Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 192 You are very smart, and I still can’t hide it from you

"Looking forward to your performance at the hearing next week."


After Victoria hung up the phone, she looked at the messy scene, then followed the staff and prepared to leave the podium.

"That was a live broadcast just now, now it's troublesome." The staff standing in front of the camera complained softly.

Just when he was about to turn off the live broadcast, a billboard flew across the sky and cut him in half in an instant. Boom! The smashed and deformed billboard fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, his uncoded upper body appeared in front of the camera. His waist was bloody and his internal organs were mixed with blood and flowed all over the floor.

The sudden movement frightened the audience watching the live broadcast, their hair stood on end and they were shocked! They called Sheite almost at the same time, leaning back, and some even threw their phones away. Their faces were all pale, and their pupils were trembling crazily.

They had the same reaction as the staff on site.

"Terrorist attack! Definitely a terrorist attack!" Victoria's assistant looked nervously at the body on the ground, her legs as heavy as cement.

"Is this Walter's revenge?"

When he just had this idea, a white man who had been hidden in the crowd suddenly ran towards him. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to him, the male assistant, who was deeply disturbed, decisively abandoned Victoria beside him and planned to Escape alone.

"Kill you first, and then I'll deal with Walter's group of bastards!" The sturdy white man with a strong back and a strong waist, his eyes were scarlet, and his well-developed hair made him run like a crazy black bear.

After roaring, he jumped in front of the male assistant, bang! Two big craters were instantly made on the ground. Looking at the horrified expression of the other party, the strong man raised his fist with a ferocious smile, and smashed the male assistant's head to pieces with one punch. There was only a pop, and the red and white liquid splashed out. It exploded in front of the camera.

The next second, Congressman Newman’s live broadcast was blocked by the authorities on the spot.

As for the viewers watching the live broadcast, before they could react, the screen in front of them turned blue.

"In the end what happened?"

Curious about the subsequent scenes and worried about Representative Newman, they opened various social media and tried to find the netizens who were downstairs in Walter at the moment.

Unexpectedly, there is a guy who is not afraid of death. He left a message: "My home is near Walter. I will start the live broadcast immediately."

"Brother, hurry up, as long as you dare to go, I dare to reward you."

Although some people were so frightened by the live broadcast just now that they even suffered psychological trauma, there were still some brave netizens who did not consider it a big deal to watch the fun and encouraged those who were not afraid of death to hurry up.

Soon, the netizen who was not afraid of death started the live broadcast. During this period.

The guards maintaining order, in order to protect Victoria's safety, opened fire while applying for rescue from the New York Police Department.

Now it’s almost like a Hollywood blockbuster.

The strong white man resisted the bullets and kept approaching the three guards. The white T-shirt on his chest was stained red with blood, and dozens of bullet holes were clearly visible.

"Hurry up and get in the car. Let's get out of here first." One of the guards covered Victoria to the car and opened the door for her.

"Where are the people from the motherland?"

Victoria said solemnly.

She seriously suspected that the people of the motherland were acting without authorization and sent superhuman terrorists to carry out the attack.

Another person who had the same idea as her was the angry Edgar. The livid Edgar took the elevator and found the people from the motherland who were watching the live broadcast with Xia Shang in the Chaoying conference room.

The people of the motherland put their hands behind their backs and looked at everything happening below with a smile.

"Sometimes, things always develop in unexpected directions. If you look at Congresswoman Newman's embarrassed appearance, it's hard to imagine that just now, she was still broadcasting live in a well-dressed manner."

"Your revenge is really swift." Xia Shang shook his head and said with a smile.

The motherland man glanced at Xia Shang and said, "I didn't arrange this. I don't know that guy who looks like a black bear."

"I see."

Xia Shang showed an expression that everyone understood, "But I have to say, you used this trick very well. First, during the live broadcast, you admitted that you made a mistake and killed Page, thereby gaining the understanding of some viewers, and then, after leaving, , and sent terrorists to launch terrorist attacks in front of the camera, while creating panic for the audience.

It aroused a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts, and then deliberately did not take action to stop the superhuman terrorists. Only by letting them see blood can they realize whose help they need the most. Finally, when things ferment to a certain extent, they will show up again. Get rid of that terrorist. "

"This not only shows your determination to protect all American citizens, but also allows everyone to forgive you for the manslaughter."

Xia Shangqing couldn't help but applaud: "It's very good. As long as you add the marketing of the public relations department, your public opinion incident will be resolved soon."

After listening to Xia Shang's explanation, the expressions of the people of the motherland were in disbelief at first, and then evolved into confident smiles as if they were confident.

"Jervis, you are very smart. As expected, I still can't hide this from you."

"No matter how smart he is, he is not as smart as you. Very good. He makes decisions without my consent. You, my motherland, really surprise me." Edgar's voice came from the door of the conference room.

"You have any objections to my actions?" The motherland man turned to look at Edgar. At this moment, his murderous intention was already aroused.

A sneer appeared on Edgar's face, "I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again."

Facing the people of the motherland, he still chose to be pointed at the enemy. The majesty he revealed made the people of the motherland choose to give in again.

The people of the motherland have a very special feeling for Edgar, a bit like the dead Madeleine.

Edgar is similar to his father in his mind, so he rarely dares to resist Edgar to the end.

He left the meeting room silently, and the next second, he appeared behind the strong white man.

"Have you had enough trouble?" The motherland's eyes suddenly fired two red lasers, directly cutting the strong man's upper body into two pieces. The strong man was about to turn around, but his upper body tilted to the side and fell to the ground.

The strong man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was chopped into pieces again by the furious people of the motherland. Until he turned into a pile of blackened meat, the people of the motherland barely relieved themselves.

"Man, what are you filming?"

The netizen who was taking a picture of this scene with his mobile phone found that the man in front of the camera suddenly disappeared. When he looked around, a generous and powerful palm fell on his shoulder. The netizen was so frightened that his heart stopped and he almost stopped. Even the mobile phone in his hand was thrown away subconsciously.

He stiffly turned his head and looked behind him, and sure enough he saw the people of the motherland with sunny smiles.

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