Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 188 Escape from the hospital and the past of the lamplighter!

At this critical moment, Kimiko rushed out of the room like a cheetah and knocked the bald woman to the ground.

Taking advantage of the interruption of the opponent's attack, Breastmilk quickly supported the unconscious Frankie. He turned and shouted into the house: "Oh Shet, I think he is dying. We must leave here immediately. Don't worry about that damn information. Save." People matter!”

After a moment of unwillingness, Billy finally pulled out the USB flash drive and said, "Withdraw!"

At the same time, Kimiko was riding on the bald woman, constantly venting her anger with her fists. The bald woman was obviously not good at close combat. Facing Kimiko's offensive, she could only barely parry, but soon, she stretched out her hands, Push forward hard.

boom! A huge force slammed into Kimiko's chest.

Almost instantly, with the sound of her sternum breaking, she flew backwards, and then fell heavily at Billy's feet. She opened her mouth, and a large amount of blood immediately poured out, and a few drops even splashed on Billy's feet. On leather shoes.

Save or not?

Billy kept pulling the trigger on the bald woman, and finally Starlight took action, absorbing the power of all the electrical appliances around her. Her eyes glowed with golden light, and then a dazzling golden light beam shot out from her hand. Although it looked like It sounds very intimidating, but in fact it is not very powerful. It just makes the bald woman retreat a certain distance.

"Go quickly."

Xingguang picked up Kimiko who was on the ground and followed Billy and others, running away like crazy. Just as they passed a ward, a python-like strip smashed the glass on the iron door and wrapped around the ward. On Yi's neck.

Smelling the familiar fishy smell, Huey wanted to die now. Fortunately, Billy reacted in time, took out a spare pistol and fired several shots at the python.

Bang bang bang! Although the python's skin was tough, it couldn't stop several bullets from hitting one location at the same time. There was just a pop, and blood was like water from the shower, pouring all over Huey's head.

Huey was still in a daze. When he saw this, Billy, who hated iron and steel, scolded him angrily: "If you don't leave, you will be buried with Big Bangbang."

This scolding woke Huey up. He wiped the blood from his face and continued to run away with Billy.

the other side.

Mucus and the others rushed into the room and found out the lamplighter who had been knocked unconscious by the explosion.

The original patients in the ward were huddled in the corner, not daring to say anything.

boom! He was shot down by the slime, and then the slime directed the other three people to move him and the lamplighter onto the hospital bed and push him out of the mental hospital.

At this time, the mental hospital had already made a mess.

The patients who walked out of the ward launched an extremely cruel revenge on the nurses and doctors, especially the bald woman. She just stretched out her hand and squeezed lightly, and the doctor turned into a watermelon with a bang like a watermelon placed under a hydraulic press. A puddle of minced meat.

"Bomber, you are responsible for clearing the way. We have to get out of this hellish place quickly."

"No problem, it's up to me."

Bomber smiled evilly, raised his butt and pointed it at a wall. With the help of the Shit Woman, his excrement was like a grenade thrown continuously, blowing up the wall beyond recognition. The successive explosions caused the sound of explosions in the hospital. The sirens blared loudly.

"Follow me." After Billy heard the explosion, he turned around and found Slime's group without hesitation.

Seeing the embarrassed Billy and others, Mucus couldn't help but laugh: "It seems that your operation is not going well. Of course, as a team, I don't mind helping you."

Huey clenched his fists. To be honest, he wanted to punch the bastard in front of him in the face.

If they hadn't made too much noise and irritated the superhumans detained in the ward, they would have obtained the information by now and left safely.

"There's a tough guy behind you, are you sure you can stop him?" Billy glanced at the lamplighter on the hospital bed and said deliberately sarcastically.

"Oh, trash is trash. I really don't know why the head master wants to cooperate with you."

The slime knocked Billy's shoulder away with disdain, then vomited a large puddle of slime into the hallway.

Seeing this, Xing Guang couldn't help showing a disgusted expression.

"With my slime in this place, even a lion can't even think of lifting a foot." Facing his own masterpiece, the slime was quite proud.

Billy didn't want to talk nonsense to them. He leaned into Huey's ear and whispered: "You take Frankie and the others back to the car first. I'll stay here to check the situation."

"you sure?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Afterwards, Huey took Xingguang and the others out of the hospital, and drilled out of the high-voltage power grid in the direction they came from.

On Billy's side, he saw the bald woman again.

"She's not the difficult person you're talking about." Slime patted Bomberman on the shoulder disapprovingly.


The bomber changed direction and sprayed high explosives again.

Seeing the clumps of brown objects flying towards her, even the expressionless bald woman frowned. She raised her hand and waved casually, and the brown objects and mucus on the ground, along with the floor tiles and walls, were instantly removed. Returned to Bomberman.

Billy, who was well prepared, squinted his eyes and shot Mucus in the back of the head. Then he pushed the hospital bed and rushed out of the wall that the bomber had just blasted through. The whole movement was as smooth as flowing water.

Before he died, Slime didn't expect that Billy would put a black gun behind him.

boom! The flames expanded instantly, and the terrifying shock wave mixed with huge sounds resounded throughout the hospital. The concrete steel frame on the ceiling had collapsed. Billy, who was blown out, was not in the center of the explosion, and because he was behind him Soft turf, so only minor damage.

He rubbed his stuffy chest and looked at where he was just now. Good guy, it had become a complete ruin.

I guess the church guys are dead.

Billy didn't stay long.

He got up and came to the hospital bed, lifted up the sheets, pushed the extra ones onto the grass, and then dragged the hospital bed towards the hole in the power grid.

Unexpectedly, after he left, the bald woman picked up a burnt wallet from the ruins. In the open wallet, in addition to hundreds of dollars, there was also a business card from the Church.


In the truck, Huey, who was sitting in the passenger cab, was still lamenting how powerful the bald woman's superpower was. As he spoke, there was a trace of yearning in his eyes.

"You should be worried about Frankie's life and death now instead of talking nonsense to me."

"Okay, I'll shut up." Huey looked out the car window.

In this operation, the reconnaissance team found nothing. Not only did they not find the injured Storm, Frankie also fell into a coma. The only gain was a former superhero named Walter.

With nothing to do, Huey turned on his phone and started searching for information about the lamplighter.

“I didn’t expect this guy’s previous dress to be quite cool.”

On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a promotional picture of the lamplighter. He is wearing a black robe, a black and red mask symbolizing fire on his face, and he is also holding a torch like a staff. The overall feeling is like A wonderful medieval wizard, both mysterious and powerful.

But it turns out that you should always keep a distance from your idol. The lamplighter lying in the carriage now is neither tall nor strong, although he does look a bit handsome. He looks like that person in Hollywood. Huey couldn't think of it for a moment. stand up.

About half an hour later.

Billy drove to a private hospital run by an acquaintance. It was said to be a hospital, but in fact it was more like a private clinic.

In the operating room, after the doctor finished the examination, he took off the mask: "The situation is not very serious, but there is some dislocation of the neck and some damage to the mucous membrane. It should not take long for him to wake up on his own."

"Thank you." Billy took out his wallet and tried to dig out the dollar bills that never existed. Even though he was thick-skinned enough, he was still a little embarrassed at this time, and he coughed heavily.


Starlight neatly handed the bill to the doctor.

"That's it, no need to look for it."

"Oh, beautiful lady, you are much more generous than someone else." After the doctor took the money, he left with satisfaction.

"As expected of a superhero with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars, he spends his money generously."

Billy was still in the mood to ridicule Starlight.

"This... am I not dead?" The lamplighter on the hospital bed next to him opened his eyes, and what he saw was the bright white ceiling.

"Bastards usually live a long time, so it's normal that you didn't die."

Seeing that she was not needed here, Starlight planned to return to the Watt Building. If she didn't show up for a long time, she might arouse the suspicion of the people of her motherland. Although her tracker was in the room, the people of her motherland wouldn't care about this. According to him In other words, he can go wherever he wants.

While Billy was chatting with the lamplighter.

Frankie also woke up, and seeing that he was safe and sound, Kimiko excitedly held his right hand.

"Where am I?" he asked confused.

"The hospital is not a mental hospital. We rescued you. Of course, to be precise, it was Kimiko who rescued you." Billy learned from the lamplighter.

As expected, Walter was the mastermind behind the mental hospital at Sage Grove. They used adults to conduct experiments in an attempt to develop compound No. 5 that was relatively stable for adults.

"Lamplighter!" Frankie, who had just wanted to comfort Kimiko, was about to stand up from the bed excitedly after seeing the lamplighter, "Why don't you die! Why don't you die!"

"I thought I was dead, but you saved me." The lamplighter looked straight at the ceiling.

His expression was gloomy, as if he was not happy about being rescued.

"Why did you burn Mallory's grandson in the first place! You bastard ruined everything for me!"

"Then why didn't you stop me? I knew you were following me."

The lamplighter's rhetorical question immediately made Franky calm down. He sighed. Not only did the lamplighter want to know this question, but Breast Milk and Billy also wanted to know. As for Huey, he also made preparations. The expression of eating melon.

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