Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 191 I just smashed a piece of glass with a stone

But the next second, a figure fell from the sky and landed on the podium in an instant.

I saw the motherland man slowly straightening his back and smiling at the audience, "Good morning, guys."

His appearance caused the originally noisy scene to fall into silence in an instant. The crowd in the audience subconsciously closed their mouths and turned their attention to the people of the motherland.

"Please let me say a few words." The motherland took the microphone from Victoria's hand, "Thank you."

Holding the microphone, he looked at the crowd again.

"Thank you, Congressman Newman, for giving me the opportunity to speak. To be honest, when I saw you upstairs, I thought there was a fire under Watt. Everything was black at first glance. Fortunately, I didn't call the fire department." Otherwise, I really don’t know how to explain this problem to the firefighters.”

"I'm just kidding, don't mind. I'm really grateful to see you all come here today. Can you tell me, where are you from?" The motherland man walked to the stage, and The crowd blocking him automatically opened a path.

"Florida? That's really far away."

The motherland took back the microphone and continued: "As for Page's death, I am very sorry about it, but it was just an accident. If I didn't stop him, more innocent people would probably die.

I think I should be a hero, not a so-called criminal. "

The people of the motherland are back on stage.

"But you killed him! He was obviously dying, but you still didn't let go of him!" asked a white man. He was wearing clothes with Page's face on it, with the words "Kill for life" written in red, and he also had a hand on his hand. Holding a can of soda, his questioning also made the originally calm crowd become commotion again.

As the noisy sound rang out, the motherland raised her right hand, wanting them to be quieter, "Wait, everyone, don't be so excited. I didn't know his condition at the time. His death was an accident."

"We don't believe the nonsense you said. If you kill someone, you must pay with your life! If you kill someone, you must pay with your life!"

Seeing that the scene was about to be rioted, the people of the motherland could only speak again to calm their mood, "I can understand your mood, but don't forget that you and I have the same goal, which is to protect all citizens of the United States..."

But his words still couldn't calm everyone's anger.

"Protect the American people? I think you only want to protect white people!"

"Wait a minute, I think you need to calm down your hearts." The sudden appearance of the people from the motherland frightened Ashley, who was maintaining order. After instructing the security department to stop the riot, she took out her mobile phone and dialed I called Xia Shang.

"Mr. Jervis, how long do you have to get to Walter? There is a big problem with the people of the motherland." Ashley said anxiously, covering her phone and hiding behind a pillar.

"It will take about three minutes. Please tell me the specific situation first. I will be there soon." On the other side, Xia Shang controlled the steering wheel with one hand and picked up the phone to his ear with the other.

During Ashley's reporting period.

The crowd's anger continued to grow. They held up signs with the faces of the motherland, raised their arms and shouted: "You are not qualified to speak on our behalf!"

"You have no right to speak on our behalf!"

Their voices were uniform, and many of them raised their middle fingers to the people of the motherland!

At this time, the smile on the face of the motherland man on the podium gradually faded. In the next second, two red laser beams shot out from his eyes, scoff! ! The extremely high-temperature ray instantly exploded one of the black men who was raising his middle finger. Then, the laser extended like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting the crowd into minced meat.

The people of the motherland opened their mouths excitedly and vented their anger wantonly.

After all the sounds disappeared, he put away the red laser.

However, it was just his fantasy and the voice did not disappear. Just when he was about to give in, he found that the crowd dispersed with a bang.

"Don't stop me, it's mine."

"Damn it, someone is actually robbing us behind our backs!"

"Son, go quickly and try to add some income to the family." The black people's eyes showed a fanatical expression. They started to smash the surrounding shops regardless of their image. Some people even drove their cars to smash the glass of the shops and frantically loaded the goods into the car. move.

Their actions were like matches thrown into gasoline. More and more black people were affected and actively or passively participated in this rare looting.

The store manager and clerks in the store stared dumbly at what was happening in front of them.

Some people even fought over a pair of shoes. In the crowd, a confused Huey was knocked out of his sandwich and didn't even react. "What's going on? How did a nice speech turn into a violent fight?" robbery?"

Breast milk on the side didn't know how to answer his question.

Because someone was patting him on the shoulder and said cheerfully: "Hey man, why are you still standing there? If you don't do anything, the thing will be gone."

But soon, someone shouted: "Run, the police are coming, don't be caught by the police."

Almost instantly, the originally noisy scene became quiet at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, Xia Shang walked from the crowd of Wuyang Wuyang to the people of the motherland with his mobile phone that kept playing the alarm bell. Then he pressed the pause button and stuffed his phone into his pocket.

"Man, how did you do that?" the native said in disbelief, and then he spread his arms and hugged Xia Shang.

"I just smashed a piece of glass with a stone, and then informed them that someone was robbing things. As for why it developed like this, maybe it was because they were born like this?"

Xia Shang shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands to express his innocence.

"Well done, I want to apologize to you for what happened before." The motherland did not expect that Xia Shang would come to his rescue, and he expressed his sincere gratitude to Xia Shang at this moment.

"We are all part of Walter, as we should." Xia Shang patted the shoulders of his motherland, and then walked towards the entrance of Walter.

"No matter what, you still helped me. To be honest, I wanted to kill them with a thunder just now. If it weren't for... forget it, I haven't been so aggrieved since I was born." The smile of the motherland is particularly special. brilliant.

The previous unhappiness was instantly forgotten by him.

The two walked into the Watt Building together, leaving Victoria alone on the podium.

Wang Defa?

Victoria subconsciously looked towards the top floor of the Watt Building.

In the conference room on the top floor, Edgar looked at the people from the motherland who were arm-in-arm with Xia Shang on the screen. With a gloomy expression on his face, he picked up the mobile phone on the table.

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