Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 189 As expected of the Watt Group, it really doesn’t care about human affairs.

After five minutes of silence, Frankie told the story.

It turns out that eight years ago, he and his two best friends, Shirley and Jay, were still small gangsters who hung out on the streets all day long. They often did some evil things such as robbery and theft, but they were never caught. But five years ago, During a robbery, three people were unfortunately arrested. Just when they were about to be sent to prison, Mallory found him.

"She said that my brain is very flexible, and if I continue like this, I am just wasting my youth. She values ​​me very much and wants me to join the secret team that fights superhumans. She also promised me that as long as I agree, she will kill me. I will release all my best friends and wipe out all past criminal records. Finally... I agreed."

Frankie closed his eyes in pain.

"Later, I received an order to follow you. When I thought everything was going well, I received a call from Shirley. On the phone, she told me that Jay was dying due to overdose of DU and needed urgent treatment." Lan Qi covered his head, "On one side, my best friend is dying, and on the other side, there is the important task that Mallory has entrusted to me."

"I was thinking that after you entered the nightclub, you would not be able to get out for a while, so I returned to my residence and tried my best to rescue Jay, who was already in shock. But after I successfully rescued Jay, I returned to the nightclub. In just half an hour, I I lost track of you, I searched all over the world but couldn’t find you..."

After telling all this, Frankie seemed a lot more relaxed.

"What about Jay? Why haven't I heard you mention him since?" Billy asked.

"Dead." Frankie smiled self-deprecatingly, "A few months later, he overdosed on DU again and failed to be rescued, so he still died."

"Why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

Breast milk is a bit confusing.

"It has already happened. There is no point in explaining it. In the end, those children were killed because of my fault."

Speaking of this, Frankie looked at the lamplighter angrily, "You are worse than a beast. If you have the heart to attack such a young child, you should fall into hell and be tortured by the devil every moment."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the lamplighter retorted excitedly: "You think I want to kill your boss."

From his mouth, Billy and the others heard another story.

The two stories are combined to form the truth behind the Mallory case.

It turned out that Lamplighter, as a member of the Super Seven, had always been known for being mysterious and powerful, but Mallory somehow obtained the video of him being indulgent in the nightclub. Once the video spread, Walt gave him Your hard-earned image will be ruined.

By then, his popularity will absolutely plummet, and in a more serious case, he may even be kicked out of the Seven and lose everything he owns.

Mallory used the video to blackmail him and spy on the Vought Group's information about Compound No. 5 and crime.

"But I was unwilling to be controlled, so I sneaked into Mallory's residence at night. My original plan was to kill Mallory and get back the video, but...but I didn't expect..."

"But you didn't expect that when you set fire to Mallory's bedroom, Mallory was actually not at home. There were only a few children on the bed waiting for grandma to come back and tell stories, so when you heard their cries, you panicked and waited until the fire truck When we arrived, the place was burned to rubble." Billy added some details for the lamplighter with a cold face.

"I have been feeling guilty for so many years, so I voluntarily offered to leave the Super Seven and chose to fade out of the public eye. Later, I was assigned to the Sage Grove by Vought Company, where I was responsible for managing and destroying some super heroes who did not obey the command. Human beings, I have not told anyone else about this except you."

"What's the relationship between Storm Girl and Sage Grove?" Billy asked.

"She is the manager of Sage's Grove. She has always been. She has been since before I came here."

The lamplighter basically answers whatever is asked.

"Has she been to a mental hospital recently?"

"No, I feel very strange about this. Normally, she will come once every two days at most, but recently, I haven't seen her for five consecutive days."

Billy, who was thoughtful, looked at Mother Milk and nodded in an imperceptible manner.

"What happened to the Sage Grove? Where did the patients locked in the ward come from? Is Walt doing experiments on them? What is Walt's ultimate goal, to develop an adult version of No. 5? Compound?" Billy then asked.

Then, the lamplighter answered Billy's questions one by one.

"What you see now in the Sage Grove is actually the secret research institute of the Walter Group. There should be only one place like this, because it takes powerful managers to manage those guys.

As for their origin, they were indeed sent from the mental hospital. Walter locked them in the ward because he could help them cure their mental illness. However, according to my observation, some patients are not actually mentally ill. They have a clear will. Everyday actions and words are no different from ordinary people. "

"I later learned that some of them were voluntarily sent to Sage Grove for treatment because of alcoholism, violence, or taking illegal substances."

"As expected of the Watt Group, it really doesn't do anything about human affairs. I guess there's chaos over there. Those guys who escaped will definitely take revenge on the Watt Group crazily." Billy gloated and smiled.

"By the way, one of the bald women is very strong. I think she can even threaten the people of the motherland."

"Are you talking about Cindy? Her superpower is definitely very powerful, and she is also one of Storm Girl's most valued patients. She has a very high IQ. It seems that she was captured by the police because she killed her entire family and six classmates with her own hands. She was on the run for a long time, but because she proved insane in court, she was sent to Sage's Grove."

Mentioning Cindy, a flash of fear flashed in the lamplighter's eyes, because he had seen with his own eyes that she crushed a person's head in the air, and her physical defense was also very strong. Even if she was hit by Storm's lightning, she would be hit by It is just paralyzed for a period of time and cannot cause fatal damage at all.

"Actually, you guessed it right, those people are the experimental subjects. Walter wants to develop a stable compound No. 5."

"You mean, the current compound No. 5 is unstable?"

Huey wondered.

"The current No. 5 compound is only extremely stable for babies. As for injecting it into adults, there are only three results. Either they will become a superhero, or they will explode like a watermelon, or they will become a freak, such as the Elephant Trunk Man. That thing of his is ten times bigger than a normal person.”

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