Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 193 Walter will be yours sooner or later

"Are you doing a live broadcast?" the native asked curiously.

"Yes...yes, Mr. Motherland."

Netizen Belmont was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Don't be so nervous. I appreciate your courage. Let me say hello to the viewers in your live broadcast room?"

What Belmont didn't expect was that the attitude of the people of the motherland towards him was surprisingly friendly. Soon, his stiff limbs gradually became more active, "Okay, Mr. Motherland, to be honest, I am your loyal friend." Fans, I’m really... sorry, I don’t know how to express my inner excitement to be able to get in touch with you so close.”

"I'm glad to see you too. Do you have a pen?"

"Yes... yes." Belmonte excitedly took out a ball pen from his pocket and handed it to the motherland tremblingly.

"Relax." Hearing that the other party was his fan, the motherland's mood suddenly became happy. He took the ball pen with a smile, and then wrote on Belmont's collar in front of the audience in the live broadcast room. Signed his signature.

Belmont flushed with excitement.

"Mr. Motherland, I'm... I'm so honored to be your fan. I decided to pass this dress on to my son, and then let my son hand it over to my grandson. Don't worry, I will keep it carefully. I Swear to God!”

"You don't have to swear to God. If you want an autograph in the future, come to Walter to find me."

The kindness of the people of the motherland was truly reflected in the eyes of every audience watching the live broadcast. They frantically picked up gifts and greeted the people of the motherland.

"I love you, my motherland!"

"The scene where you killed that super terrorist just now was so cool!"

"How cool! I had to say hi."

"People of the motherland, please leave Watt Company, you are suitable for a better place!"

"Hey guys, nice to meet you." Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, the motherland seemed to have found the feeling of being praised by countless people. This feeling was no less than that of Storm Girl helping him SC, and his smile was particularly bright .

the other side.

Edgar sat in the seat of the motherland and warned in a bad tone: "Your work attitude has seriously declined recently. The tasks assigned to you before have only been dealt with now. You should focus on how to manage the company. , rather than forming a party for personal gain.

Sooner or later, Walter will be yours. I plan to announce my retirement at next year's shareholders' meeting. But now, how can you trust me to hand over the company to you? Don't forget, a product will always be a product. Since I can create a People of the motherland can naturally create the second, third, and even more. "

Face Edgar's warning.

Xia Shang said nothing.

Killing Edgar now would not do him any good, and his blood can only control a person's body, but cannot control a person's mind, let alone read Edgar's memory, and now he takes over The Walter Group was obviously not in a good time. It was a mess and would only waste his time and energy.

Therefore it is better to let Edgar continue to bear the pain.

Seeing that Xia Shang remained silent, Edgar felt that he had hit him too hard.

to be honest.

If Xia Shang can change in a short period of time and clearly express his attitude, he really doesn't want to lose his capable subordinate.

The retirement he talked about was not a big picture. If Madeleine had not died, he would have retreated behind the scenes now.

As time goes by, Edgar has reached the limit of his tolerance for the mess caused by the superheroes, and he urgently needs someone to take over the position of CEO.

But at present, it seems that Ashley has a cowardly character. Although she can manage most people in the company, she can never suppress the Super Seven, especially the people of the motherland. Once she takes office, she will 100% be ignored by the people of the motherland and become the motherland. A puppet in human hands.

But there are very few candidates in the company who are suitable to be promoted to president, and even if there are a few, most of them are not suitable.

The only person he admired more was Xia Shang.

"Young man, I'm very optimistic about you, don't let me down." As Edgar spoke, he received a call from Storm Girl. After pressing the call button, he stood up and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window.

Although his voice when talking to Storm Girl was very low, it was extremely clear to Xia Shang, who had super-sensitive perception.

"Edgar, something happened at Sage Grove. Someone broke into the hospital late last night. A total of twelve nurses and nine guards died. Three patients' bodies were found at the scene, and the remaining patients escaped from the hospital. They all have trackers embedded in their bodies, and the address of the tracker is displayed.

Some of them have returned home, while others are preparing to flee overseas. "

"How is your injury?" Edgar said coldly.

"Basically recovered, except that the lost arm cannot be regenerated. It seems that the only option is to replace it with a prosthetic limb."

"Don't worry about this. I will arrange for someone to make the best prosthetic limb. At the same time, I will adjust your suit so that others cannot know the condition of your left arm."

Storm Girl's recovery speed was slower than Xia Shang expected.

It may be because the injury was serious. After all, she was enveloped by the Blazing Wings at that time. If the motherland had not rescued her in time, she would have turned into a pile of coke or ashes by now.

"That's only temporary. I hope you can develop the No. 5 compound related to it. I want my hand, not a damn machine!" Storm Girl on the other end of the phone, her tone gradually became excited, as if she had lost her left hand. Her arm has become a pain point for her.

"I will let the laboratory consider your needs, but I want you to get rid of those who slipped through the net now. It is best to complete these things within three days. I don't want any of them to appear at the hearing next Monday. superior."

Just when Edgar was about to hang up the phone.

Storm Girl continued: "Guess what I found in the surveillance video? A dazzling white light."

"You mean... Starlight was present?"

"I didn't say that. After all, I didn't see her face clearly. Maybe someone has the same superpower as her. This kind of thing is not uncommon. I suggest you investigate Starlight's movements that night to see where she went. Where?"

"Is there anything else?"

Edgar then hung up the phone.

He returned to his seat as a native and said to Xia Shang, "Go to the crime analysis department and bring up the trajectory of Xingguang's actions last night and give it to me."

"Okay, Mr. Edgar."

Five minutes later, Xia Shang walked into the crime analysis department.

"Mr. Jervis, good morning, welcome to the crime analysis department, would you like a cup of coffee?" Annika said with a smile.

"Thank you, please add some milk for me."

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