Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 184 What kind of thing are you gathering in the church? You are worthy of it.

Chapter 184 Who are you, the church, that you are worthy of negotiating terms with Walter?

at the same time.

In the vice president's office in the Watt Building, Xia Shang was looking through the preparation plans for the superhero movie.

The plot inside can be said to follow real time. It tells the story of an overseas extremist terrorist organization that stole and copied Compound No. 5 in an attempt to achieve world domination by creating superhuman beings. It also interspersed a part about superheroes. The love, hatred and resentment of the seven people, and the focus on depicting the madness of the terrorist organization.

Of course, the ending is still family-friendly.

The seven superheroes in the movie put aside their past grievances and joined forces to defeat terrorist organizations and protect the lives of the American people.

"Is there anything you want to add?" Xia Shang looked up at Lange, the director of the Comprehensive Planning Department.

Lange nodded: "The motherland is the producer of this show. He came to me this morning and wanted to add some drama to Queen Maeve."

"Add more drama to Maeve? What to add?" Xia Shang asked curiously.

In his opinion, how could the people of the motherland be so kind as to add drama to Maeve? It would be good if he didn't steal other people's drama.

"He wanted us to invite Irina to the shooting scene and shape her and Queen Maeve into free models in the new era." Lange showed a wry smile.

Xia Shang quickly understood what he meant, "You mean the people of the motherland want to have a rainbow flag in the play?"

The rainbow flag has many meanings in the world, but the most famous one is the flag that represents gay pride. It also represents the LGBT movement that has recently become popular in the United States and even the world. The so-called LGBT is the acronym for the four groups of people. , respectively Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.

They advocate for freedom and can sometimes be seen parading through the streets holding banners.

"Are you sure you only engage in lesbianism and won't cause protests from the other three categories of people?"

Faced with Xia Shang's question, Lange could only shake his head: "So this kind of topic is very sensitive, either we should deal with it or we should not deal with it at all."

"Forget it, it's not a big problem. At worst, we can label Maeve as a supporter and leader of the LGBT movement in the drama. This will also help her popularity." Xia Shang understands the main purpose of the motherland's actions. , just want to control Maeve through Irina.

"In my opinion, you can completely split the plot and make a separate series of movies for each superhero. And due to some special reasons, Storm can't appear on the screen, so I suggest you shoot Deep Sea first. He is a big hit recently. "

Xia Shang smiled.

Anyway, making trouble can increase the fantasy value, so it is better to make things bigger. Once the movie comes out, he believes that the public support rate of Deep Sea will definitely exceed that of the Motherland. When the time comes, Edgar will definitely cancel the position of the co-captain of the Motherland. , the new candidate is none other than Deep Sea.

As for whether Shenhai will be played to death by the furious people of the motherland.

Xia Shang didn't care about this.

"Deep sea, deep sea..." Lange looked confused.

"Mr. Jervis, his topic is even more sensitive than the rainbow flag." Lange said cryptically that Deep Sea's current behavior is somewhat politically incorrect. If he hadn't participated in the parade, his popularity would have grown very quickly. Otherwise, Ai Degas would not turn a blind eye and let him develop like this.

"It is precisely because of the sensitivity that we have a topic. Who are we? The world's largest superhero company, Vought International! Our roots cover all walks of life, so you don't have to worry about the problem of the movie not being able to be put on the shelves after filming. I want you to To be bolder, from now on, the primary goal of superhero movies is to make the audience feel happy and excited.

After all, what we are making is not a literary film. By the way, you have to pay attention. What I want to make is a series of movies. Therefore, the name of the first movie of Deep Sea can be called 'Deep Sea 1: Ocean Warrior'."

After Xia Shang finished speaking, he picked up the coffee on the side and took a sip.

In any case, there is a big gap between the main world and the dungeon. The fantasy value can only be obtained from the main world. There is no doubt that it is extremely stupid to kill the goose to obtain the egg. Maybe, when 10,000 fantasy values ​​are collected, it will be replaced. After the main world, the black robe is still useful.

"Okay, Mr. Jervis, we will contact Shenhai as soon as possible and strive to take samples within three months."

Three months is a very short time to shoot a movie.

But fortunately, some of the special effects related to the deep sea do not require post-production, so a lot of time can be saved.

"As soon as possible, it's best to put it on the shelves before the heat dissipates."

Xia Shang handed the auction plan on the table to Lange. After Lange took it, he was about to get up and leave.

"Mr. Jervis, there is a Ms. Carroll who wants to see you." Ashley held the black folder and knocked on the door of Xia Shang's office.

"Let her in."

Soon, an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman walked into the office. She greeted Xia Shang with a smile, and then sat at the desk at Xia Shang's signal.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?" Xia Shang frowned slightly, because the other party's appearance had no impression in his mind.

The woman put down the orange-flavored soda in her hand, then straightened her collar, "Let me introduce myself. I am Carol from the Church. Our president, Alastair, has been friends with Mr. Edgar for many years."

"Excuse me, can you tell me the key point?" Hearing the name Jizhong Church, Xia Shang could vaguely guess what she was here for.

Xia Shang's directness made Carol stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "I heard that Mr. Motherland has caused a lot of public opinion recently, and the trend is getting worse. If you can agree with a proposal proposed by our church, Conditions, we are very willing to help Walter settle this matter."

"Ji Zhong Church... I heard that you mainly recruit some frustrated superheroes and then help them solve their psychological problems. How do you plan to solve the public opinion? Besides, with your influence, it is simply impossible to solve this matter. Tan, unless..." Xia Shang leaned on the office chair and looked at Carol with a scrutinizing gaze.

An abnormal look flashed across Carol's face.

"Unless you lead the Page family to sue Vought, then many things will be explained."

"Do you have evidence that we did it?" Carol asked subconsciously.

Xia Shang smiled.

"There is no evidence, but are you sure that the people of the motherland need evidence to do things? I didn't expect that you dared to cheat on the people of the motherland. You are really brave. Tell me, I am very curious about the conditions you proposed?"

Seeing that there was no point in pretending any longer, Carol simply stated the church's conditions.

"Have Locomotive quit the Seven and have the superhero Hawk take his place."

"You want to place your own people in the seven-man team. It seems that the relationship between your president and Mr. Edgar is not as good as you said. I advise you to give up this extremely childish idea. Besides, you gather the crowd Who is the church that deserves to negotiate terms with Walter?"

Suddenly, Carol's expression became extremely gloomy. She took a deep look at Xia Shang, then said "wait and see" and left Xia Shang's office.

[Congratulations to the player for making a small change to the original plot and gaining 30 fantasy points]

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