Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 186 Died before leaving the army!

In the restaurant, Billy, who was wearing a black windbreaker, raised the corner of his mouth and played with the steel knife on the table, making a crisp knocking sound.

"It turns out that the things that happened to the people of the motherland were caused by you. I was also surprised that those weaklings from the FBI suddenly became so smart and dared to directly target the people of the motherland. As expected, I still looked down on them."

Billy smiled, no matter who dared to mess with the people of the motherland, he was a good friend of Billy Butcher, and the president of the Church in front of him was no exception.

"They don't dare to interfere in the affairs of the motherland, but we do."

Alastair crossed his fingers, crossed his legs, and leaned back.

"In that case, I also want to negotiate a condition with you." Billy smiled.

"You want to negotiate with me? It depends on what price you offer. However, as far as I know, your bank account has been officially frozen. I'm afraid you can't even get out one thousand US dollars."

Alastair didn't expect that Billy, as a wanted criminal, would actually want to negotiate terms with him, but he said with a look of disdain.

Billy put down his knife calmly. Since it was a negotiation, he had to assume the proper posture.

"You want to rescue those mentally ill people, but it's us who are taking the blame for the incident. Moreover, we don't need your help at all. It's just a mental hospital. No matter how tight the defenses are, we can still get in. As for the issue of public opinion among the people of the motherland , I’m afraid it won’t last long. With Walter’s public relations ability, it won’t take long to settle it.

You should have heard of Jervis. Since he took office, he has dealt with a lot of public pressure. Although the impact of this black incident is not small, I believe it should not be a problem for him. If you don’t believe it, we can take a gamble. . "

Billy's words made Alastair's confident expression gradually darken.

He said solemnly: "That's because you didn't see the church's method. Believe it or not, with my order, more than ten black people will commit suicide under the Water Building tomorrow morning. By then, the so-called Jer Weiss, even if you have extraordinary means, you still have to bow your head and admit your mistake in front of the assembled churches."

"Really?" Billy smiled sarcastically.

To put it bluntly, the other party did not have the courage to really anger the Watt Group. Otherwise, the person sitting in front of him to negotiate would not be him, but the president or vice president of the Watt Group, Jervis.

"What if I win the bet?" The smile on Alastair's face has disappeared. He is like an angry vulture, trying to cover up the weakness in his heart through his fierce eyes.

"If you win, my organization and I will do something for you for free. Whether it's kidnapping President Walter or openly attacking people of the motherland, it's no problem. But if you lose, just do me a small favor."

"A small favor? Tell me."

"Help me pick someone up from Walter's secret base, but you have to ensure her life safety."

"God, I think you are crazy. You actually asked me to go to Walter's secret base to save people? Impossible, please change the conditions." Alastair said angrily.

Billy shrugged, "If you don't dare to bet, forget it. I don't think you have the courage to resist Walter."

Although his provoking method is extremely obvious, it is very useful against Alastair.

Alastair, who had just been angry at Xia Shang, stood up and looked at Billy coldly, "God said I will definitely win. I will accept this bet. My people will act with you later. I will also If you have something to deal with, take the first step.”

After that, he left the restaurant with a gloomy expression.

After he left, a group of well-equipped church members walked out of the side room laughing.

"Hey man, you look really good." One of the men, a thin man with dyed yellow hair, couldn't help but reach out and touch Billy's chest while licking his lips.

"Don't force me to kill you with one shot."

Billy pulled out the pistol from his waist, stood up, pointed it at the man's head and said in a deep voice.

The man's eyes were sunken and dark, like those drug addicts on the streets of Philadelphia. Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, he raised his hands exaggeratedly: "Pepper, I didn't touch you. If you can't accept it, I can Apologize."

"Okay, Bomberman, put an end to your disgusting habits."

There are five church members in total, four men and one woman. The one who spoke just now looks like the captain.

Sure enough, when he spoke again, this was confirmed.

"My name is Fred, you can also call me Mucus. As the captain, I need to introduce my team members to you. The one with yellow hair is called Bomber, and the strong man with chest hair is called Cat Man. As for this The guy who is both male and female is called Hormone, and he is Bomberman's good friend, and the remaining beauty with bangs...well, we usually call her the heroine."

Mucus's appearance was quite handsome and matched some of the characteristics of a British aristocrat. After introducing the four people one by one, he asked Billy when he would start taking action.


If possible, Billy didn't want these guys who looked like third-rate guys to participate in the action.

"Hurry up, I have a party to attend." Bomberman picked his nose, then stuffed the snack into his mouth, and made an expression of enjoyment. The scene was really eye-catching.

"Fuck Squid!" Billy cursed under his breath.


Soon, Xingguang and others walked through the night and arrived at the outskirts of the mental hospital. They saw that the outskirts were covered with high-voltage power grids, and the only entrance and exit were guarded by Walt's armed guards. It seemed that the defense was extremely tight. Once they broke in from the front, If so, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of Watt headquarters.

There is not much time left for them. They must find out the details of the Sage Grove before the people from the motherland arrive.

"Billy sent me a text message ten minutes ago, saying he would be there soon. Where are the others?" Frankie held the phone and looked around.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a black truck driving towards them.

"Is this the helper you called for?"

Billy was pulled aside by Huey as soon as he got out of the car.

Huey glanced at the unreliable church team and asked in a low voice.

"As long as they are here, when we escape later, all we need to do is run faster than them." Billy smiled maliciously, and then he turned to the slime and shouted: "Have your people open the iron fence. , don’t tell me, you can’t even do this.”

After hearing this, Mucus nodded to the cat man.

"It's just an iron mesh." Cat Man only wore a bulletproof vest, and his chest hair made him look like he had a sweater stuffed inside.

I saw him confidently coming to the high-voltage iron grid, licking his newly-grown sharp nails, and then swung it towards the iron grid. After a burst of lightning flashed, he was cut, and just as he was cutting After making a big hole, Catman couldn't help but pose to show off to Billy and the others.

However, when he raised his arms, he accidentally touched the power grid.

Countless high-voltage arcs instantly enveloped him, and then he was shaking like an epileptic. Huey was about to walk over to check the situation, but unexpectedly, the strong man who had been jumping around just now spit out black smoke from his mouth and fell down in front of him.

His skin had been scorched black by the electricity, and he was probably overcooked. Unless God appeared, it would be difficult for him to stand up again.

"It is clear that Alastair has not cured his mental illness."

Billy complained.

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