Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 195 Walter’s long-lurking traitor Starlight

"You have no evidence to prove that it was me, you can't do this." Xingguang's face turned red, and she felt a strong sense of suffocation, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"You think I need proof?"

The expression on the motherland's face became more and more ferocious. As his arms gradually became stronger, Xingguang soon showed an expression of extreme pain, "Please stop, the person in the video is really not me."

She reached out and grabbed the arm of her motherland, trying to untie it, but how could her strength compare with that of her motherland.

"Okay, let her go. Keeping her is still useful. If you kill her directly like this, it will be difficult for us to explain to the people." Unexpectedly, the person who interceded for Starlight was actually Storm Girl.

"Jervis, you are now announcing to the outside world that the person who stole Compound No. 5 has been found. That is Starlight in the Seven. She secretly colluded with terrorists and sold Walter's internal intelligence and Compound No. 5, but in the end She was discovered by me and the people of my motherland. Although we felt incredible about this, we decided to temporarily imprison her in the Water Building out of a responsible attitude towards the people.

Once everything is cleared up, the details will be announced to the public. "

Due to the recent frequent appearance of super terrorists, many people have pointed the finger at Vought Company, believing that Vought actively spread compound No. 5 to maliciously create super terrorists.

If at this time, it is announced that Starlight is Walt's long-hidden traitor, it will not only arouse the anger of the people, but also put Starlight on the back of this big pot. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"No problem, I'll announce it as soon as possible."

Xia Shang nodded.

"In that case, I will spare your life for the time being." The motherland slowly let go of her hands, and saw two deep red palm prints clearly visible on Xingguang's snow-white neck. As soon as she was freed from the restraints, she looked like Like a landed fish, it kept breathing rapidly.

"follow me."

Later, the people of the motherland brought Starlight to the 42D floor. There was a room specially used to hold superhuman beings. The whole room was made of steel and the wall was up to two meters thick. It could basically isolate all superpowers. It was extremely dark inside, with only Some light strips emit a faint glow.

After the motherland man took off the light bar, it was completely dark inside. He knew that Starlight's super power could absorb the surrounding electricity, so he ordered someone to turn off the room's electric switch.

"Three days, I'll give you three days. If I don't get any valuable information from you after three days, you will be prepared to stay here for the rest of your life." The motherland man standing outside pressed the button expressionlessly. Buttons on the wall.

I saw a heavy iron door slowly swallowing up the light in front of Xingguang.

at the same time.

the other side.

Huey was sitting on the sofa in the Lamplighter's villa, watching some healthy movies with the Lamplighter.

"You can choose which ones you like." The lamplighter bent down and took out a cardboard box from under the coffee table, which was filled with various discs.

"The Motherland fights seven female gangsters? Or this, the invisible man and his invisible tools?"

"You actually collected so many superhero movies?!"

It was an eye-opener for Huey. He flipped through the pages at random, including Queen Maeve's Passionate Years, Young Black Riding a Cart, The Threatened Starlight, The Deep Sea and His Marine Friends.

"The comatose Storm Girl, Gift Crab, isn't she the superhero just launched by Walter?" Huey said in shock.

The lamplighter said that this is a routine operation, "You always have to trust the speed of the producer. By the way, I have the entire series of Storm Girl. This is a collector's edition. Normally I would not take it out easily."

"Forget it, let's just take this one." Fortunately, Huey didn't have any obsessions, otherwise he would have wasted an entire afternoon just choosing the movie.

"Do you usually rely on this to survive?"

"Congratulations on guessing it right." The lamplighter shrugged, "You will be rewarded with watching another one."

Then Huey asked: "How did you fool around with the Sage Grove incident? And since you know that Walter is using adults for human experiments, why not go to the hearing the day after tomorrow and identify Walter at the meeting?" , this is your only chance to atone."

The reason why he stayed at the lamplighter's house was to persuade the lamplighter to testify against Walter, thereby directly bringing down Walter.

As for Billy and the others, they are also preparing for the hearing the day after tomorrow. After receiving a call from his mother, Billy returned home and met his violent father. If his father hadn't abused his younger brother, his younger brother would have died. He would not choose to commit suicide, so when the two met again, they were very unhappy.

Breast milk followed Mallory to Dr. Wogelbaum, and tried to persuade Wogelbaum to attend the hearing the day after tomorrow, but Wogelbaum decisively refused. What a joke, Edgar had already told Wogelbaum. Gerbaum implemented strict surveillance. Unless he didn't care about the lives of his family, how could he agree to Mallory's request?

"Let me think again." The lamplighter neither refused nor accepted.


Early the next morning, Ashley found Xia Shang with a document: "Since we announced that Starlight is a traitor, Twitter has exploded. The first trending search on Twitter is 'Water has been lurking for a long time. 'The Traitor Starlight'

In addition, there are millions of tweets supporting the legalization of Compound 5. Mr. Edgar is satisfied with this, but the hearing the day after tomorrow will be a big problem, and he is considering whether to send you over to take charge of the situation. "

Xia Shang's fingers on the keyboard paused slightly, "He plans to ask me to come forward to fight against that Congressman Newman? Are you sure?"

"Mr. Edgar didn't make it clear that he wanted you to come over."

"I see."

After pressing the shutdown button of the computer, Xia Shang opened the panel. The integration progress is now 89%. Next, he has to consider whether to obtain superpowers from the people of his motherland, but he doesn't want to expose himself so quickly. Maybe he can show up in the movie. Work hard.

It should be very reasonable to arrange a strong enough villain. I believe that the people of the motherland will not fail to give themselves a face.

As for the superpowers of Xingguang and others, Xia Shang doesn't want to take action for the time being. Their superpowers are not very strong, especially after he merged with Storm Girl's superpowers. Normal superpowers will not be of much help to him unless It is some special superpower, such as telekinesis. He can fuse similar superpowers so that they can merge with each other.

drop! Xia Shang walked out of the elevator and opened the door to the president's office.

"Mr. Edgar, are you looking for me?"

Edgar, who was behind the desk, put down the pen in his hand when he heard Xia Shang's voice, "I called you here because I want you to participate in the hearing the day after tomorrow. I have already arranged your seat. You are sitting here. around."

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