Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 199 Don’t be surprised, it’s just a minor injury!

This was actually done deliberately by Xia Shang. If the super power of carbon was not released, his brain would directly burst out of his eyes.

"That guy is attacking you?" the native asked in confusion.

In fact, he had guessed the identity of the instigator behind the scenes, but what surprised him was that Jervis was also attacked.

Xia Shang looked around indifferently. At this moment, the live broadcast had been cut off urgently. Mallory also took the risk of dragging Victoria out of the conference room. There were currently more than a dozen people in the conference room who were too scared to move. In order to prevent his His ability became known to more people, and for a while, dozens of invisible tentacles appeared on the surface of his body.

And quietly destroyed all recording tools.

Bang! Bang! ! ! The heads of the remaining survivors were minced one by one, and the hearing hall was filled with blood. Looking around, it looks like a hellish scene.

"It looks like your situation is not good."

The people of the motherland just felt a little pity for Xia Shang who was about to die. As for sadness, there might be a trace of it, but it was limited to the sadness of the death of a rabbit and the sadness of a fox.

"It's not a big problem, just a minor injury."

Afterwards, Xia Shang slowly took off his head under the horrified eyes of the motherland and Storm Girl. The next second, the head he took off exploded and turned into tiny pieces of flesh and bone residue, sputtering out. On the clothes of Homelander and Storm.

"A generous gift crab!" The motherland's pupils shrank suddenly. He put down his arm in front of him and looked at Xia Shang with the eyes of a monster.

The Storm Girl on the side couldn't help but retreat. Such a bloody scene made even her feel uncomfortable.

"As I said, it's just a minor injury, don't be so surprised."

I saw a ball of flesh and blood rushing out of Xia Shang's neck, and then developing into shape at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, a complete head grew out, and it looked exactly the same as the original one, without any difference.

"I must not have woken up..." Storm Girl said dumbfounded.

The one with the same expression as her was a man from the motherland. The man from the motherland blinked his eyes so hard that he even suspected that he was hallucinating!

"Jervis?" The motherland's Adam's apple rolled.

"Is something wrong?" Xia Shang, who seemed like nothing had happened, stretched out his hand to straighten the collar of his suit and wiped off the blood on his blue tie.

"'s okay. I was just a little surprised. Yes, it was an accident. Why? Why can your head grow back even if it's gone?"

The people of the motherland couldn't help but ask.

The superpower Xia Shang showed just now really shocked his world view. He has seen all kinds of superpowers before, but he has never seen that guy who can grow back his head without it. Yes, it's simply outrageous. His mother opened the door for outrageousness. It's outrageous.

"It's just the ability to heal quickly. It should be very common." Xia Shang stepped on the sticky and stringy blood on the floor and walked towards the door.

"Self-healing ability?"

The people of the motherland have mixed feelings.

Indeed, Jervis's performance just now can indeed be explained by self-healing.

However, this self-healing speed was too astonishing. After regaining consciousness, the motherland wiped a handful on his face and began to think about his ability to kill Jervis.

The end result is that it should be fine.

With his Cyclops, he can easily turn Jervis into charcoal. No matter how strong his self-healing ability is, he cannot create something out of nothing. Therefore, the people of the motherland have concluded that Jervis cannot threaten them.

However, his attitude towards Jervis has changed somewhat. After all, in his opinion, Jervis is the same type of person as himself, and they are also powerful superhuman beings.

The scene comes to Billy's side.

When the headshot feast was halfway through, the TV signal was cut off. After being frightened, Huey and others froze in place, as if their jaws had been dislocated. They didn't speak for a long time, only Huey screamed in horror at the beginning. .

Billy came to the counter and lowered his head in silence. He understood that he had lost again!

Some blue veins popped out from his forehead. When he raised his head again, his eyes revealed a tough and unyielding look.


Xia Shang and his party returned to Walter Company.

Before they had time to change clothes, Edgar called them to the Chaoying conference room.

As soon as Xia Shang walked into the conference room, he saw Shen Hai rubbing his head, fearing that his head would explode like the one on the screen.

"The situation is urgent, so I asked you to return to the Water Building as quickly as possible. I also saw the scene that happened at the hearing just now. I have to say that the super terrorist has reached the point of being unscrupulous. He actually Dare to start a massacre in front of Vice President Walter, Jervis!"

Edgar's acting skills are as good as Victoria's. It cannot be said to be natural, but at least it is impeccable.

Xia Shang glanced at the staff holding live broadcast equipment and understood that this was a show carefully arranged by Edgar.

"What did those super terrorists want to do? Not only did they dare to kill even the committee members! They even killed Dr. John Vogel! He wanted to pour dirty water on Walter and make the people mistakenly think that all this was Walter. The conspiracy! It's simply ulterior motives. How do you think Walter should explain it?" Edgar said with a dark face and gold-rimmed glasses.

His extremely angry expression is definitely not something that ordinary people can fake.

"I suspect that this is all caused by Xingguang. It is currently known that she secretly stole Compound No. 5 and sold it to terrorists. Perhaps it was she who controlled this massacre behind the scenes. You know, just the night before yesterday, a group of terrorists The elements, taking advantage of the absence of all the members of the Seven, secretly sneaked into the Watt Building and rescued Starlight. This is an ironclad fact."

Xia Shang said calmly.

It has always been Walter's fine tradition to pass the blame, and he also knew very well what answer Edgar wanted.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Edgar fell into silence.

After a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "I am incompetent as President of Walter. If Madeline had been prevented from incorporating Starlight into the Seven before she was alive, perhaps such a tragedy would not have been discovered. As Walter International CEO..."

Edgar stood up, put his right arm across his abdomen, bowed deeply to the camera and said: "I solemnly apologize to everyone, and promise to find Xingguang in the shortest time, and then I will personally take her to the court. .”

In the live broadcast room, netizens who were originally doubtful about this matter were a little confused at the moment. Seeing such a sincere President Walter, they couldn't help but doubt themselves. Could it be that their conspiracy theory was wrong?

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