Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 182 Retrieve all information about Jervis

"Who else could it be besides them? The FBI?" the native said a little irritably.

As soon as this incident came out, the number of his fans would drop again. If this continues, his opinion poll score may drop to 90. Thinking of this, the people of the motherland looked at Xia Shang anxiously: "How are you going to solve this matter? ?Ask me to apologize, or through some other means?"

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet. Storm Girl's problem is much more serious than yours at the moment."

Xia Shang looked at Storm Girl who was leaning on the bedside reading the newspaper, and the newspaper she was holding was the New York Daily News that Xia Shang had just handed to her.

In the entertainment section on the right side of the daily newspaper, a striking headline suddenly appeared in front of Storm Girl. It was unbelievable! A certain superhero from a certain international company is actually a racist! There is a coded poster below the title. Although it is coded, as long as you are not blind, you can definitely recognize that the superhero in the poster is none other than Storm.

After all, this poster was cut from a promotional image of Storm.

I saw a sneer on Storm Girl's face.

"Oh, it turns out that they had no evidence from beginning to end. The only thing that was somewhat convincing was the words I said during the live broadcast. But this can't defeat me. I can definitely say that I did it unintentionally. You can even say that it was Someone maliciously interpreted what I said at that time.

Mr. Jervis, they are already maliciously spreading rumors. Didn’t you sue them? "

"So they didn't report anyone by name. I think you can take a look at the following." Xia Shang said calmly.

"Breaking news, Storm Girl is suspected to be dead. Since the meeting in Philadelphia, the whole person seems to have disappeared from the world."

"This report is the highlight. Someone claimed on the Internet that you were dead. If I guess correctly, this group of people should be the same as those who attacked you. Since they cannot know your current specific situation, they want to pass public opinion to confirm their suspicions.

In your current state, you are obviously not suitable for showing up. Unless you can make your lost left arm grow back, maybe you can also take another option and replace it with a prosthetic limb. I personally recommend you to choose the latter, otherwise you can only Living behind the scenes, you can never return to the front. "

Xia Shang said that fans of Storm Girl and Walt would never tolerate a superhero becoming disabled. Their faith would collapse, and the share price of Walt International would also collapse.

After listening to Xia Shang's words, Storm Girl's face was extremely gloomy, and chirping lightning appeared on both sides of her face from time to time.

"I will definitely cut them into pieces, stuff them into dog food and feed them to the dogs."

Her voice was chilling, as if the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees.

"You come with me."

The motherland man patted Xia Shang on the shoulder with a livid face.

After walking out of the ward and outside the base, he said, "Billy, didn't he contact you?"

Xia Shang took out his mobile phone and turned to the text messages column.

"Four days ago, they called me once, but I didn't see it. Then they called me three or four more times, and sent me more than a dozen text messages. At first, they used more polite words, asking me about Storm Girl. Is he dead? When can he fulfill his promise and let Bejia move out of the secret base?

But due to special circumstances, I did not reply to him, so the following text messages were all cursing at you and me. The curses were a bit unpleasant. Do you want to read them? "

With that said, Xia Shang was ready to hand the phone to the people of the motherland.

The result was as he expected, the people of the motherland had no intention of taking over the mobile phone.

"Find them as soon as possible, and then kill them. You should understand the principle of killing people and silencing them." The motherland man said with a cold expression, his hands behind his back.

A rat hiding in a ditch dared to negotiate terms with him! act recklessly!

"About Storm Girl, you'd better keep it to yourself, otherwise... I've always admired you, Jervis, but anyone can be the vice president, such as Peter from the marketing department, or... There is Ashley, she has been performing very well recently." There was a vague hint of threat in the words of the motherland.

It's just that the effect is not as good as expected.

"Really? Then I'll try my best. As for the result, no one knows. Maybe you can pray for God's blessing."

Xia Shang, who was about to leave, suddenly said: "By the way, I think you should focus on how to solve the current public opinion, because your support rate is now in danger. If this continues, your position as co-captain will be lost. Possibly being banned by Mr. Edgar, the most likely candidate to be the next co-captain at the moment is Abyss.”

His words made the faces of the people of the motherland become even more ugly.

At the same time, he realized that Xia Shang was not that easy to handle, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed Ashley's number.

A few seconds later, Ashley's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"People of the motherland, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Help me find out all the information about Jervis, including but not limited to, where he lives, whether he has family or a girlfriend. In short, tell me all the information you can find." Since you can't control Jervis , then start from his family. The people of the motherland already have sufficient experience with Queen Maeve, because this is how he controls Queen Maeve.

"What... I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly. Do you want to investigate Mr. Jervis, Vice President of Walter? I heard you right."

Ashley was sweating on the other end of the phone. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva and subconsciously grabbed her long blond hair. She kept praying that she heard wrong, otherwise she wouldn't dare to investigate herself even if she had the courage to do so. His immediate boss.

"You heard that right, it's Jervis."

Snapped! A lot of hair was pulled off by Ashley. She looked at the blond hair between her fingers with tears in her eyes and said in confusion: "Mr. Jervis, you are the vice president of Walter International. How can I have the authority to investigate?" he."

Listening to Ashley's trembling voice, the man from the motherland was so angry that he wished he could shoot a laser into Ashley's face. He was really blind when he dragged Ashley back to the company. He thought that this would The guy will try his best to seize power from Jervis, only to become so scared when he hears his name.

"I don't care what method you use, in short, I will give you half an hour."

After hanging up the phone.

Ashley sat slumped in the office chair. She still held a project about the deep sea in her hand, and was ready to show what she was doing now in front of Vice President Jervis.

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend the people of my motherland. Just search on the Internet." Ashley patted the hair on her hands, clicked on Google, and searched for information about Jervis. Soon, she was in Walter At the bottom of the official website, I found Xia Shang's personal profile.

But Xia Shang's profile was shorter than hers. Not to mention his family, she couldn't even find any useful information. In the end, she found someone on a forum who claimed to be Xia Shang's high school classmate and transferred twenty dollars. Later, I learned part of the situation.

After getting the information, Ashley immediately dialed the mobile phone number of the motherland.

"Mr. Motherland, as far as I know, Jervis immigrated to the United States with his grandfather fifteen years ago. Later, after his grandfather passed away, he has been living alone. He has no other relatives in the United States. As for his girlfriend, I haven’t investigated, but I infer that there shouldn’t be, otherwise paparazzi all over the street would have exposed this matter long ago..."

Toot toot! ! !

The call was hung up directly, and Ashley blinked in confusion.

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