Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 185 The olive branch from the congregation church

Xia Shang didn't know much about Ji Zhong Church.

However, it is the second organization besides Walter that can control superheroes. As for how much trouble it will cause, Xia Shang is very curious about it.

the other side.

Huey, who was out, quickly brought Starlight to the basement.

From her mouth, everyone learned the details about Sage Grove. It is a mental hospital located in the suburbs of Pennsylvania. It is affiliated with the Global Health Organization, but the funder behind it is the Watt Group. Obviously, even if the storm If the woman is not among them, it must contain Walter’s ulterior secret.

"What's the current situation of the people of the motherland?" Billy held a cigarette in his mouth and his attitude towards Starlight was still not very friendly.

But others are completely different, especially Frankie and Kimiko. They have completely accepted Starlight. After all, if Starlight hadn't stopped the locomotive, Kimiko would not have been able to escape smoothly.

Starlight and Kimiko hugged each other and said: "The situation is very bad. The public opinion has been very fierce recently. Every day, a large number of black people gather under the Watt Building to cause trouble. Considering the mental state of the people of the motherland, to be honest, I am a little worried that he will I couldn’t help but take action and kill all those guys.”

"Huh..." Billy exhaled a puff of smoke and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "This is good news."

"But I still have to advise you to leave quickly, because the chip in your body will reveal our location. Huey, didn't you think about this before bringing her here?" Billy looked at Huey.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Frankie quickly stood up and asked, "Xingguang, can you tell me the location of the chip? Maybe I can help you take it out."

"Left shoulder." Xingguang's face looked a little ugly.

"follow me."

Later, Frankie brought Starlight to the studio and used a small angle grinder to cut open her skin. Then he picked up the tweezers and carefully inserted into the wound. After some exploration, he finally clipped out the tubular tracker. "This little thing is pretty well hidden."

At the same time, Huey in the hall couldn't help but complain: "I say, you should change your attitude toward her. After all, she took huge risks to help us get the information about Walter."

"Wait, let me answer the phone." Billy took out his cell phone from his pocket with an impatient look.

After clicking the call button, he walked towards the corner.

"Hey, Joseph, long time no see. What? The president of the Heroes Mutual Aid Association wants to see me. I don't have any friendship with him. You must know that I am a wanted criminal now. I have a special status and am not suitable to meet anyone."

"He said he could help me? Oh man, no kidding, who does he think he is, the director of the FBI?"

Billy's expression changed from casual to solemn. After he hung up the phone, he said to the people behind him: "I'm going out and I'll probably be back in the evening."

Then, he drove towards Queens and finally stopped in front of a restaurant. The restaurant was located in an inconspicuous and remote corner and seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. Billy opened the car window and looked around to make sure there was no food. After ambushing him, he took out a pistol from under the seat and stuffed it into his waist.

"I'm already here, where are you?"

After Billy sent a message, he took out the car keys.

"I saw you on the second floor of the restaurant."

Looking at the text message he had just received on his phone, Billy looked up and saw a man in a black suit holding a can of soda and making a toast gesture towards him.

The man has the same beard as him, but the man's beard is obviously carefully trimmed.

Billy pushed open the glass door of the restaurant and walked along the stairs towards the second floor.

"Billy Butcher, nice to meet you." The man stood up to greet Billy very gentlemanly.

"I heard you could help me."

The man in front of him made Billy feel very uncomfortable. He was like a combination of a bastard and a hypocrite, and every move he made seemed very artificial.

"Sure, please take a seat. Would you like some orange soda?"

"I prefer beer to soda."

"That's such a shame."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Alastair. I am the president of the Ji Zhong Church. I have many industries under my control. I used to have a cooperative relationship with the Walter Group. Of course, I still have it now. We have a lot of black information about superheroes in our hands. The amount is There are more than you can imagine." Alastair snapped his fingers, and soon a waiter served the two of them.

"So you want to betray Walter?" Billy picked up the knife and fork on the dinner plate and asked seemingly casually.

But Alastair shook his head.

"Don't say it so harshly. What is betrayal? I just have a cooperative relationship with the Walter Group. I am responsible for helping Walter take in some poor homeless guys, help them sort out their psychological problems, and guide them into a new life. , of course, I will actively help them Walt and give them a chance to return to Walt."

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to me?"

Billy didn't really want to deal with the bad guy in front of him.

"I heard that there is a mental hospital under Walter, and Storm Girl is the administrator of it. There are some superhuman patients detained there. By the way, don't ask me why I know this, because the church is omniscient and omnipresent. "Alastair gracefully passed a piece of cut steak into his mouth, and the abundant juice overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Do you know Storm Girl?" Billy narrowed his eyes. It seemed that the magician in front of him knew a lot.

Alastair wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a napkin, "Of course, she was one of my grandfather's first followers. Later, for some reasons, she left the Ji Zhong Church. Perhaps she disliked the influence of the Ji Zhong Church. It’s not as good as before, so she abandoned us.”

Grandfather, when he heard this word, Billy thought of the Free Girl Huey and the others had investigated before. Sure enough, Storm Girl and Free Girl were the same person.

"So what do you want us to do?"

Alastair's words made Billy realize that the other party might have been as powerful as Walter Company.

"Rescue those patients. As for Walter's criminal information, I don't need it. I will send someone to act with you. You only need to be responsible for distracting Walter's guards and leave the rest to my men." Alastair smiled road.

"What do you want those patients for?"

"Sorry, I have no comment, but what I can tell you is that the recent public opinion about the people of the motherland is caused by me. If you agree, I can let the public opinion continue. If you don't agree, Walt will give it to you. The price is not low, and I can choose to continue to cooperate with them.”

Alastair gulped down the soda on the table while patiently waiting for Billy's answer.

When Walter was mentioned, there was a hint of anger in his eyes. It could be said that Xia Shang's attitude completely angered him.

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