After saying that, he stepped on Cat Man's body and got into the mental hospital, and the other people followed suit.

"Trash." Mucus spat extremely thick saliva on Cat Man's head.

Afterwards, Billy and others tiptoed to the wall of the mental hospital. Although it was late at night, the mental hospital was still brightly lit. He jumped hard, reached out and stretched out the outer edge of the window and looked into the corridor. He saw no one passing by. Billy pushed open the window very decisively, then climbed over the edge and jumped into the corridor.

"Wait for me." Huey's strength is not as strong as Billy's, and his movements are not as agile. It took several attempts before he succeeded.

"Put on your clothes." Billy took out several sets of clothes from the side room and threw them to Huey and the others.

After putting on clothes, Frankie was asked to pretend to be a patient and lay on the hospital bed covered with sheets.

"Follow me." Breast milk had worked as a nurse before and was quite familiar with the environment and layout of the hospital. They and the others were divided into two groups. Mucus led his men towards the wards, only to see the bomber coming out of his nose. He dug out some snacks, stuffed them into the keyhole, and said, "Art is explosion."

There was a dull bang, and the door was blown open. Before the superhuman patient inside could react, he was shot down by the slime behind the bomber. To be safe, he fired several more shots in succession.

Their guns contained special anesthetic bullets, which were very effective. The patients who were hit fainted just as they were about to make a sound.


Just when they were in full swing, Billy and the others on the other side quickened their pace.

"Those guys are simply lunatics. In my opinion, they are the ones who should be sent to a mental hospital." Huey looked sad after hearing the explosion, fearing that those lunatics would attract the attention of the guards.

"If they keep going like this we'll be discovered sooner or later."

Fortunately, Breast Milk was reliable enough, and it didn't take long to find the central control room of the hospital. Sitting in the control room was a white guard, who was dozing in front of the monitor.

"Open the door quickly. A patient is sick. He wants to cut off his own thing and stuff it into his mouth." Breast milk slapped the iron door.

After waking up the groggy guard, the guard saw them pushing the patient to the door, so he took out a large bunch of keys and opened the door.

However, the moment the door was opened, Breast milk rushed in. Frankie, who was lying on the hospital bed, took out a pistol equipped with a silencer and fired several shots to kill the guard. After killing the guard, he He immediately got up from the bed, and while Billy closed the door, he took off the monitor above the door frame.

Inside the room, there are more than a dozen monitors installed on one wall, and each monitor corresponds to a ward. The patients on the monitor are all different from ordinary people. They have infinite strength and are smashing the wall with their fists crazily, while the patients in the ward where he is located are all different. The walls were full of dents, which were simply shocking.

In addition to him, some patients kept spitting acid juice into the iron basins on their hands, some patients' bodies floated in mid-air, and there were even patients who could make objects float. They had different abilities, and some of them were amazingly powerful.

"Hou Li Crab, that guy's dick is so big." Breast milk saw a patient's pants being stuffed to the brim.

"Did he put that elephant thing on himself?"

French sighed.

"Wait, is she looking at us?" Starlight, whose face was covered with a scarf, pointed at a bald woman on the screen and said.

Billy ignored Starlight and said in a deep voice: "Did Walt create them? What does Walt want to do, use Compound No. 5 to rule mankind?"

At this moment, sharp-eyed Frankie spotted a familiar figure, "I think I've seen this person before."

"You've seen a lot of people. It's probably just your hallucination." Billy took out the USB flash drive and inserted it into the computer, preparing to copy the evidence of Walter's crime.

It happened that at this time, the slime group came to the room where the lamplighter was. The moment the door lock was blown open, the lamplighter took out the lighter in his pocket, opened the lid, and slapped the flame with his palm.

His palm was like adding a lot of gasoline to the flames. The flames instantly expanded thousands of times, spitting out tongues of flame like a flamethrower.

The iron door melted in front of the raging fire at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The panicked Fred sprayed out a large amount of mucus, directly covering the iron door.

Seeing that the slime could not stop the flames, Fred immediately roared at the bomber: "Quick! Blow him up!"

Bomberman did not hesitate, but turned to look at the heroine.

As the heroine frowned, a sense of defecation surged through Bomber's belly like a raging tide. Bomber reached back, took out a large brown object, and threw it towards the iron door, followed by a loud noise. , the impact caused by the explosion instantly knocked the lamplighter to the ground.

At this time, everyone in front of the monitor said in unison: "A generous gift crab!"

"I'd rather be burned to death than hit by that thing of his." Huey felt a little nauseous.

However, Frankie's attention was not on Bomber. He stared at the man on the screen and shouted excitedly: "Lamplighter, damn lamplighter, he didn't wear a mask just now and I didn't recognize him! "

Because he recognized the lamplighter who burned Mallory's grandson to death, Frankie was so angry that he took a pistol on the spot and tried to kill the lamplighter, but was stopped by Billy.

"Don't forget the purpose of our coming. As soon as we get the information, we will withdraw!"

at the same time.

The bald woman in another ward walked to the iron door. She did nothing. The iron door began to twist and deform, and then flew out with a bang. She looked towards the source of the explosion with an expressionless face. As she walked, wherever she passed, whether it was the walls or the ground, there were cracks like spider webs.

boom! Bang bang! !

The iron doors were violently opened.

"Damn it, she's getting close to us." The pressure the bald woman brought to breast milk was no less than that of the motherland. He immediately loaded the bullet and urged Billy to copy it quickly.

"There's no point in rushing. The data is too big. It will take at least five minutes."


Seeing that the iron door began to tremble, Mother Milk and Frankie looked at each other, opened the iron door decisively, picked up a pistol and shot at the bald woman. Because they appeared too suddenly, the bald woman had no time to avoid the bullet, and only saw her The head and chest were shot one after another, but the two of them were not happy yet.

But he found that the woman's footsteps still did not stop.

"Damn it! She is just like the people of the motherland, bullets can't penetrate her defense at all."

As the bald woman raised her right hand, Frankie felt an invisible force restrain his head. Almost as soon as he gasped, his eyeballs were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and bright red blood flowed down his nostrils. It flowed to my chin, "Ah...ah..."

Now Frankie could only make a difficult voice and ask for help from a few people around him.

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