"Torataro, are you sure what you saw was not an illusion? Is it possible that it was an illusion created by a ghost?"

Purgatory Xingjulang said solemnly.

"Gah, I can guarantee that that area has completely disappeared." Torataro shook his head, then retracted his wings and landed on Mitsuri's shoulders. His words were like a haze, hitting each pillar heavily. heart.

For a moment, the expressions of all the pillars were different. Infernal Anjuro clenched his teeth, and the depths of his eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire. The injured Immortal Kawa Saneya covered his bloody shoulder with a fierce gaze. I wish I could eat Wuhan alive!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a beautiful look, the killing intent contained in it is simply intoxicating."

Feeling deeply happy, Wu Mei shook off the blood on his arm and said easily: "You can refuse both options, but the consequences of refusal will be the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. To be honest, I am very Looking forward to the moment when hell comes to earth.”

"You are the one who deserves to go to hell." Giyuu Tomioka, who was usually taciturn, now looked at Muzan in front of him with cold eyes.

"Don't be like this. The angrier you are, the happier I will be. If one day, everyone in the Demon Slayer Squad is dead, I think I will be able to help laughing."

Just when Wuxian was about to turn around and leave.

Mi Li pursed her lips and said, "If I give you the blue Higan flower, will you stop?"

Wu Kuan instantly looked at Mi Li, his burning eyes filled with greed and surprise that could not be concealed, "Have you found the Blue Flower of the Other Side?!"

"Answer me first." Mili's eyes gradually became firmer, until she could look at Wukai.

"Very good, I saw the answer from your eyes." Wuhan suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "I only want the blue Bibi flower, and the lives of those ants are not important to me at all. .”

"I'll give you the flowers, too."

"Miri!" At this time, Purgatory Anjuro seemed to want to stop Miri from continuing.

"shut up."

Muzan's plum-red eyes suddenly locked on Xingshourou, "Watch your mouth, otherwise today will be your death anniversary!"

Then, he looked at Mili again: "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Mili, who was under great pressure, said with difficulty: "Stop all actions and kill all the ghosts under you."

As soon as she finished speaking, the atmosphere in the whole place suddenly became very strange. Wu Kai narrowed his eyes. After a few seconds, he coldly snorted:

"I can agree to your terms, but I have to inspect the goods first. If I remember correctly, the Demon Slayer Corps has a clan leader in every generation. Let him bring something to see me at 12:00 tomorrow. The location is right here. If the time comes and I haven’t seen him, I will bear the consequences.”

After scanning everyone's faces with Wuhan's eyes, he continued: "There is no need for you to show up. If I find out, any one of you, including this person, appears within three kilometers from here. Mr. Xia Shang, I'm sorry, our cooperation will be terminated directly, and then you will enjoy the feast of evil spirits."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving only a back figure that slowly disappeared from the sight of the pillars.

There was silence for about three minutes.

In the end, it was Xing Jurou who broke the deathly silence.

"Go back, this matter must be reported to the lord."

Obviously, they killed the two top stringers and greatly reduced the power of the ghosts. However, there was no joy at all on the faces of everyone, and they were even more solemn than the other.


Just before dawn, the pillars returned to their lord's mansion.

At the same time, next to a stone table in the courtyard, Ubuya Shiki Yaoya, wearing a snow-white fur coat, was holding a cup of hot tea, sitting quietly on the stone bench, and relying on the warmth coming from the outside of the cup wall. Heat to dispel the chill in the body.

"Don't wait. Please go back to your house and rest. If you continue like this, your health will get worse and worse." Behind him, his daughter Bian Fang said worriedly.

"It's okay... Besides, they are fighting outside, and how can I sleep peacefully? Ahem!" Ubuyashiki Yōya's body at this time is not as weak as it was two years later, but he was attacked by the curse and has recovered from his condition. The condition worsened, and it was even difficult to swing the sword ten times a day.

Kanata knew his father's character well, so he stopped trying to persuade him and just hoped in his heart that Anjuro and the others would come back soon.

I wonder if it was because of her expectations.

Outside the courtyard, there were steady and rapid footsteps. Then Anjuro took the lead and walked into the courtyard. When he saw Ubuya Shiki Yaoya next to the stone table, his eyes instantly turned red. He understood that the lord must have It was because he was worried about their safety that he sat at the stone table and waited all night.

"My lord..." Xingshoulang choked and half-knelt on the ground.

The reactions of other pillars were basically the same as his. Even the seriously injured Immortal Kawa Saneya endured the pain and said guiltily: "When the lord is worried about us and waits until dawn, it is the fault of the subordinates. I wish the lord Sir, you understand that your body is far more important than our safety. The Demon Slayer Squad can do without me, but it cannot lack my lord."

"It's serious." Ubuyashiki Yōya put his hand on the table and tried to stand up to greet the returning Hashira. However, due to sitting for too long and being extremely tired, he staggered and almost fell down. , fortunately Bifang and Hang Nai supported him behind him,

"Sorry, let me sit here and listen to you. I am satisfied to see you come back one by one."

"My lord, the situation is urgent and I have something important to report."

Soon, Purgatory Anjuro recounted everything that happened tonight without missing a beat.

Starting from meeting the jade pot that massacred the fishermen, to killing the prostitute Taro of the winding land, until the end, Muzan suddenly appeared and Mitsuri's conditions.

"Ahem!!" Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya put his fist under his nose and coughed twice, "Being able to kill two top strings, I am surprised by what you have achieved. You have accomplished something that many of your predecessors could not do in their entire lives. I'm proud of you guys."

"My lord, this is not our credit."

Ubuyashiki Yōya waved his hand, "No matter what, you have done it. Now, it's my turn. Even cracked firewood will come in handy. I will arrive on time at noon tomorrow." Tokyo Prefecture, meet the Demon Slayer’s old enemy for thousands of years.”

"Lord, we must have other solutions. You must not meet with Muzan alone." Xingjulang raised his head and spoke loudly.

"I'll go with him."

Xia Shang on the side said calmly.

Warm reminder from Niu Niu: This copy will be completed after three chapters.

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