Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 177 The final battle! All analyzed!

After everything was settled, Yaoya Shiki sat next to the wooden coffin, quietly waiting for Muzan's arrival.

Time is like the bright sun hanging in the sky, passing steadily but slowly. The sun sets in the west and the surroundings are silent.

The setting sun shed a radiance like broken gold onto Ubuya Shiki Yaoya's face. He squinted his eyes slightly, raised his head, and admired the last rays of the setting sun.

His expression was unusually calm, and there was no trace of fear. "This feud that has lasted for thousands of years has finally come to an end in my hands. Perhaps the era of the Demon Slayer Squad has also come to an end."

No one talked to him, so he just muttered softly.

The nearby residents had moved elsewhere under the arrangement of the shogunate, and it seemed that he was the only one living here.

Soon, the darkness dispersed the orange light, and there seemed to be an invisible monster looking down at the land.

clatter! Da da! ! The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground came from a distance. Wearing a black windbreaker, and dressed exquisitely and meticulously, Tsuji Muzan stepped on the first ray of darkness and walked towards Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya. He smiled and inserted his hands into In the pocket of the trousers, above the black trousers, is a snow-white suit, with a tie hidden in the lining with dark floral stripes.

Click, the sound stopped suddenly, and Wumei, who was wearing a suit, also stopped with the sound.

He looked quietly at Uyashiki Yoshiya, who was sitting cross-legged not far away.

at the same time.

The panel quietly emerged.

"It seems that you are indeed the leader of the Demon Slayer Squad. After all, momentum can't fool anyone." Muzan said happily.

"When we first met, you came on time, Kibutsuji... Muzan..."

Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya, who had not drank a drop of water for a long time, licked his dry and cracked lips, and looked at the ghost that the Demon Slayer Corps had been chasing for thousands of years with complicated eyes, "I know, you will definitely come in person."

"Where is the thing I want? And... is that coffin prepared for yourself?" Muzan was not interested in Uyashiki Yoshiya in front of him. He was more concerned about what he wanted and whether the other party brought it. coming.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya did not answer his question, but said to himself: "Did you know? It is precisely because of your birth that the Ubuyashiki clan has been burdened with a thousand-year curse..."

After listening to his words, Wu Kuan's eyes were full of disdain: "Only ignorant people will believe this. Of course, this is not important at all."

He pointed to his head, "The theory of cause and effect is extremely boring. You see, even though I have killed countless lives, I have never been punished by the so-called heaven. There are no gods and Buddhas in the world. If there are, they will be immortal." , I have endless lifespan.”

Facing the extremely arrogant Muzan, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya just smiled calmly.

But his reaction made Wu Kai very uncomfortable, and even made him feel extremely relaxed and nauseous. Why was this guy in front of him not afraid at all when he saw him?

"Okay, I don't have the patience to listen to your long speech, give me the things, and then kneel in front of me and beg, maybe I will let you go." For some reason, Wu Mei always felt that it was not safe here, but before he came , I had already asked Naru Nu to investigate and made sure that the man and Zhu were not nearby before showing up.

"Excuse me, is this what you want...?"

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya took out a wooden box from his arms. His every move attracted Wuhan's gaze. The wooden box was slowly opened by a pair of slender hands. Inside lay a flower with blue petals. The stem of the flower It was full of sharp thorns and was a flower seed that Wuhan had never seen before.

Green flower of the other side!

Wumei's heart couldn't help but beat wildly. He ducked to the wooden box and was about to reach out to take the flowers. Snap! The box was closed by Yaoya.

"Are you looking for death?"

Seeing that his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled, how could Muzan remain calm? He looked at Yaoya fiercely and threatened: "Give me the thing, or I will cut you into pieces and bury you in the ground as fertilizer. "

Yaoya, on the other hand, calmly placed the wooden box on the coffin lid, "There is a mechanism carefully designed by me inside. Once it is violently destroyed, the blue Higan flower inside will be cut into pieces by the blade, and you Nothing is gained.

Now that I have brought the flowers, where is your sincerity? "

"You want me to kill the few remaining Shangxian with my own hands, I tell you clearly, it is impossible!" Wuhan looked ferocious, grabbed Yaoya's neck, and said viciously: "You have such a face Guys with ugly scars, don’t try to challenge my patience. If you don’t want to die, just open the box for me.”

With his legs off the ground and poor blood circulation, Yaoya said in a calm tone: "You don't think I'm afraid of death. If I were worried about this, I wouldn't come to see you today."

Yaoya's reaction made Muzan realize that this guy was a tough guy.

"Maniacs like you on the Demon Slayer Squad really give me a headache. You are willing to sacrifice yourself at every turn, just for some illusory things. Isn't a stable life what you long for? Even if someone is killed by a demon, Isn’t this normal? Just like a natural disaster, someone will always die. Why do you care about this?”

Muzan's tone gradually became irritated. He really didn't understand what the Demon Slayer Team was thinking.

"You won't understand, because you shouldn't have appeared in this world in the first place." Yaoya said with his last strength.

boom! He was thrown away by Wu Kuan and hit the wooden coffin hard.

"Where's that guy? He's obviously a ghost just like me! Why do you treat him differently! Just because he's not afraid of the sun?"

Wuhan, whose defense was completely broken, gritted his teeth and roared in a deep voice.

"Ahem." Yaoya adjusted his body shape with difficulty, "He is different from you. The difference between ghosts and humans is not the body, but the heart."

Unconsciously, more than half an hour has passed.

[Analysis completed]

[Innate ability: complete mimicry]

[Analysis conditions: Destroy the disguise of Onibatsuji Muzan and reveal his original form]

[After fusion, players can freely change their appearance, breath, gender and other characteristics, and everything they look at can be completely changed. The premise is that they must know all the information about the things they change, the degree of completion of the changes, and the player The information mastered has a direct relationship. 】

[Innate ability: Original blood ghost technique]

[Analysis conditions: draw more than 300 milliliters of blood from Wu Kai’s body]

[After fusion, the player will not be able to eat all food except the human body. Moreover, the more flesh and blood the player eats, the stronger the blood ghost technique will be. This ability has an upper limit. At the same time, the player can master it, and Wuhan has it. All vampire arts, including but not limited to:

Vampire Art·Black Blood Trichosanthes, Vampire Art·Space Opening...]

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