Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 174 The ultimatum, the threat from Wu Mei!

Chapter 174 The ultimatum, the threat from Wu Mei! (2-in-1)

Facing the incoming attack, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan swung his swords downwards with a bang. With a loud noise, a thin figure slowly walked out of the dust.

"It's you annoying guys again." Taro the prostitute smiled ferociously and raised the twin scythes in his hands.

"Vampire Art·Flying Blood Scythe!"

I saw a large amount of blood pouring out of Taro's arms. Then, the blood seemed to have vitality and gathered on his bone sickle, "Go to death."

In an instant, countless bloody blades shot out forward.

boom! ! !

A large number of buildings were cut off by it, and the blood blade affected a very wide range, and it could also change the flight path according to the will of the prostitute Taro.

"Cut off the heads of these two guys at the same time to kill them."

Zhongzhu didn't have time to ask Xia Shang how he knew. Because the attack was too sudden and the blood blade could turn, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was accidentally scratched on his right arm by the blood blade. He came from a ninja family and was very sensitive to toxins.

When he noticed that his right arm was gradually losing strength, he reminded everyone:

"Those bloody blades are poisonous, so be careful."

at the same time.

Fallen Girl on the side picked up the head on the ground and pressed it to her neck.

"Shimi." Before Xia Shang's figure disappeared, he turned to look at Shimi. Shimi, who understood the situation, swung his knife towards Fallen Princess while avoiding the bloody blade.

Almost at the same time.

Two heads with different appearances broke away from the shackles of their necks and flew into the air.

The battle ended much faster than everyone imagined.

"Hey, why is my body there?" Taro, the prostitute, looked at his body in confusion.

He didn't understand what happened. When he realized that his head had been chopped off, his consciousness began to collapse. Along with his consciousness collapsed, there was also the head that was like broken porcelain.

it's over?

Except for Shiya, who had expected it, everyone else looked at a loss.

It wasn't until a while later that they realized the fact that Shangxian Lu was dead.

"Two people died in a row, so Wuhan's side is probably in a panic. Even if we rush to the next location as quickly as possible, we will be in vain, so there is no need to waste time.

Unless those who survived were mentally ill, it would be impossible not to see that this was a beheading operation aimed at them. "

Xia Shang put away the Sun Blade and said calmly.


The fact is just as Xia Shang guessed.

After Wu Mei sensed the death of two consecutive top stringers, he immediately informed the remaining top stringers to stop their actions and return to Infinite City as quickly as possible.

The lanterns in Infinite City still emit orange light.

As Naruto plucked the thin string in her hand, figures broke through the space and appeared in the room.

However, this time there were two people missing.

"Those guys actually dared to fight back. It's interesting. It's very interesting."

Regarding the murder of Yu Hu and the prostitute Taro, Tong Mo did not show any sadness on his face, but said in a joking tone:

"The Demon Slayer Squad is really amazing. Did they get some blood? They became so strong all of a sudden. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise Your Excellency Yiwozao wouldn't be able to see me."

"But, having said that, maybe Your Excellency Yiwozuo's heart is beating faster than mine right now."

Yiwozuo on the side ignored Tong Mo's cynicism.

Instead, he looked straight ahead.

At this moment, only four of the six Shangxian people are left, namely, Shangxian's Yi Heishimou, Shangxian's Ertongmo, Shangxian's Sanyiwozuo and Shangxian's Simingnu.

Compared with before, Wu Ke's forces have suffered an extremely severe blow. You must know that the position of the winding string cannot be replenished by just a random ghost.

To become a top player, talent, strength, and mentality are all indispensable.

Over the past hundreds of years, only a few people have created Shangxian, which shows the scarcity of Shangxian.

"Okay, you all shut up." Wumei, who was sitting in a high position, shouted angrily with a gloomy face!

To be honest, he didn't expect the Demon Slayer Squad's counterattack to be so swift and violent, actually killing two top stringers in a short period of time. This kind of loss has never happened even in the past hundreds of years. If he hadn't taken action, Ming Nu was promoted to the fourth place of the string, I am afraid that now there are only three of the six ghost moons left!

Moreover, Naruto, who was forcibly lifted up by him, strictly speaking, did not have the strength to be lifted up. She was only promoted to be able to better control Mugen City.

"That guy must have taken action." Wuhan narrowed his eyes and said in fear.

"Sir, what should we do next? Should the operation continue?"

Yiwozuo's posture improved, as if he was always in a fighting state, and he was also the ghost who killed the least people in this operation, not even killing a woman.

It can be said that he has always insisted on the morality in his heart, seeking strong people and then defeating them. He has his own persistence and belief.

Tong Mo is the complete opposite to him. In this operation, his trophies, women's heads, have already filled his storage room.

"The action is temporarily suspended. I need someone to give the Demon Slayer Corps an ultimatum and teach them a lesson."

Aimless killing is meaningless to Wu Mei. He just wants to get the blue Higanhua, and for this he can sacrifice everything, including the Twelve Ghost Moons.

"I'll go and meet that strong man by the way."

Originally, Wuxian wanted Heishimou to take over this task, but after thinking about it, Heishimou was second only to himself in strength. If an accident happened, it would be very detrimental to his subsequent actions.

As for the other two, even if an accident occurs, the loss to him will not be great. Anyway, three of the six major strings have already died.

Another death is within his tolerance.

It’s not like Wuhan has never thought about sending an ordinary Xiaxian to meet the Demon Slayer Squad, but doesn’t this subconsciously admit that he has no ghosts that he can take out? Wuhan’s remaining self-esteem does not allow him to Do this.

"Then it's you, don't let me down."

"My subordinates will never let down your master's expectations."

"Go ahead."

Bang! A melodious pipa sound sounded, and the Yiwo seat was teleported out by Naru Nu.

The moment Yi Wo Zuo disappeared, countless green veins suddenly stretched out from Wu Mei's eyes. As the plum red pupils occupied the entire eyes, at this moment, he and Yi Wo Zuo shared the same field of vision.

When he arrived at the Yiwozuo outside, he rushed to the place where the prostitute Taro died at extremely fast speed without any hesitation.

In the first person perspective.

The buildings on both sides of the road continued to recede. Soon, the complete buildings became increasingly rare, and the signs of destruction became more and more obvious.

Moreover, human stumps and severed arms gradually began to appear on the ground, and the dazzling red color did not slow down Yiwozao, because the location where he was released was already close to Tokyo Prefecture.

So, after a while, he saw the traces left by the prostitute Taro before he died.

"The Demon Slayer's Raven."

After not noticing the aura of the Demon Slayer Corps' pillars, Yiwozao jumped up to the top of the telephone pole and looked around.

It happened that at this time, Torataro's figure came into view.

the other side.

Purgatory Anjuro and the others successfully merged with Mitsuri and Snake Pillar Iguro Kobanai.

After hearing the news that Shang Xian Zhi Lu was killed, Mi Li covered her mouth in surprise, showing an incredible expression.

"You guys are going too fast, it seems like you just passed..."

Mi Li twirled her fingers, "One, two...five minutes."

"Mainly thanks to Mr. Xia Shang, his speed was so fast that I didn't even see how his sword fell." Purgatory Xingshou said with a hearty smile.

At first, he was worried that someone would die during this mission, but now it seems that he was obviously overly worried. The only one injured so far is Yu Zhuan Tianyuan.

"Ah, Mr. Tianyuan, are you injured? Is it serious?"

Mi Li looked nervously at Yu Zhuan Tianyuan's bandaged right arm.

"It's just some poison, not worth mentioning. Besides, if you can see Mr. Xia Shang's gorgeous blow, it's worth getting hurt."

As he spoke, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan suddenly looked behind him, and his originally smiling face suddenly became serious: "Be careful, there is a strong aura coming towards us."

"I didn't expect that there would be some people with abnormal brains."

The two consecutive battles with complete victories gave Immortal Sakawa Saneya sufficient confidence, and even gave him the idea that the string was nothing more than this.

However, the next second.

The severe pain that came from his shoulder instantly made Saneya realize the strength of Uzuru no San.

At some point, Yiwozao with black stripes on his face appeared in front of Shimi. His arm penetrated Shimi's right shoulder. If he had moved two inches to the right, Shimi would have become A corpse.

"Three strings, you really have some strength." Xia Shang could have blocked the blow for Shimi, but he didn't.

"You are the person the adults are talking about. I can sense the powerful power contained in your body." Under the hostile gazes of the Zhuzhu, Yiwo Zuo slowly took his hand out and targeted the target he wanted to attack just now. , in fact, it was not Shimi, but Xia Shang, but when he saw Xia Shang's eyes always staying on him.

Then he knew that the speed he was proud of was nothing compared to the other party.

"Wuhan must have called you here."

You don't need to think about it to know that the appearance of Yi Wo Zuo must be related to Wu Mei, otherwise it would be impossible for the other party to suddenly appear here from another area.

It must be with the help of the power of Infinite City.

After a few seconds of silence, Yiwozuo spoke again: "You are very smart. It is indeed the master who sent me here. He asked me to inform you that if you can't get the blue Higan flower after one day, he will let the entire Tokyo Prefecture be buried with you." .”

At the same time, Wuhan's angry roar sounded in his mind: "Why? Why didn't you kill that guy just now?! Yiwozuo... what on earth were you thinking!"

I saw that half of Yiwozuo's face kept cracking, and in an instant, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Stop that incompetent roar, Wu Ke."

Xia Shang walked up to Yi Wo Zuo, and seemed to see Wu Ke, whose expression was ferocious with anger, from the other person's eyes.

I have no tolerance for this, and I really deserve to be called a giant baby.

"Why don't you just kill a few of them? What are you so proud of?" Yi Wo Zuo's eyes suddenly became particularly cold. It was obvious that Wu Mei had controlled Yi Wo Zuo's body and was talking to Xia Shang.

Xia Shang smiled coldly: "Indeed, it's just a few strings. Master Wuhan probably won't care about their life or death. In this case, it's better to just call them over and die."

"Asshole, you are looking for death!" Wuhan, extremely angry, controlled Yiwozuo's body and punched Xia Shang in the chest.


After a loud noise.

Yiwozuo's fist was stopped by Xia Shang's outstretched right hand.

"Your fighting skills are really poor. Release your control over Yi Wo Zuo. I will embarrass you."

call! call! ! In a certain house in Infinite City, Wu Mei's chest was heaving violently, and his lungs were almost exploded by Xia Shang's anger.

However, he quickly regained his composure.

"You want to anger me? So you can force me to come out to see you. What a ridiculous idea."

Yiwozuo looked at the vigilant pillars around him who were holding sun-lunar knives, and said with a ferocious smile:

"Think about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Tokyo Prefecture. If I don't see the blue Higan flower tomorrow night, they will die because of you. Tsk tsk tsk. The Demon Slayer Squad, which prides itself on justice, must not tolerate this happening. Bar.

I give you two choices, either hand over the blue Hibiscus flower to me tomorrow night, or you can kill Mr. Xia Shang together. Otherwise, you will wait for Tokyo to become hell, and wait for those innocent souls to question you, why Don't save them. "

Is Onimai Tsuji Muzan planning to attack Tokyo Prefecture? !

What does he want to do?

No matter how powerful he is, he cannot kill hundreds of thousands of people in Tokyo at once.

Purgatory Anjuro frowned and said loudly: "Don't try to sow discord between us. The Demon Slayer Squad is not someone like you who can taint it."

"You don't think I'm bluffing, do you? Send your crows to the south to have a look. There will be surprises."

"Tora Taro." Purgatory Anjuro looked at the eagle on Mitsuri's shoulder.

Before the Yiwozao came, Torataro was still telling Mitsuri affectionately about the touching love story between it and Rei. Although it had made it up on its own, Mitsuri had no doubts and even had water in its eyes. sparkling.

"Understood." Torataro nodded solemnly, then flapped his wings and flew out to the south.

While waiting, the eyes of all the pillars inevitably showed worry.

Although they didn't believe Wu Pei's words, Wu Pei didn't look like he was deceiving them.

You must bring back good news.

The pillars prayed silently.

A few minutes later, Torataro's horrified cry sounded above their heads: "Something serious has happened! A large area in the south has disappeared, as if it had been dug out of thin air, and there was no trace of the people inside. I flew several times I couldn't find them even though I was in circles.

Moreover, I also asked a nearby witness. According to him, after an earthquake, the people living there and the houses they lived in all disappeared. "

"How about it, I didn't lie to you."

The chill that came from Wu Ke's voice made all the pillars present feel terrified and shudder!

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