Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 183 Sage Grove, Storm Girl’s hiding place?

On the other side, Starlight was not idle either. By chance, she came to Storm Girl's room. Although she didn't know where Storm Girl had gone, she knew she had to hurry up. Soon, she was on a table , saw Storm Girl’s computer.

After tiptoeing over, Xingguang carefully turned on the computer.

She entered the password several times but it showed errors. At this moment, she glanced at the photo frame beside her. In the photo frame was a photo of Storm Girl and an old woman. The two looked very close, with their heads pressed against each other, giving people a It feels like a mother and daughter.

Then Starlight opened the photo frame and found a person's name behind the photo, Adele.

It can't be this.

After Xingguang restored the photo frame, she re-entered her password, and this time she logged in successfully.

After a while, she checked the emails between Storm Girl and Sage Grove on her computer, carefully wrote down the address, and was about to click on it, but unexpectedly, Ashley's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Okay, okay, I'll send Ms. Storm's computer right away." Ashley took the phone, pushed open the door, and then scanned around the room, finally finding Ms. Storm's computer on the table. .

When she closed the door, Xingguang behind the door breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she reacted in time and was almost exposed.

But what surprised her was that Storm Girl was not killed as Huey said. At least from Ashley's conversation, she could know that the other party did not live here.

Could it be that he was injured? Is that why it’s inconvenient to show up?

Starlight took a deep breath and then started rummaging around the room. She was very careful and returned every item to its original place. Unfortunately, she found nothing in the end.

Gently opening the door, Starlight boldly walked out of the room after finding no one in the corridors on the left and right sides.


Since the storm incident.

Huey and everyone else were in a good mood, except of course Billy.

"Shet! Damn guy, when his mother gave birth to him, he must have put his head and butt upside down, so that when he spoke, he spit out shit. No, how could a freak like him do that? There will be a mother, and he is the deformed white mouse developed in Walter’s laboratory!”

Huey just walked out of the room and was about to have lunch when he heard curses from Billy.

He pulled out the chair at the dining table, looked at the spaghetti bolognese on it and said, "Did he reply to your text message?"

Bang! Billy slapped his cell phone on the dining table. Fortunately, he didn't have money to buy the latest model of cell phone, so the one he used was an old Motorola model. Apart from anything else, the quality was quite good.

Billy said angrily: "I shouldn't have believed his nonsense at that time. What he said was not even worth the paper I used to use the toilet."

"What did he say?" Huey asked curiously while slurping the noodles.

"That bastard Jervis said that the people of the motherland were very dissatisfied with our actions, saying that we had killed the two superhumans sent by the motherland, so the cooperation was invalid, and as compensation, he was willing to pay us three thousand dollars. ." Billy was very angry. He should have thought that the guy from the motherland would go back on his promise.

If he had half of his credibility...forget it, if he had half of Frankie's credibility, he wouldn't be eating with these guys at this time.

"Actually, what he said was right. It was you who killed those two superhumans." Huey picked up the water glass and took a few sips.

"That just means they were unlucky and happened to run into that bitch Storm. What does that have to do with me?"

Billy leaned back in his chair and curled his lips.

Frankie on the side picked up the beer on the table and said, "Well, we can expect that the people of the motherland will go back on their word. Anyway, let us drink to the death of Storm Girl again!"

"Done it!" Billy's mood improved a little when he mentioned Storm Girl.

"By the way, why hasn't Walter announced Storm's death? Are they planning to keep delaying it like this? You know, there is quite a lot of public opinion about Storm on the Internet now. I don't believe that Walter can withstand such a huge pressure. , keep dragging it on."

Huey bent down and picked up a can of beer from the ground with a deep sea face on it.

"Let it drag if it wants. Anyway, Storm Girl is dead. In the end, all she can do is hold a press conference, and then watch her stock price turn into a straight red line." Billy sneered.

Didi! ! !

At this moment, the phone on Huey's body rang. He took it out and saw that it was Starlight.

"Hi, good afternoon."

"What?! Say it again?" The smile on Huey's face gradually dissipated, his expression became extremely serious, and his brows were almost squeezed together. After he put down the phone, he seemed to have lost his soul. Like, looking at the dinner plate blankly.

Breastmilk, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but ask: "What did Xingguang say to you? Why do you look so lost?"

Huey pursed his lips, "She...she said Storm is not dead."


The fire produced by the explosion that night could be seen clearly even from several kilometers away. Under that kind of explosion, even steel would be melted, let alone humans.

Immediately afterwards, Billy asked: "If she is not dead, why hasn't she appeared until now? Could it be a smoke bomb thrown by Walter?"

Huey shook his head.

"Starlight overheard it, so there shouldn't be anything wrong. She also said that she found a mysterious place in Storm's computer called Sage's Grove, which is probably where Storm is hiding. Place."

"You guys eat first, I'll go out for a while." Huey got up and walked towards the iron gate.

Looking at his back when he left, the atmosphere in the basement became gradually dull. Unwilling to do so, she squeezed the beer can in her hand hard, while Frankie looked at Kimiko who was sitting opposite.

Kimiko's eyes changed from stunned at first to fierce. She told Frankie with gestures that even if Storm Girl was not dead, she would kill her again.

"It will definitely happen, but the top priority right now is to find Storm Girl. I don't believe she was not injured after experiencing the explosion."

Frankie's words reminded Billy.

"Yes, Storm Girl is definitely injured, and the injury is very serious, otherwise she will definitely stand up to prove that nothing happened to her. Not showing up for such a long time just means that her current image is not suitable for the outside world to know. I speculate that she It could be disfigured or disabled.”

It has to be said that Billy's guess is very accurate and is only one step away from the truth.

"Looks like we have to go to the so-called Sage's Grove." Even breast milk is not acceptable, let alone the instigator of the action, Billy.

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