Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 196 It’s time for that loser Locomotive to quit

To be honest, Xia Shang was a little surprised. Is Edgar planning to attack him?

However, Edgar then added: "You are Walter's vice president after all. Appearing in front of the news media may not be a bad thing, but I want to remind you that there may be some surprises at the hearing the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, don’t be too nervous, I have made all arrangements and nothing will happen to you.”

Hearing this, the murderous intention that had just brewed in Xia Shang's eyes quietly dissipated, and a faint smile appeared on his face again, "Okay, Mr. Edgar, I will follow your instructions. Do I need to prepare anything?" ?For example, a manuscript for a speech, or some other information?"

Edgar waved his hand, "There is no doubt about your ability. You can decide these things yourself."

"I'm calling you here just to inform you that if there's nothing else, you can leave."

"Okay, Mr. Edgar, I wish you a happy life."

After leaving the president's office.

Xia Shang couldn't help but frown slightly. Since Edgar could inform him in advance that something unexpected would happen at the hearing the day after tomorrow, it meant that Edgar did not want to kill him. In this case, the purpose of letting him attend the hearing was probably to Use Victoria's ability to scare him and serve as a warning.

As expected, he has the face of a fried chicken uncle, and he is full of tricks from head to toe.

It's evening.

Xia Shang was preparing to pack his things and get off work when he unexpectedly sensed a strange brain wave.

This brain wave does not belong to any one of the Seven Superheroes. Could it be the lamplighter? Xia Shang guessed that Huey saw Walter's new announcement, so he brought the lamplighter to rescue Starlight. According to the development of the original plot, the purpose of the lamplighter coming to Walter was not to save Starlight, but to save Starlight through Self-immolation to end inner torture.

The guy who threw himself into a trap.

At this moment, Xia Shang is deciding whether to gain more money by killing the lamplighter or saving him and using it for himself. The former does not seem to have changed the plot, and it is estimated that the fantasy value gained will be very little, while the gain from the latter will be. It's much higher. It's time for that loser Locomotive to quit.

at the same time.

The lamplighter took Huey to an alley near the Watt Building. Since he had often sneaked into the Watt Building with his admirers before, he was familiar with the layout of the building.

While he was telling the most likely place to imprison Starlight, he opened an inconspicuous ventilation grille door, then walked forward along the passage behind the door, and finally stopped in front of an elevator door.

"If my permissions have not been deleted by Walter, I should be able to go to the core area of ​​Walter through the elevator in front of me."

With that said, the lamplighter pressed his hand on the door control. After a few seconds, the door control beeped and turned on the green light.

"It seems that my permissions are still retained in the system."

Then the two of them walked into the elevator and didn't stop until they reached the ninety-ninth floor of the Watt Building.

"Hey, hey, why did you bring me here? The top priority now is to rescue Starlight."

Huey watched the lamplighter walk into the conference room, puzzled.

"They moved my statue away." The lamplighter looked at the statue of the Seven Superheroes in the conference room, showing a disappointed look.

Just when he was about to do something.

An unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded.

"If you want, your statue can reappear here." Xia Shang, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, slowly turned around to look at the lamplighter.

His black suit and the unique aura of a superior almost made the lamplighter mistakenly think that the guy in front of him was Edgar.

"You are... Walter's new vice president, Jervis?"

"I'm glad you know me, Mr. Lamplighter. By the way, who is this?" Xia Shang's eyes swept over the two of them.

"I, I'm a cleaner who just came to Walter Company. I went to the wrong room. I'm really sorry."

Huey sneaked out of the conference room decisively, and at the same time he was still glad that he was not recognized, but in fact, Xia Shang just saw through it without saying anything.

"Sit down, don't be so nervous. After all, you were once a member of the Super Seven, so you should be familiar with this place."

"Yes, Mr. Jervis." The lamplighter took out a lighter and prepared to burn himself in front of Xia Shang.

"Lamplighter... was once a veteran hero, but at the height of his popularity, he voluntarily announced his withdrawal from the Seven Super Heroes."

With steady steps, Xia Shang came to the lamplighter: "I'm very curious about the reason."

"You'd better stay away from me." The lamplighter was a little nervous. He didn't want his self-immolation to affect Xia Shang.

"Speak up and maybe I can help you."

"No one can help me except myself!" The lamplighter took out a lighter and took a few steps back.

Xia Shang's expression also changed from sunny to gloomy, "What? You want to attack me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to stay away from me." After saying that, the lamplighter opened the lighter cap and activated his super power.

One second...two seconds...until a few seconds later, nothing happened.

what's the situation? The slightly confused lamplighter looked down at the lighter in his hand, only to find that the cotton wick on the lighter had been cut off by something unknown. Was it Billy and the others? Impossible, he clearly checked before coming here.

"Lamplighter, I remember that your father seems to live in Texas. You suddenly committed suicide. Have you ever considered his feelings?"

"How did you know?" the lamplighter asked in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter. Walter needs you to join us now. I think you can take the place of the locomotive."

Xia Shang patted the lamplighter on the shoulder and asked him to sit at the head of the locomotive.

"Since I chose to leave Walter, I have no intention of going back." The lamplighter regarded death as home.

"Actually, I know what happened that year even if you don't tell me. After all, Captain Mallory's grandson died in a fire, which was a big news back then. Although there is no evidence to prove that you did it, everyone with a discerning eye knows it. "

"You want to atone for your sins by committing suicide? This is not a good idea. God will not forgive you, but I can help you atone for your sins, such as setting up an organization similar to the Children's Defense Fund. You can donate all your salary to help Those kids who are homeless or seriously ill, wouldn’t that make more sense than if you committed suicide.”

Xia Shang knew very well what the lamplighter's weakness was. Faced with such a guy who didn't even care about death, blind threats would not work.

"Oh, that's nice to say. Don't think that I don't know Walter's style. In the end, that so-called foundation will only become a tool in your hands, a tool used to experiment with compound No. 5. Do you still want me to help you? Shet! I've had enough!"

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