Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 190 Victoria’s Speech! Angry natives

Chapter 190 Victoria’s Speech! Angry people of the motherland!

"What are you going to do next? Go back to work?"

Billy took out the silver lighter that originally belonged to the lamplighter from his pocket. He flipped the lid and made a snapping sound.

I saw the lamplighter lowering his head and saying nothing.

He continued: "Ms. Mallory will arrive here in ten minutes. You must understand that this is your only chance to atone for your sins."


The next morning, Xia Shang, who had just absorbed Compound No. 5, went to the refrigerator and took out a bag of instant cereal and a carton of milk.

After tearing open the package, I poured the two into a bowl and mixed them. Although the method was a bit crude, it tasted pretty good.

With breakfast in hand, Xia Shang sat in front of the TV and pressed the remote control.

He put the cereal into his mouth while watching the congresswoman talking on the TV screen.

Not only that, he also took the time to look at the panel from time to time.

[Supersonic speed... merging, current progress is 51%]

[Fantasy value: 2550 (the event is not over, statistics cannot be calculated... Do you want to expand for details...)]

"Expand." This is the hidden function of the fantasy value column. After all, there is no instruction manual for the panel. Xia Shang also figured it out accidentally. Since the original plot is always changing, it is dozens of points every time. The fantasy value was earned, so Xia Shang tried to see if he could settle it all at once, and found that he could.

The panel gives two options. The first option is to keep it as it is. As long as the original plot changes, no matter how minor or not, fantasy points will be sent in time. The advantage of this option is that it can replenish fantasy points for him at any time. No need Waiting for settlement.

The difference between the second option and the first option is that it cannot send fantasy value at any time. It can only be settled when the event ends or the time exceeds one month. It can be understood as a kind of idle game, but the fantasy value obtained during idle Fantasy value can only be collected every once in a while.

When Xia Shang chose to expand.

The first thing that catches the eye is Deep Sea, which has accumulated 270 fantasy points, followed by Fatherland and Ryan, who have accumulated 225 and 120 fantasy points respectively. As for the other superheroes, they have not accumulated much. This is because Deep Sea The nuclear contamination incident is hanging on his body, the black public opinion incident is hanging on the motherland, and the superhero selection event is hanging on Ryan.

"By the way, the finals of the Super League selection are coming soon, and I will have to go there in person then."

In addition to the above events, Billy and Storm are also frantically creating fantasy values.

At this rate, collecting 10,000 fantasy points is just around the corner.

At the same time, Congresswoman Victoria on the TV screen was giving a fierce speech under the Watt Building.

"The Vought Group must be responsible for Page's death. We will never tolerate the Vought Group pretending that nothing happened. The United States clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence issued in 1776 that all people are equal! And in the Civil Rights Act and Equal Rights In the bill, black people have been recognized as free citizens of the United States." Victoria stood in front of the microphone and spoke.

She received a fierce round of applause!

The black gang that had originally gathered for the demonstration had tears in their eyes and kept waving and cheering.

"Although I am a white man, I can fully understand your mood. We need to unite with each other and issue a deafening warning to the Vought Group!"

At this time, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the Watt Building, Edgar, wearing a black suit, listened to the speech coming from the TV behind him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Next to him stood a man from the motherland with an extremely gloomy face.

"Look at how much trouble you have caused for Walt. Currently, Walt's stock price has evaporated tens of billions of dollars. The directors on the board of directors are very dissatisfied. They asked me to select a new superhero to serve as Super Hero Seven. Captain of the human team." Edgar put away his smile and stared at the people of the motherland with a solemn expression.

"But I thought that over the years, your contribution to Walter was not small, so I suppressed this matter."

Beating the people of the motherland has become Edgar's daily routine.

"So you called me here just to warn me?" The motherland man's face was tense, like a lion that chooses people to devour. His eyes glowed red, and his clenched fists were enough to crush steel, "Don't Forgot, only I can be the captain of the seven-member group, because I am a native of the motherland, and they can only surrender under my feet!"

"You should calm down first. How to deal with your current problem is the key."

Facing the angry people of his motherland, Edgar said calmly.

Then, he walked towards the sofa, "Anger can't solve any problems. If you continue like this, your fans will abandon you and fall into the arms of others."

The motherland man did not speak, but turned and left the conference room.

On the podium, Victoria raised the microphone, "I can't bury my head in the sand like an ostrich. I can't ignore this unfair fact. If I choose to escape, then I won't be able to face my heart, and I won't be able to face it when I get home. Looking directly into my daughter’s young and pure eyes, I can’t even face you!”

The audience burst into applause! Some people even shouted excitedly: "You, Victoria, you are the real hero, our hero, I love you!"

"Down with Walt!" one of the black men shouted, raising his arms!

Soon, their slogans rang out in the audience.

"Down with Walter! Punish the murderers severely, we can't breathe! We long for freedom!"

"Down with Walter..."

"We can't breathe! We are against racial discrimination!"

Victoria, who was on the court, pressed her hand down, "I have heard your anger, but compared to Walter, we have nothing. Walter is powerful. They can make the news media across the United States fall into silence, and they can also make the courts How can we fight if those judges keep their mouths shut?"

"It's really lively." Huey, who was woken up early in the morning, was holding a piece of sandwich and eating it with relish. He stood on tiptoes and glanced at the crowded crowd, "I bet that this There are at least five thousand people.”

"There should be more than five thousand people." Breastmilk, wearing a black hat, shook his head.

"Anyway, Walter is in big trouble now."

Huey said gloatingly.

"Their trouble has just begun." Billy looked through his sunglasses at Victoria on the podium.

"Ms. Victoria, how do we fight?"

someone in the crowd asked.

"Unite! We need to unite, I will help you, the House Judiciary Committee will help you! I hereby announce that we are about to convene a hearing on Vought, because their crimes have been enough to be written into a book! I need your support ! Only then can we succeed!!”

Victoria's tone gradually became higher! Her speech was provocative!

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