Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 197 The headshot feast is about to begin!

The lamplighter clenched his fists and his tone became more and more excited. He couldn't suppress his inner impulse and roared towards Xia Shang.

"Calm down, my name is Jervis, not Edgar. As Walter's vice president, I still have this authority." Xia Shang stretched out his right hand and put it on the lamplighter's shoulder: "Now there is someone who can The opportunity to atone is right in front of you. Promise me and you will be able to atone for the mistakes you have made. Even if it doesn't work, it will make you feel better.

Besides, if things really develop in the direction you said, you can publish the confidential information you know online and fight Walter to the death. But before that, I suggest you arrange for your relatives to go abroad. , so that you don’t have to worry about anything, how about that? Think about it. "

After saying that, Xia Shang walked out of the conference room.

He looked down at the watch on his wrist. When the minute hand passed five divisions, a prompt popped up on the panel.

[Congratulations to the player for significantly changing the original plot and gaining 600 fantasy points]

[The current fantasy value is 3650 points]

On the other side, Huey took the elevator to the 42D floor and saw the secret room the lamplighter said, but there was an access control device installed by Walter on the door. Now that the lamplighter was not there, it was impossible for him to open the iron door in front of him.

Fortunately, Huey accidentally caught a glimpse of the electric switch nearby. He remembered that Starlight's superpower was related to electricity, so he came to the electric switch box and pushed up all the switches on it. The moment he pushed it up, The dark room where Starlight was located suddenly became brightly lit.

Huey and the others must have come to save him!

This made Xingguang, who was originally desperate, suddenly see hope. She absorbed the surrounding electricity without hesitation, and then exploded all her power towards the iron door. After a roar, a dent was made in the iron door, boom! boom! Starlight hit it three times in succession until the twisted iron door crashed to the ground.

"Starlight!" Huey and Starlight's eyes met each other.

"Go quickly."

Because they moved quickly enough and the Motherland and Storm Girl were not in the Water Building, they quickly escaped smoothly.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The people of the Motherland were extremely angry about Starlight's escape.

"If you hadn't stopped me at that time, I would have torn her head off by now, Fake!" the motherland man yelled at Storm Girl.

Storm Girl, who was sitting in the extended-length Lincoln, said nonchalantly: "She escaped, so what? Don't forget, we invited her mother to Walter yesterday. Unless she doesn't care about her mother at all, otherwise... You have to return to Walter obediently.”

At this time, Xia Shang on the side nodded and said: "Yes, now we have to focus on the next hearing. As for Xingguang, let's discuss how to deal with her after the hearing is over."

"I heard that the lamplighter is coming back recently? Did you arrange it?" asked the motherland man.

"Yes, I think Lokomotiv is not suitable to continue to be a member of the Premier League Seven. His heart problem is a bit serious." After saying that, Xia Shang pointed to his heart, "According to the latest physical examination report, his heart condition is no longer good." He is also unable to withstand high-intensity exercise and is at risk of sudden death at any time.”

"Well done, Jervis, you finally did something that satisfies me."

As a pure racist, Storm has a bad look every time she sees Locomotive, so her idea of ​​​​wanting Locomotive to get out of the Seven is not a day or two. However, Edgar always thinks that he can't find a new one. The members kept making excuses, and now there was finally a chance to get that nigger out of the seven-member group, and Storm Girl felt happy.

"Your heart... seems to be a little too much."

The people of the motherland stared closely at Xia Shangdao.

"Really? It's okay." Xia Shang looked calm, then he turned to look out the window, "We're here."

The outside of the House was crowded with journalists who came to interview, as well as supporters and opponents of Compound No. 5. They were holding different flags and waving flags and shouting. At the same time, in order to maintain order at the scene, the New York Police specially transferred a team from other places. There was a huge police force, but even so, compared with the dense crowd, it still seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

"I don't think I've ever asked about your superpowers."

After getting off the car, the motherland man stood next to Xia Shang, nodding to the fans and asking in a low voice.

"Is this important? If you really want to know, I can tell you after the hearing."

"Forget it, I'm just a little curious. Since you don't want to say it, there's no need to tell me." Anyway, in the eyes of the motherland, all superhuman beings are inferior to myself. Although Xia Shang's superpowers are a bit special, they are only That's all. It's not like he hasn't seen some weird superpowers before. Xia Shang just has a special structure of organs in his body.

"Mr. Jervis, can you express your opinion on this hearing convened by Representative Newman? There are currently rumors from the outside that at this hearing, extremely unfavorable evidence against Walter may appear. What do you have to say about this?"

Journalists from various media crowded on both sides of the passage and were kept away by police officers in police uniforms.

One of the male reporters relied on his long hands to almost put the microphone into Xia Shang's mouth.

"I have nothing to say, please wait and see." Xia Shang pushed away the microphone in front of him and walked straight into the conference hall.

And the Motherland and the Stormmaidens followed closely behind him.

Xia Shang took a casual glance and saw that the conference hall was basically full of people. The word "full seats" is the best way to describe it.

Since the hearing has not yet begun, most people are gathering together to talk to each other. At the same time, several authoritative media found Xia Shang and others.

"Is Walter President Edgar here? And what do you think of this hearing?"

"People of the motherland, do you think the evidence they presented will pose a threat to you? After all, the public opinion about you was very sensitive some time ago, and they may accuse you of malicious murder."

"Ms. Storm, since you became the latest member of the Super Seven, there have been constant topics of discussion and public opinion trends have been changing repeatedly. What do you have to say about this?"

Their questions came one after another, and the Motherland and Storm Girl were obviously a little impatient. However, facing the official media in front of them, they could only accept interviews patiently.

"I don't have much to say. As for the outcome of this hearing, I believe that the public will make their own judgment. At the same time, I also believe that this hearing is absolutely fair. No matter what the result is, Walt can accept it."

"When the time is up, please ask irrelevant personnel to leave quickly. The hearing is about to begin."

Victoria stepped forward to the microphone and announced that the hearing had officially begun.

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