Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 176 The precursor to the decisive battle! Wooden coffin!

"How do you cover up your aura? Besides, even if you can cover up your aura, you can't change your appearance." Snake Pillar Ihei Xiaoba Nei asked.

"You don't need to worry about this. What you have to worry about is whether you can arrive in time when the battle starts."

"Namu Amitabha, my lord, it's too risky for you to do this. I have an idea. You can let someone else pretend to be you and go see Oniitsuji Mukai. Anyway, he doesn't know your face and can't recognize you. ." Wearing a brown cassock, Mingyu Xingming put his hands together and tears continued to flow from his eyes.

Ubuyashiki Yōya shook his head slightly, put down the tea cup in his hand, and said in a gentle voice: "Then who should be sent? Your appearance and aura are already known to Muzan, so you are obviously not a suitable candidate, and the other members of the Demon Slayer Corps, It was impossible to remain calm in front of Wuhan, and their lives were also their lives.

I do not think that I am born nobler than others, nor do I think that I am indispensable to the Demon Slayer Corps. Even if I die, there will be the next lord to take my place. As long as the belief of the Demon Slayer Corps continues to exist, Then the Demon Slayer Squad can never disappear.

Okay, I have decided. Bianfang will help me go back to the house to rest. "

Seeing the lord turning around and walking towards the room, the eyebrows and eyes of all the pillars were full of worry. How could they have any intention of resting now? They all stared at each other, "Everyone, please give me an idea. Anyway, I firmly do not agree with the lord taking risks." , Everyone knows how dangerous Wu Ke is, and if my lord goes there this time, it is very likely that he will never come back."

Immortal Kawa Saneya under the tree shook his head: "My lord, we cannot change what we have determined. Besides, with Mr. Xia Shang here, accidents may not happen. Everyone must have seen his strength. , as soon as he appears, the Wuhan guy’s first reaction is to turn around and run away.”

Xia Shang didn't want to listen to their discussion.

Now, the fusion of the five brains and seven hearts is about to reach 100%. There is a brain hidden in each of his arms and legs, and they are very close to the heart. One is on the forearm or calf, and the other is on the upper arm and thigh. , What he is worried about now is how to hide his changes from the perspective of the people of the motherland after returning to the black robe.

Regarding this, he already has two plans.

First, directly tell the people of the motherland that his superpower is to transform the body. This is very credible and can also explain why there are so many eyeballs in his body. More importantly, he is fighting against Storm Girl. , not only changed the appearance and body shape, but also destroyed all the eyeballs.

Even if Storm Girl is lucky enough to survive, from her mouth, we can only know that the mysterious figure's chest can emit lasers.

Second, return to the black robe and decompose the six hearts and four brains in the body. However, the next time you encounter a battle, it will take a certain amount of time to construct these things, which seems very troublesome.

Therefore, Xia Shang prefers the first option.

Not long after Xia Shang left, the pillars dispersed. When the Butterfly Ninja who was with Zhu Shi heard Wu Kai's request, she immediately got up and went to persuade the lord. She even wanted to replace the lord with herself. Sir, go and see Wuhan.

"Don't forget, Wu Kai has seen you, but not me, and I can hold my breath through a special method. The most important thing is, with the help of Miss Zhushi, we have developed a method that can restrain A cruel poison."

"So fast?" Mili said in shock.

The Butterfly Ninja looked at Tamashii: "Miss Tamashii has been researching this for hundreds of years. Many of her medicines are very effective. Even without my help, she can quickly develop poisons that are enough to restrain Mukai."

"Miss Butterfly is really humble. Her research on poisons has far surpassed mine." Zhu Shi's voice was still extremely gentle, "By the way, you just said that Wuhan can make an area disappear instantly, just like after an earthquake. Collapse?"

"That's right."

Hearing Mili's affirmation, Zhu Shi said softly: "That must be Wu Kai using Infinite City. It is an extremely special space. No one knows where that space is. Outsiders cannot enter without Wu Kai's permission. , and Infinite City can affect the surrounding space and can pull everything around it, such as buildings, humans, etc., into it.

The disappearance of that area should be related to Infinite City. "

Mili did not expect that Jushi actually knew how the area disappeared. In other words, fear from the unknown is the most frightening thing. During the discussion among the pillars, Wu Mei was mentioned many times by what method he used to make the building They disappeared with the residents inside. If this confusion cannot be solved, they will still have no idea in their hearts.

"Great, I'm going to call Brother Xingshoulang and the others over now, and Mr. Xia Shang, by the way."

When Mili walked out of the room, a short while later a black crow landed on Zhushi's window sill.

"Come with me." Zhu Shi led Yao Ya into his room.

Click! After closing the door, Yan Ya said: "My lord, thank you very much for the potion you sent, but I don't agree with your plan to put yourself at risk by burying the potion in your body and then being swallowed by Wuhan. Mr. Xia Shang It’s not necessary, you can just stay in Butterfly House and wait for the news of Wu Hui’s death.”

After Zhushi was silent for a moment, he said: "I have to go. Even if I can't kill Wuhan with my own hands, I still have to witness his death. Moreover, once you are pulled into the infinite city, you will definitely lose your way. Yushiro's ability, It can give you a shared vision through the eye talisman attached to the body of the bird."

"Okay, I will tell the Lord this information, please wait a moment."


As time passes bit by bit.

Under the scorching sun, a group of strong men wearing thin jackets were burying something on the ground. After filling the hole, they waved to a nearby place.

I saw two grooms waving their reins and driving two horses, one yellow and one black, to the designated position.

The horse pulled the wheel, and there was a wooden coffin on the car. Next to the coffin, there was a man with the upper half of his face disfigured. A slight smile hung on the corner of the man's mouth, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, " I’m really troubling you.”

"No trouble, sir, please come down quickly." The strong men had a good impression of him at the first sight, and one of them helped him get out of the carriage.

The remaining people jumped onto the car one after another, rolling up their sleeves and preparing to lift the wooden coffin.

"It's so heavy! There can't be iron inside." Seven or eight strong men were unable to lift the coffin for a while. Their faces all turned bright red, and the blood vessels in their necks bulged. After several attempts, they could barely lift the coffin. Lift it to the ground, bang! The moment the wooden coffin landed on the ground, dust flew up and made a dull sound.

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