression. Then, the figure quickly disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he had already reached the sky above the jade pot with a knife. Just as he was about to chop it down, several extremely thick sucking tentacles suddenly shot out of the octopus pot next to the jade pot.

While knocking Xia Shang away, he also tightly wrapped around him.

"Mr. Xia Shang!" Mi Li shouted nervously on the side.

Due to a moment of negligence, a sharp fang with an open mouth broke through Shimi's strong wind and was about to pass through Mitsuri's chest. At this critical moment, fortunately, Purgatory Anjuro reached out to grab Mitsuri and slashed with his knife. Cut off the incoming stick fish.

Before Mitsuri could thank Anjuro, she saw several rays of sword light spilling out from the surface of the giant octopus's tentacles. Then, Xia Shang's voice came from it: "These octopus tentacles must taste very good when used for frying. As long as it’s not poisonous.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant octopus fell heavily to the ground like a torn apart building block.

The extremely sharp sword flashed across the surface of the jade pot.

However, what was hit was the fish pot.

It turns out that at this critical moment, Yuhu changed the positions of the main body and Zhanyupot.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of ferocious hands with fins stretched out from the mouth of the pot and tore the body open. "It's very sharp, but I don't know if it can cut off my head."

The final form of the jade pot looks ferocious, with a particularly strong body and scales all over its body.

A loud sound! Snake Pillar Yihei Xiaobanei suddenly came from behind. He was surprised to find that his full blow failed to cut off the opponent's scales. Yuhu turned his head to look at Xiaobanei and said with a ferocious smile: "My scales It's harder than diamond, but you still want to hurt me with such a weak attack? You're really ignorant."

After saying that, he raised his hand to grab Xiaobanei, but Xiaobanei slid backwards like a snake to avoid the attack.

"Now we're in trouble..." There was a trace of solemnity in Xiaoba Nei's strange-colored pupils.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Xia Shang also said with a ferocious smile.

Bang! After leaving a deep hole on the ground, his left hand turned into a blade and smashed it directly towards Yuhu's neck. With a crackling sound, the fish scales as hard as diamond were chopped into pieces by Xia Shang on the spot. The jade pot was still It didn't react, and then, a reddish knife penetrated its neck directly.

Then, Xia Shang grasped the handle of the knife and twisted it hard, and Yu Hu's head and windpipe were sliced ​​off.

"How is it possible? You despicable creatures, how could you possibly hurt me!"

The head of Yuhu rolled on the ground, still unwilling to believe the fact that he had been beheaded.

Xia Shang looked at the shocked looks from around him, put away his long knife, and said calmly: "Let's go, Twelve Ghost Moons can sense the death of their companions, kill a few more before they can react." That’s all.”

When passing Yu Hu's head, he saw that the other party was still shouting. Xia Shang showed a trace of impatience in his eyebrows. He raised his right foot and stepped down suddenly, "There is so much nonsense, you should go to hell to report. "

With a bang, Yuhu's head exploded like a watermelon and then turned into ashes.

"You..." Purgatory Xingjulang on the side was speechless upon seeing this.


On the other side, Asakusa District in Tokyo Prefecture.

Under the moonlight, a thin figure holding two scythes was cutting the bodies of pedestrians without restraint.

The originally brightly lit and prosperous street was now filled with rivers of blood, and it was like a hell. After cutting off the head of a gunman, the prostitute Taro looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction, and sighed: "I worked so hard, You will definitely be appreciated by that adult.”

"Quick! It's over here."

A shout sounded from afar, and soon, a group of well-trained gunmen nervously aimed their guns at the prostitute Taro standing in the center of the street. They were gunners sent by the shogunate to exterminate evil spirits that suddenly appeared.

They usually use guns to crush the ghosts' bodies, and then use a net made of special material to control them. When the sun rises, the evil ghosts in the net will be sunburned to death.

This method that the shogunate came up with is quite effective, because ordinary ghosts can't resist the bullets fired from the muzzle, and even some powerful ghosts can't resist the attacks of multiple guns. Therefore, the gunmen at this time did not go too far. Fear.

"Ready! Fire!" The gunman standing at the front immediately ordered his men to fire after seeing the prostitute Taro motionless!

boom! boom! ! boom! !

The iron pellets propelled by gunpowder enveloped the prostitute Taro in scattered orbits.

The prostitute Taro did not dodge, but was curious about how powerful something shot from an iron pipe could be. But soon, he realized the power of the gun, poof! laugh! ! Several iron pills instantly penetrated his right eye and chest, and while passing through his body, they took out large areas of rotten flesh and blood.

"Well done!" The leading gunman waved his arms excitedly.

But Taro the prostitute looked down at his wound, "It's amazing. Humans can actually develop such a thing. It's so clever that it makes people jealous. If they are allowed to continue developing like this, maybe one day, there will be no need for the Nichirin Sword." It can kill us too.”

The irritable prostitute Taro tore at his face and roared angrily: "Why! Why are you more perfect than me? I won't accept it. I will kill you completely."

The injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He waved the sickle in his hand that looked like bones and was covered in blood, "Vampire Art·Flying Blood Scythe!"

"Get out of the way! This is a ghost who can use special moves!"

But how could their reaction speed compare to the prostitute Taro's high-speed slash like a sickle and weasel? Phew! Chi! ! The slash like a crescent moon instantly cut the gunmen who turned around and fled in half. Some people's lower bodies were still running, but their upper bodies had separated from their bodies. In an instant, the thick blood gathered into a pool of blood.

And the torn bodies of their gunmen were lying in a pool of blood.

On the other side, its sister Fallen Princess is also going on a killing spree.

Fallen Princess is beautiful, with a long snow-white ponytail. Her left eye and right eye are engraved with the words [上线] and [鲁] respectively. She also has pink tattoos on the left side of her face and the right side of her forehead. She has pink tattoos on her waist and arms. There were some ribbons wrapped around it, and these red and green ribbons were stained with little bits of blood.

She kills faster than the prostitute Taro. In her opinion, as a beautiful and powerful ghost, she can naturally do anything she wants.

In addition, she especially hates ugly people. In her eyes, ugly people have no right to live.

Except, of course, her brother Taro the prostitute.

"Wait a minute, Yuhu is dead." Taro, the prostitute who cut the house open with one blow, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"Jade pot?"

"It's the Shangxian Army. It's still night and the only ones that can kill it are the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad. No, there should be the man who killed Hantengu. It's not difficult to tell from the adult's reaction that that guy is probably quite difficult to deal with. , for the sake of safety, let’s go back to Infinite City.”

The prostitute Taro thought it was better to play it safe.

But Fallen Princess was unhappy.

"Isn't it a good thing that the Shangxian Wu was killed? This way, brother, you will be the new Shangxian Wu. Besides, I just came out not long ago, so I don't want to go back so soon."

The prostitute Taro has always been very doting on his sister Feng Ji, so he nodded: "In this case, let's stay for another ten minutes. After ten minutes, we must go back no matter what."

Soon, less than five minutes passed.

In the wilderness near Asakusa, Purgatory Anjuro and his party met a group of people who were fleeing. Everyone in the crowd looked panicked and their eyes were full of fear. When Anjuro asked them what happened, no one answered them. He only cares about escaping for his own life.

In the end, it was an old woman holding her granddaughter who really didn't want to see them move on.

So he walked up to Purgatory Anjuro and said that two evil spirits appeared in Asakusa area that even the shogunate could not deal with. He told Anjuro and the others not to go any further and to escape with them.

"Listening to the old man's description, the other party is most likely going to the string. Please be careful, Mi Li."

"Here." Mili immediately looked at Xingjulang.

"You are responsible for protecting their safety and preventing them from being attacked by ghosts on the road. After they are separated, remember to use the crow to contact them."

"I don't trust Mi Li to complete such an arduous task by herself. Let me go with her. Besides, with Mr. Xia Shang here, it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less than me."

Instead of worrying about accidents happening to the pillars, Iguro Kobane was more worried about Mitsuri.

Anyway, he finally understood that the purpose of Xia Shang asking them to accompany him was to prevent the ghosts from escaping. In this case, Anjuro, Saneya, Tomioka Giyu and Tian Yuan were enough.

"Gah! Ga!! I saw the winding in front of me. She was a woman, with the words winding land engraved in her eyes." Although Murata did not follow, Torataro volunteered to join. If he didn't tell others, others would You will definitely think that it is the Xia Shang Dynasty's Eagle Crow, not Murata's.

"Gah, sir, I seem to have seen another evil ghost."

"lead the way."

"Okay, sir, I will lead you right now." Torataro called out flatteringly.

It takes less than half a stick of incense.

Torataro led Xia Shang and his party around, and finally saw the fallen princess in the room, who was about to kill someone.

She saw Fallen Girl wrapping the silk ribbon in her hand around a woman's neck, watching with admiration as the woman slowly suffocated and lost.

"Evil woman, go to hell." Immortal Kawa Saneya took the lead.

"Who are you talking about?" The evil woman in Shimi's mouth aroused the anger in her heart. But when she just turned around, her head was cut off by Shimi's extremely fast blade.

"What a gorgeous sword."

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan said with emotion.

Everyone else didn't expect that as Shang Xian, they had their heads chopped off without any precautions. This was too easy.

Even Saneya, who was wielding the sword, was a little surprised.

Is it that simple?

The strength of Shangxian is definitely not that weak.

Sure enough, the fallen princess who had her head cut off did not die. Instead, she looked at the pillars entering the house with an angry expression: "Sneak attack! You despicable guys."

"As a ghost on the string, you are really weak and pitiful. Is it because you are so weak because you don't work hard to eat people?"

Tomioka Giyuu is still as good at talking as ever.

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't lost yet! I'm on the string."

"It's not convincing..." Yu Zhuan Tianyuan said lightly.

"You bastards, my brother will kill you for me, wuwuwu, brother, someone is bullying Duo Ji." Duo Ji cried loudly.

At this moment, Zhongzhu also discovered something unusual.

"It's really strange that he's still alive after his head was cut off. Also, why does a wind-up ghost still have an older brother?" Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was a little puzzled.

However, his doubts were quickly shattered by the flying slashes.

Purgatory Anjuro subconsciously stood in front of the woman to prevent her from being hurt again.

"This kind of aura is suitable for the ghost of Shangxian." Yu Zhuan Tianyuan pulled out the double swords behind him.

His two swords are connected by a chain. The blade is black with a golden sword pattern on the side, and is engraved with the four characters "Demon Killing".

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