[Talent skill: Self-division]

[Fusion conditions: Onibutsuji Muzan performs this ability in front of the player]

[After fusion, the player can cause the body to self-explode and split into countless parts, and sputter out at a speed close to sound. Even if the separated body fragments are destroyed, as long as one piece survives, it can be completely restored with unparalleled recovery ability.

However, the player’s self-healing ability will be curbed, and the recovery time is directly proportional to the player’s self-healing ability]

[Innate ability: flesh and blood recovery]

[Fusion condition: Completely kill Kibutsuji Muzan]

[After fusion, the player's self-healing ability will be greatly improved. Even if the arm is cut off, it can be regenerated quickly. At the same time, the player's blood contains a special curse. Once the player and relevant information are mentioned, the player's blood will be removed in the body. Creatures, all flesh and blood will collapse and self-destruct in a short period of time.

However, if the player does not integrate the original blood ghost technique, he will not be able to transform other creatures through his own blood.

Additionally, players will no longer have a lifespan limit and their bodies will always remain in peak condition.

Friendly reminder: After fusing this ability, the player will be afraid of the sun and cannot even be exposed to direct sunlight. Unless the player eats cyan Higanbana, this flaw cannot be made up for. 】

Inside the wooden coffin, Xia Shang quietly browsed the information on the panel.

In his opinion, Wu Mei's talents and skills are very good, especially the flesh and blood recovery. Not only can he get unlimited lifespan, but he can also have super recovery ability. There is no doubt that except for the shortcoming of being afraid of the sun, they are basically all Advantages, and the blue Bibi Flower, for Wu Ke, is as difficult as reaching heaven.

But it is not a problem for Xia Shang. Even if the cyan flowers do not bloom this year, he still has another year.

Even if the cyan Higan flower does not bloom for two consecutive years, he can still enter Demon Slayer again by consuming fantasy points, so it is extremely easy for him to get the cyan Higan flower. He will not be like Mu Mei, who has been searching for thousands of years, but still can't find it. Not the slightest trace of an embarrassing situation.

In addition, self-division and complete mimicry are also extremely excellent abilities.

The former allows him to have a strong ability to escape, while the latter allows him to have a strong ability to hide.

As for the original blood ghost skills, they are not within the scope of Xia Shang's consideration for fusion. Although the various blood ghost skills are the essence of ghosts, of course, except for Wu Ke, the essence of this guy is the restoration of flesh and blood. As for the blood ghost skills, , not even as good as the Twelve Ghost Moons.

However, since integrating this ability would change his diet, he was decisively abandoned by Xia Shang.

You know, even Hannibal has to eat vegetables with meat. Meat alone may not even be acceptable to Uncle Hannibal.

During Xia Shang browsing.

Outside the wooden coffin, Wuhan called out Tongmo with a gloomy face. Tongmo was about to speak, but the tentacles that came out from behind Wuhan penetrated his head. The tentacles were like blood vessels, sucking Tongmo's flesh and blood crazily. The childhood child, under the control of Wuhan, could not move and could only watch Wuhan.

Suck yourself up.

His eyes were full of surprise, and he didn't understand why Wu Ke wanted to kill him.

Bang! An iron fan engraved with lotus flowers fell to pieces on the ground, and then turned into a pile of ashes.

Muzan retracted his tentacles and looked at Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya coldly, "As you can see, the one who died just now was Tongmo from the second generation of the wind. You must have seen this sincerity. If you want me to continue killing, just use that Give me something.”

Listening to Wuxian's voice without a trace of emotion.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was stunned for a few seconds, then shook his head and said: "The strings that have been with you for hundreds of years will be killed at will. You really have no human emotions. What do you think of them? Are they tools that you can take advantage of?"

"Is not it?"

Wu Mei never took the Twelve Ghost Moons seriously. As long as he wanted to, he could create more Twelve Ghost Moons.

"Okay, as you wish." Ubuya Shiki Yaoya stood up with difficulty, picked up the wooden box, and slowly opened the wooden box under Muzan's fiery eyes.

The moment the wooden box was opened.

The ground began to tremble, and then, a wave of heat spurted out from under the two people's feet. Along with a loud noise, the flames rushed into the sky and completely enveloped the two people in an instant. The loud noise was like thunder. To the sky, this is a natural disaster, a natural disaster created by Ubuyashiki Yōya himself!

When Ubuyashiki Yoshiya's body was about to be blown to pieces by the explosives buried in the ground, a dark red film rushed out of the wooden coffin and instantly wrapped Ubuyashiki Yoshiya in it. The hardness and flexibility of the film were not that of Onimai. Incomparable to Tsuji Muzan.

In the flames of the explosion, Wu Mei's skin was quickly destroyed, revealing the blood-red tendons inside. Half of his head had been blown into pieces, leaving only one eyeball and half of his chin. At this time, he was dead. It has lost its human form and looks more like a ferocious monster.

The severe pain radiating from his body made him roar with rage: "How dare you play tricks on me!"

While angry, he couldn't help but be afraid. If there were more explosives, he might really die.

Right now.

In the blazing sea of ​​fire, a familiar figure caught his eye.

"It's you! Xia Shang!" Wuhan said every word.

"It's you inside that coffin!"

No wonder he couldn't sense the other person's breath, it turned out to be hidden in an airtight wooden coffin.

"You are really a fool. You killed your own men without finding out whether the blue Higanbana flower is real or fake. For a guy as stupid as you, even if the world is turned over, it will be difficult to find another one. "While speaking, Xia Shang's figure had already arrived in front of Wu Mei, and punched out, instantly piercing Wu Mei's chest.

"You think you can kill me this way, don't think so."

Wu Mei's pierced chest stretched out layers of flesh and blood, trying to pull Xia Shang into his body.

"I'll make you regret being here!"

Several tentacles with spikes came out of his back. These tentacles were like the tails of poisonous scorpions, piercing into Xia Shang's neck. You know, Wu Mei's blood contains a huge amount of toxins. It can not only make Xia Shang When humans become evil spirits, they can also cause human flesh and blood to collapse!

Xia Shang not only did not stop the poisonous needle from entering his body, but instead took the initiative to unlock the skin's defense, allowing the other party to continuously transfer blood to him.

"I told you that you are a fool. Didn't you always think that I was a ghost? Will your blood be effective on me?"

Xia Shang's words made Wu Mei's pupils shrink suddenly. Without any hesitation, his body suddenly expanded, and then exploded like a bomb. For a time, thousands of body fragments flew in all directions, trying to escape from the center of the explosion. , he also ordered Naruto to pull him into Infinite City.

But Tong Mo's death made her hesitate.

She was afraid that Wu Ke would kill her like he killed Tong Mo. Not only her, but Hei Shimo and Yi Wo Zuo who were ambushing nearby also had no intention of saving him and turned around and retreated with expressionless faces.

"In front of my speed, you want to escape? You really think you are an immortal existence!" Xia Shang's radio wave induction accurately targeted every piece of flesh and blood of Wu Mei. Every time he swung a knife, there was a fragment of flesh and blood. Reduced to ashes, his figure flashed rapidly in the center of the explosion.

Until he grasped the last piece of flesh and blood of Wu Mei.

Xia Shang looked at the flesh and blood on his hand with a smile. Thorns and bone spurs surged out in an instant and penetrated it. The high temperature emanating from it continued to roast the squirming pieces of flesh. "You alone are worthy of being called a perfect creature?"

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